Who has taken one? Did it come back normal? Did you have other CKD symptoms?
24 hour creatinine clearance: Who has taken... - Kidney Disease
24 hour creatinine clearance
I was diagnosed with PKD at age 24, so over the period of about 21 years, I did several 24 hour creatinine clearance tests. I didn’t do one each year. That was one way that my PCP monitored my kidney function. It wasn’t until I was 45 years old that my PCP informed me that there had been a sharp decline in my kidney function. That was when I started going to see my nephrologist on a regular basis. I had NO symptoms.
The only symptom I ever experienced was fatigue, but that didn’t really start until my eGFR was about 20 (age 48) when I was referred for a transplant. I received a transplant at age 49 (eGFR 9) from a living donor - my husband. Your journey may be very different from mine, please consult your physician to ask questions specific to your medical condition. It is my understanding that the progression of kidney disease is not the same for everyone and that the underlying reason for CKD greatly affects the progression of the disease. Best wishes.