Been on dialysis for over a year. One transplant list for year. This is a great idea; thought about doing a page on FB for dialysis patients.
Been on dialysis for over a year. One transplant list for year. This is a great idea; thought about doing a page on FB for dialysis patients.
Several issues ago, I read in "The Week" magazine about a transplant recipient who got a kidney by wearing a T-shirt stating: "I need a kidney."
Yes, Dixidude is right...it even made the news on TV. He had a t-shirt made stating his blood type and that he needed a kidney. Was at Disney with his family and a donor came forward. hey whatever works!
We have a communities specifically for dialysis and transplant you may be interested in: healthunlocked.com/nkf-dial...
Also, for tips on finding a living donor visit: kidney.org/transplantation/... and look under the Big Ask section.
I was in a group on FB for PD patients, and I know there were other groups already formed relating to CKD, dialysis and kidney problems.