What does 3 b mean ? I to first Renal appointment this Wednesday Dr's. say my kidney function is down and I have a kidney injury, I am 75 with lots of other heaalth conditions.
Newbie: What does 3 b mean ? I to first... - Kidney Disease
Stage 3b means that there is a moderate to severe lost in your kidney function. In some cases, you can keep the disease from progressing with a well balance diet and treating the underline cause of it: kidney.org/atoz/content/gfr
I am 77 and was diagnosed at 3b when 75 also. It too was a shock to hear I had CKD. My Doctor prescribed renal diet and exercise routine. With some required diet modification I am able to slow down the progress of the disease. Age factor also plays into my prescribed treatment. The goal is to stay off dialysis as long as possible. You have come to a good forum for support and information. Being pro-active and gaining knowledge I find are important also.
I am 72 and been diagnosed as Stage 3b also and would love to get an idea of what you would eat on a daily basis.. is it mostly fruits and vegetables and do you ever eat cookies or cake or icecream or do you think that is definitely a no-no.I am presently reading a book by Lee Hull who suggests we never eat any meat and wondering if anyone is off meat completely and what about pizza occasionally..thanks
Hi Mingle: To answer your question. My prescribed diet also takes in other medical considerations such as sugar, cholesterol etc.
Basically my diet is 6 servings of 1 oz of meat or meat substitute (includes cheese). 2 servings of vegetables (no beans) of 1/2 cup, 5 to 6 servings of fruit (vary in size), 1 serving of dairy, such as milk or yogurt, 5-6 servings of grain and starch group. My diet is restrictive on phosphorus, sodium, and potassium.
Best that you check with your Doctor or dietitian for the appropriate diet and/or supplements for you.