i’m 69 y/o male, diabetic and hypertensive but under control. I used to have normal creatinine level. My last tests were in Oct ‘22 @90, then in Jan’23@103, in Apr’23@111, and just today May30@121…My Nephro changed my metformin to Forxiga since Nov’22. I am not into salty food and red meat..I have to see my Nephro this week. Can you share your thoughts for those with the same case? Godbless🙏
increasing creatinine level: i’m 69 y/o male... - Kidney Disease
increasing creatinine level
So your creat level is now range (link below)?If willing, you can manage CKD just with appropriate nutrition and wellbeing but it should be personalised eg via a qualified Nutritional Therapist specialising in renal. Others on here may share their personal diets.
While you're looking at the renal diet, make sure you're also following your diabetes diet. Glucose narrows and stiffens the vessels in your kidneys (and elsewhere) damaging them - that's the culprit. A very good dietician will be able to work with both diets.
Actually I don't think of renal diets per se, it's really a healthy diet that's personalised by a Nutritional Therapist. Adopting one, my mum has not only considerably improved CKD markers but been able to wean off a BP drug and there's early indications that her fasting blood glucose, at least, is improving.
Sorry - I can't recommend dieticians because:
1. I've had personal, bad experience.
2. The controlling body has vested interests.
Good hearing from you! Lol, I accidently sent my reply to you instead of Mondoll. I must say my hubby (and I) are completely in your corner re dieticians. Ours was completely out of sorts too.
My Nephro stopped my Farxiga and changed it to Metformin 500, 3x a day, for a month already, with a lot of prayers…. Had my lab yesterday, lo and behold!….my creatinine was down from 121 to 64 !!!….I could not believe at first, i thought it was a mistake…I really thank and praise God for this! Our Great Healer🙏