or now 25 lb wt loss, but regardless of which you choose, I have started a chronicle of my health journey over the past 10+ months. While I will probably/hopefully, smiles, regain my senses before submitting it for publication, I’m including the bit on the HealthUnlocked forum at the end of this post.
As a newbie to CKD and this HealthUnlocked forum, I read with keen interest the recent question posed by EchoMax and each of the responses that followed.
Because of this forum, I am learning how to become a patient advocate. Had I initially been given the CT abdominal scan instead of the less invasive, radiation free, Ultra Sound, the Diverticulitis might well have been revealed at the onset. However, without the Ultra Sound and mention of renal disease, I wouldn’t have received the Stage 3 CKD diagnosis. So eventually, it all worked to my long term benefit.
Here’s the 1st draft of the chronicle on the forum discovery:
“As a newbie to CKD, I immediately researched more about this irreversible disease and the importance of following an individually tailored renal diet.
Because I enjoy two luxuries that most hard working adult Americans do not have, I can use my unstructured time in retirement to research. I also am blessed with great health insurance coverage which far too many Americans lack.
By far, the most valuable result of the multitude of hours spent researching was the eventual discovery of the online CKD support forum that has made a life changing improvement in learning how to manage this diagnosis.
The Health Unlocked forum of knowledgeable CKD patients makes no diagnoses;
encourages all to consult with medical teams before making any big changes and the members are masterful at living their best lives while in all stages of CKD.
This is where I learned the importance of becoming a patient advocate and participant in managing not only my new CKD diagnosis but also doing research on understanding lab and other test results as well as effects of medications on this as well as other specific chronic conditions. The importance of following an appropriate diet for chronic conditions, especially that for CKD cannot be stressed strongly enough.”
Just my 2 cents but sincerely offered. Best to all.