Trying to increase my gfr im going for vegan diet any ideas what safe to eat for kidney any supplements and what food to avoid? Thank u
Trying to increase gfr: Trying to increase my... - Kidney Disease
Trying to increase gfr
Let your Doctor know and see if you can find a CERTIFIED renal dietician, and get on the internet. There is a world of information. A month ago, I started this route too. TVP and tofu work magic for me. Don't add any supplements without asking your PCP.
Try joining natural kidney journey a Facebook group they have foods to eat and recipes
Consult your doctor before making any drastic adjustments to your diet.
You can learn more about plant-based diets and kidney health here:
A couple of suggestions: you can youtube Dr. Shivam Joshi, a board certified nephrologist, about his recommendations about a plant-based diet. Excellent websites which have CKD links are nutrition and As a donor, I have redoubled my health habits since donation a few years ago, and find a plant-based diet to be optimum.
You have kidney problems as a donor?
No. As expected, after donation, my creatinine went up and my GFR went down. My point was more aimed at the concept of the importance of doing everything possible as a donor to ensure lasting good health. There is a slight increase, for instance, of donors developing kidney issues themselves compared to the general population, so being vigilant re: nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, community and purpose are even more of a priority.
I caution anyone with CKD to let their Doctor or dietitian know of any change to their diet. It can be complex depending on results of blood work.
Just finished reading "Plant-fed Kidneys" by Jennifer Moore, RD. Convincing evidence that Vegan is the way to go. For one thing, plant protein is 50% easier on the kidneys than meat protein. This book is available on for $14.99 ($7.99 in Kindle format).