I started eating healthier few months ago losing almost 3st. My diet is based on low far meat and less snacks (chocolate,crisps etc). I lost motivation to keep going. I started eating more sweets (I am a completely chocolate lover) and even though I haven't gained it has knocked down my confidence in getting to healthy weight (another 3st to lose). I also noticed I lack energy badly. I come home from work, have dinner and I nap on the sofa. Sometimes half hour but usually it is at least an hour. I feel drained at all times. I promised myself that I would lose 3st and then the last 3st I would do not only by carrying on with my healthier habits but also by exercising but that never happened. I am the same weight I was in January and I can't seem to find motivation to lose the last 3st. Anyone gone through it and beat it? I appreciate any tips (apart from eat more veg or do fasting). Thanks!
Hello and a very warm welcome to the Weight Loss Forum Hidden
If you haven’t already then please read the Welcome Message (in your inbox) and follow the link to Pinned Posts. In case you missed it here’s the link again here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... Please read it carefully so you can find all the information you need to find your way around the forum.
With regards to finding a sustainable eating plan, the most successful one is the one you can stick to long term, without it feeling like a diet. Personally, I have reintroduced some fat to my eating as it made it more pleasant and I felt healthier, fat is an essential nutrient and very good for keeping you full see here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... I also found it helped with the sugar cravings I would have in the afternoons.
With regards to tiredness, this doesn’t sound right, if you’ve lost weight you would expect to feel healthier and more energised, so I would try to speak to your GP about a blood test, it could be anaemia, or your thyroid or low Vitamin D . . . Definitely worth checking
As a peer to peer support group we rely totally upon mutual encouragement. Nothing beats joining in, reading posts and replying to others. Our Group Weigh-in and the Daily Diary are probably the best places to start
Thank you for such speedy reply and a warm welcome.
I thought I'd feel healthier and more energised but I don't. I felt great during the first 6 months of healthy eating but now it has gone downhill like it was before. Due to the pandemic no gp will see me so I have to wait till the nightmare is over. I did think of booking an appointment but whenever I go I always feel like I'm exaggerating and I am always told it's because I'm either lazy or I don't get enough sleep. I'm just sick and tired of this horrible feeling.
I shall have a look at the posts you linked once I get home from work.
I'm confused about your GP. My GP is doing phone and video appointments only (in office follow ups if necessary) and I can literally book an appointment from 10 slots tomorrow. Typically there is no appointments available for the next two weeks in normal time.
If they aren't doing phone appointments, what are they doing with their time?
Oh they're doing phone call appointments but they also prioritise people who have physical issues unless you have a history of mental health issues. I phoned them before and they had no slots unfortunately.
Keep trying, and don’t put on a stiff upper lip, emphasis how rotten you feel, how you’ve been eating healthily and exercising and sleeping well but it’s making no difference. GPs need to be cautious with COVID but it’s no excuse for not seeing people who need seeing. Fingers crossed 🤞
I have found that eating sugar and unrefined carbs like white bread and pasta is very draining, and have more energy since I cut those out. What I will also say from experience, is that stress is very exhausting. COVID19 has changed everyone's lives and I have found it very difficult to get up in the morning. There was a point in my life when things were extra hard and I just wanted to go to sleep at 7pm every night. My doctor suggested a coffee at 5pm , which helped me power through to a more sensible bedtime -it might not be the right approach for everyone, but it helped me.
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Thank you for your reply. I don't eat white bread anymore, pasta is something I have every now and then. My diet consists of wholemeal bread, sweetener, flavoured water, very few veg and only when I fancy them, some fruit and sweets every now and then. I am not sure where I am going wrong but I have no physical energy.
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Well i just shared my experience but clearly not so relevant to you.... Anaemia & pernicious anaemia (shortage of iron & b12 respectively) also can cause lack of energy. Both can be easily addressed. Doctors also consider depression as a cause for loss of energy - but I am ABSOLUTELY NOT saying that’s applicable to you, it just might come up in any discussion with a dr.
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To be fair I went to doctors some years ago with suspected depression (my own diagnosis if you like) but I got fobbed off. I was told to find a hobby. I will definitely book an appointment as soon as COVID19 goes away. I do think and feel that something isn't right. I can't explain it but I know myself, my mind and my body and I can feel something's up. I appreciate you sharing your experience and to be fair I find it very helpful. Thank you. With anaemia, I thought it only affected slim people? I must educate myself. Thanks again.
