i was wondering if they tell you you re not a candidate for a transplant is there a time limit you can be on dialysis or can insurance put a limit on it?
dialysis question?: i was wondering if they... - Kidney Disease
dialysis question?

NO...There is no limit. And they can't tell you that you can only do one kind of dialysis. And for the most part, it is paid for by Medicare if you are on it. If not, get a broker to help with getting you a plan that is best for renal patients.
My doctor told me that when you start dializing the average life expectancy. If you don't get a kidney or anything it's five years.
in addition to Medicare, which covers 80% of dialysis costs, many supplemental insurance policies (medigap or bridger policies) will pay the majority of the remaining 20% of the cost.
I haven’t checked annual cost for dialysis recently but about 3 years ago it was close to $100,000 a year. So, 20% of that would be about $20,000 annually out of pocket. I had figured that even if my supplemental policy ran me about $350 a month I’d still be ahead financially to buy the supplemental policy which would not only cover the remaining dialysis costs but also most other medical expenses I might encounter annually.
I believe several here would disagree with the 5 years comment…do docs really think that’s a positive way to dispense patient care…I would imagine Kidney Coach would disagree with the 5 year comment…I am all for “realistic expectations” but when the specialist who is SUPPOSED to help make a plan of wholistic care for your specific chronic illness just throws out that kind of hope killing comment, I’d walk out of the examine…or roll out as would be the case for me…true the first 6 months of dialysis the CVD risks go way up but that’s not a productive mind-set to start this new cycle of care…I’m amazed how some of these supposed “most educated” caretakers loose perspective over their careers…shame on that doc!