Hello all,
Does anyone know if drinking too much water can cause low urine creatinine? I searched the net and the only explanation was kidney disease.
Hello all,
Does anyone know if drinking too much water can cause low urine creatinine? I searched the net and the only explanation was kidney disease.
That's the reasoning I got from my Nephrologist. The fact that I drink so much water causes low creatinine in the urine which would seem to make sense.
Creatinine is just a markere. Low urine creatinine means that your kidneys are not functioning properly or you are not moving around a lot or eating meat. Trying to lower it in the blood, by diluting it with water is a waste of time. Your end game is still the same.
Yes, drinking lots of water will lower creatinine. As kidneys begin to fail, creatinine goes up and, after a certain point, dialysis is recommended in concert with other labs. After my husband's kidney transplant, the team gathered around to celebrate the dramatic drop in his creatinine values. Throughout, he was urged to drink lots of water, which he continues to do. If he doesn't, the creatinine numbers are higher and his immunosuppressant meds are strengthened. Of course, if the values go extremely low, then there may be other issues at play - not enough protein in diet, liver issues, etc. Throughout, as others have said, creatinine doesn't fix or ruin kidneys, it's a marker or indicator of the status quo. Embrace your doctor's statements.
Thank you Darlenia but I think you are talking about serum/ blood creatinine. My question was about low urine creatinine - do you know anything about that?
Works the same way way - one simply tests creatinine in the blood, the other in the urine. As my husband moved towards kidney failure, blood creatinine became the method of choice and this continues today. (In kidney failure, some produce no urine at all.) Anyway, with both types of tests, higher than normal levels can indicate poor kidney performance. Whether creatinine is extracted from urine or blood, water consumption can influence outcomes. Both tests are markers only...like road signs. Creatinine doesn't "do" anything to the body, it's waste left in the urine or blood that kidneys didn't manage to filter out. The more waste, the higher the numbers. Drinking lots of water lowers creatinine in both urine and blood.
Pls read article by nhs research team on the internet Just search for baking soda and on this a trial on baking soda on 334 patients and it proved that it helps solve the greatenine , kidney stones and even no need for dialysis, pls be part of this to protect ur kidneys.
Just read the article for this recipe which has been used for over 2000 years ,
Hospitals stated to give to patients and things are good and two weeks ago I showed to a friend who came back to me after using it hugged me to say thanks as he started going to toilet since then
It can help prevent certain types of kidney stones, but not all. It may help delay kidney function decline depending upon stage of CKD but it will not cure CKD and will not reverse kidney failure (dialysis).
It can assist in preserving renal function for some but not all. Please use all due diligence and discretion, most importantly discuss with your doctor. Blessings