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Anaemia can affect people regardless of their fat stores. It’s ability to absorb and retain those specific nutrients from food. People can bag you about eating iron rich foods but if you caNr absorb them from those sources, you can’t. I certainly had anaemia when I was medically overweight. I hope you get the right help. Xx
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Oh, I didn't know that. I have PCOS and that's the only condition I have ever been diagnosed with. Thank you very much. I will read about anaemia. I really appreciate it.
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PS I had a thyroid test with Medichecks, and I am sure they do iron etc too. The kit comes in the post, you stab your finger, and post it off. It does cost obviously but its a way of getting past a GP bottleneck
I'm new to this group and have just started my weight loss journey this week.
Massive congratulations on losing 3st on your own, that's really impressive. I'm also useless at sticking with exercise but I've been trying to get into a routine of walking every (weekday) morning. I'm currently furloughed from work so I'm trying to get out of bed at my normal time and go for a walk whilst it's still a bit cooler. Its helping me to get moving/motivated in the morning, otherwise I'd stay in bed 'til midday! I'm also hoping that it will be part of my routine by the time I get back to work so I'll be able to stick with it, fingers crossed.
You say you've not started exercising at all. What takes your fancy and can be built into your current schedule? Sometimes making that first step is the hardest but it does get easier. I found it really hard to motivate myself for the first few weeks but now I enjoy my walks and miss them if I skip a day.
I've also found it helpful to keep a log of when I exercise, just a simple tick on the calendar (there are apps for this - Goal Tracker is the one I use). Seeing those daily ticks build up feels good!
Best of luck, don't give up hope as you've come so far.
Thank you for your reply. I haven't lost 3st on my own as such (I used SW) however, I did things my way if that makes sense. I stopped going to sw groups as I found them to be about the same thing every time and I felt like I've learnt what I needed to know. I carried on with healthier eating (although I started snacking more).
Well, I did try exercising. I started going to fitness classes but I only managed to go 3 times before lock down happened. I tried exercising at home and I was doing well until I got sick. Since then I just can't get my arse off the sofa and just do it. I have ordered some elastic bands to help me exercise. I hope this will be the thing that will make me want to do it daily. So far all I do is walk my dog every morning and evening.
I want to go the gym (once they reopen) but the fear of exercising in front of other people fills me up with dread and anxiety.
Well done for getting out with your dog every day. That's good exercise in itself. I don't particularly like exercise classes with others either. I did join a gym once and went swimming a few times a week as well as using the gym equipment but I personally find them quite cliquey, especially if you're on your own. I'm not the most social person so found it quite hard.
I've had the Couch to 5K app on my phone for about 18months but haven't used it yet, think that's a lost cause!
I'm also a SW veteran and lost quite well with them, even getting to my goal weight but here I am, 4st heavier and back to square one.
I always wanted to be one of those women who come home from work, cook and then do exercises. I come home, cook and then nap. That's what I do. If I don't nap I end up with a headache and I'm grumpy as hell. I am 33 not 93. I should be going for a jog or exercising in the garden. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I liked slimming world because it showed me what I was doing wrong however, after few months I didn't find it useful at all and the reaction I got from people when I said I don't drink alcohol and I hate cheese. I heard all the whispering and it put me off to be fair. I have maintained the same weight since January (since leaving SW) but I am still 3st too heavy or should I say I am still very uncomfortable in my body.
I believe you can get to whatever your goal is and I will be keeping my fingers crossed you'll find your way x
Just a small suggestion but I’ve always found doing exercise first, then cooking works better for me. For some reason the exercise (I never do more than 30mins) dulls my appetite so I don’t mind eating slightly later, and then after you’ve eaten you can nap 😊
I don’t eat from the moment I have breakfast (7am) until I get home at 3pm. By the time I cook and sit down to eat it’s anywhere between 4 and 5:30pm. By that time I’m starving. If I exercised I’d end up with horrible headache. I normally don’t eat anything after dinner cause I feel fine till the morning. I always wake up very hungry so I never leave house until I’ve had breakfast (apart from walking the dog, I walk her and then eat).
Wow you have such a long day without your lunch. I really hope you can get some good advice and guidance here to help you find a path that works for you 😊
Hi Pixianna, I've just seen you say you have PCOS. You'll need a complete rethink about your way of eating, along these lines - very different from SW. The good news is you won't need to count calories or anything else.
