I did a urine test today and they say there's a tiny bit of blood in the urine or red blood cells I'm not sure where that means
Bubbles when I pee: I did a urine test today... - Kidney Disease
Bubbles when I pee

To be quite honest, blood in the urine/red blood cells in the urine could mean a plethora of things. Did they give you any sort of context? Personally, I've had blood in my urine samples due to having an underlying urinary tract infection, due to the progression of my CKD, and just because some decided to show up and nothing was wrong. It could mean nothing, but following up with your nephrologist would be benefitial to ensure that no further testing is required. When in doubt, trust your gut! If you feel that you need further testing for peace of mind, don't be afraid to advocate for it. Good luck!
I made an appointment to do a CT scan and made appointment to see a urologist I will see what happens I guess it could be a number of things

HI Truck,
Yes, it could be anything or nothing. However, It was the first thing that happened to me WAY before I was officially diagnosed with CKD. It was from the medications I was on.They were actually harming my kidneys. They did not take me off of them and hence I ended up with damaged kidneys. Not trying to frighten you. Just be sure to have them check out everything, including the medications you are on. I was on Advil and steroids. I was also on blood thinners and that is what they said was the issue.... but it wasn't.
Let us know how you make out with you labs and tests.
The bubbles and the blood were my systems for stage 4 chronic kidney disease I would rush to a nephrologist
my urine tests came back very tiny blood cells
I had blood in my urine when I was first diagnosed with CKD. In my case it meant I had very high (uncontrolled) blood pressure which was doing damage to my kidneys. I spent a week in the hospital getting my blood pressure down.
Typically bubbles in your urine means too much protein. Protein since it’s important for the body is typically passed back into the blood stream, but when your kidneys start to degrade protein leaks into the urine causing it to be foamy/bubbly. Go see a nephrologist to check your percent of function.
Also, there’s an obsession in our culture of PROTEIN. You see everything now with big banners of XXg of Protein on items in the store. Too much protein, especially animal protein is hard on the kidneys.

The best thing for you to do is to ask your doctor these questions. None of us are medical professionals and can only speak from our own experience.
I never had bubbles in my urine but doesn't mean you have CKD.
Red blood cells in your urine, as others have said, could mean a lot of things. Did you exercise before having this urine test? That can cause it, and so can dehydration, a kidney stone, obstruction and the main cause a UTI
You should call your doctor and see about more testing - another urine test and blood to see if your creatinine or GFR are being affected. Another urine test could rule out a UTI.
I had CKD for 7 years after being diagnosed and am now 19+ years post transplant and living well!
Agree with others. There is no way for any of us to diagnose and even the doctors may not be able to tell you. Blood in urine is called hematuria. If you can see it with your eyes it's called gross hematuria. If you can't see it with your eyes, it's called microscopic hematuria. I've had microscopic hematuria for 6 years now with two incidents of gross hematuria. I was sent to a urologist and had many tests done. He said some people have slight bleeding their whole lives and itsnothung to be too concerned about if the tests aren't showing anything. Nothing was ever determined.
I was finally sent to a nephrologist after a year or so. After a year or so from that I developed protein in my urine and did a biopsy and it was determined I had a specific type of CKD called IGA Nephropathy. My nephrologist did not seem concerned about it. The protein leak was another story and I was put on Lisinopril to stop that. Even though my protein is no longer a problem, I still have hematuria and was told I probably will always have it.
Each of us is different and normal for one person could be a concern for another. Ask your nephrologist and see if more testing should be done or if you should be sent to a urologist to rule our any urinary tract issues.
thank you have a wonderful day