So much has happened since March.
I had been battling an undefined autoimmune disease for almost 9 years. Finally, on March 6, 2019 I was able to find a specialist that knew what I was suffering from (anca positive vasculitis). I was also told on this day that my BP was very elevated. Blood tests also showed that my GFR was at 53, my creatinine level was 1.28, and I had protein in my urine. It was a total shock being told I had Stage 3A CKD. The next day I was admitted to the hospital in order to lower my BP so they could do a kidney biopsy. The biopsy revealed little damage to my kidneys.
Since then my GFR has fluctuated from 50-60. My tests from 3 days ago revealed that my GFR is at 58, creatinine is at 1.12, and my urine was negative for protein. I also set up an appointment to see a nutritionist for tips on a kidney friendly eating plan, as well as ways to help lower my BP.
My nephrologists don't seem to be too concerned with my numbers at this point in time. They are more concerned with lowering my BP and monitoring my levels.
My main concern at this point in time is the fact that my boyfriend and I would like to start trying to conceive our first child within the next year. I am 28 and he is 35. Our primary focus used to be having all of our financial and career goals achieved beforehand. Now we find ourselves more concerned about my health allowing us to start trying.
I spoke with my nephrologists about my desire to start family planning and was advised (rather rudely) that I should not even be thinking about this until I've had 2 years of treatment. My main concern is the fact that my kidney function could drop significantly in 2 years... there's no real way of knowing. So we could wait and then be in a worse boat than we are in now.
I guess my main goal in posting this is hearing stories from others that were diagnosed with CKD before having children. What were your results? Did pregnancy have a large impact on your kidney function? What were your doctor's suggestions?
Thank you in advance for any replies.