I hope you don't get overwhelmed with all the information. Take your time reading and watching and come back with any questions. For weight loss with PCOS you do need the right approach, not just calorie cutting.
I agree with the others about getting your tiredness checked out for anaemia or any other underlying cause.
SW was the only thing that actually helped me lose weight. I’ve been obese since I had my son 9 years ago. I used to be very slim but since then and previous marriage in which my ex used to hide food from me and take my money so I wouldn’t it made me feel like now I need to make up for it. Hope that makes sense.
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone• in reply to
You certainly need to be kind and good to yourself.
Have a look at the information about PCOS. It explains the whole thing about hormones and how they are affected by what we eat
I just watched the video and read the article. Both very interesting. I’m not sure about the low carb diet though. Every diet mentions eggs which I can’t eat as they make me violently sick and give me stomachache from hell. I need to have a closer look at it all. Perhaps I’m doing it wrong but not having help from my gp isn’t great. What’s on internet isn’t always true and it’s full of contradictory information so I must tread carefully. What I’m afraid of is that what if the diet that I should be on makes me unhappy? Like sw syns. Hated that system.
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone• in reply to
You and me are opposites: I love eggs! They're not necessary, though. Have a look at the diet doctor and carbdodging websites and see if there's anything you fancy. But you're right, you have to have food you enjoy otherwise you can't stick to it
Oh don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love eggs but they make me sick. I used to eat a lot of eggs and stick to my size 6/8 but for the last 15 years they’ve been making me sick. I don’t know why. Doctors disregarded it saying there’s no such thing as egg intolerance but there is and it’s happening to more people. I will have a look and try to make some plans. Thank you so much for your help. I don’t know where to start so I might come back to you for little nudge in the right direction.
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone• in reply to
Take your time. You've made a great start with that 3 stones off so I'm sure you'll find the way forward
Just one quick question. I just googled low carb diet and Atkins diet keeps coming up. Do you have any experience or know someone who’s tried it?
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone• in reply to
There are plenty of forum members who follow a low carb plan. As I understand it, Atkins put a heavy emphasis on protein which isn't the current thinking. Atkins has also been demonised and mis-reported by interests who want to maintain their hold on what we eat, particularly manufactured 'foods'.
Really, it comes down to whole food, home cooked, plenty of veg, enough protein, not avoiding fat (so eating full fat dairy and using butter and olive or coconut oil for cooking), a little fruit, reducing the starches and grains which turn to sugar in the bloodstream. Eating when hungry and stopping when not, which for many people (but not all) means having two meals a day rather than three. The reduced sugar/starch tends to reduce cravings and the increased fats tends to keep you feeling fuller so it's a comfortable and satisfying way of eating.
I think this is a good introduction dietdoctor.com/low-carb There's no need to pay for anything from this site
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I eat low carb and don’t eat eggs. They have always made me physically sick, even as a small child. So sorry about your terrible situation with your ex. I hope you got the right support. Makes it even more outrageous that your doctor told you to take up a hobby when you were being coerced at home! Xxxx
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Can I ask how the low carb diet works out for you and what do your daily meals consist of roughly? I would really appreciate some insight. It's one thing reading articles but another speaking to someone who has experienced it.
Oh there's a lot more to the story with my ex. Story that was supposed to end but I still suffer the consequences even though we split up 8 years ago. He's a horrible man but we share a child together so unfortunately he's around.
Pixianna, why don't you log onto the daily diary? There are many that are following a low carb way of eating, so you could pick up some good ideas healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
I've been following a low carb way of eating for 5 years now and although I do eat eggs, there are meals/recipes of mine on my profile that don't contain eggs.
I'm not sure if hypothyroidism has been mentioned before, but if not, or even if you've been told you're 'normal' I would strongly advise joining the Thyroid UK forum for advice healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk
Thank you. I have joined all forums. I will have a look at them when I get home.
I have had suspicions of thyroid playing up (overactive I think it was) and I had blood test. One blood test come up with I do have it but my gp requested another blood test as confirmation and it came back normal. Confuses the hell out out of me.
It sounds to me as if you may have Hashimoto's, which is a form of hypothyroidism, but can have periods of overactivity. I'm not an expert, but the members of TUK are and will be able to help you.
Ask for copies of any blood tests that you have (you're legally entitled to them in the UK) and post them on the forum. Being told they're 'normal' is common and incorrect. Nobody knows what your normal is and you need to be optimal. If you've had a test that shows an abnormality, then something's wrong.
Don't delay, phone your surgery and say you'll be in tomorrow morning to pick up your blood test results, or set up online access, if you can.
I did consider that and I did mention it to my gp but yet again I was told I am overreacting. Like I said in one of my replied before, I can feel something is wrong but I can't tell if it's physical, mental or both but I just know something is up. I do have an online access but I can't see any results. I believe I have to request them and have a reason to do so. I will call my gp and request a call back and tell them everything I basically have been writing to you guys. Maybe this time I will speak to someone who actually cares.
Don't mention getting advice online, or you'll be poo pooed! Just state that you wish your blood test results, as is your legal right and you do not need to give your reason.
If you post on the forum now, they'll be able to give you a link to the appropriate paper to refer to.
If you tell the TUK forum members everything that you've told us, they'll give you the best possible advice.
It's not so much that GP's don't care, they just don't know better. Training and guidelines are sorely lacking.
I'd say some of them don't care because surely you'd try to help if you could even if it meant doing research. That's what they are there for and that is what my taxes pay for as well. I never feel like I am being taken seriously and saying 'get a hobby' or 'you're overreacting' to me is definitely a sign on not caring. If my gp said hmm I am not sure what is up, I will do research and call you- I'd be so happy with that answer.
I do believe some don't care, some are too arrogant to believe they could be wrong, some don't have the intelligence to question what they've been taught and some are just too scared to go against the guidelines.
Go to the people that know best and that are working toward making changes Thyroid UK.
They're a great bunch of people, so I'm sure you'll get the answers you need
Well Hidden i am not sure I am the poster child of low carb eating but I will share what I eat. Look out for Subtle_badger who has amazing low carb food ideas.
Breakfast - berries, seeds (sometimes soaked overnight), chia, linseed, pumpkin, sunflower, & Greek yoghurt. Occasionally I do a cooked breakfast of bacon & high meat content sausages (both Tesco & Waitrose do 97% pork), or avocado/coconut flour pancakes (I can cope with the egg in those)
Lunch - tuna salad with olives, avocado & lots of olive oil to fill me up, or fried cabbage & bacon, sometimes keto seed crackers with cheese if I am in a rush
Supper - we eat the same things a lot... fried minced beef with spices, onion, red pepper, tomato paste - it becomes a sort of fajita mix, with cabbage, leeks or roasted cauliflower (I do not count the carbs in those veg). Or chicken roasted wrapped in bacon, or marinaded in Greek yoghurt with spices. Also with the roasted cauli & broccoli. Sometimes keto meat loaf (mince beef, mozzarella, cream, herbs). Maybe once a week we have a more carby supper, like roasted butternut squash with feta and pesto, or cauliflower cheese - all the milk in the sauce is quite carby. We’ve got a bit sick of roasted cauliflower so eating roasted Mediterranean vegetables a bit now, but they are more expensive - and I feel I am spending a lot on meat as eats a lot of meat. Sometimes we have berries and cream as a pudding - maybe once a fortnight.
For snacks I tend to eat almonds but have to be careful I don’t eat too many, ditto pieces of cheese
I had a couple of months when I poured double cream down my throat at all opportunities, but have nipped that in the bud.
I have lost enough weight to be healthy, and I no longer have the wild hunger I used to. I feel better in myself and a lot less tired. I can wear my jeans again & be seen in public in my gym kit. I recently announced I was ‘there’ and ready to maintain - see post below. However there’s a little voice in my head that asks if i would put a pic up of me in a bikini. Well no. But I am just concentrating on keeping eating low carb and learning to distinguish true hunger feelings.
Continued commiserations about your ex. I was married to a sociopath, which was horrific, but happily (strangely) he abandoned me & our 11 week old baby, and disowned the baby so I no longer have to have any contact with him. He didn’t pretend the baby was not his, but he said his role as sperm donor was done! So I really feel for you with continued contact. Xx
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Wow! That is quite a menu you got there. I don't know how people can live without potatoes and pasta. I have potatoes once/twice a week and same with pasta. I can't live without them. Swapping white bread for wholemeal was a nightmare to me. I had to find wholemeal bread I somewhat enjoy. I only enjoy it toasted but yeah. Reading more about low carb diet I am actually wondering if I want to do it. The last thing I want is get into a diet that will make me constantly annoyed because there's so much I can't have.
I just looked at your picture and you look great! I'd pay to look like you. Well done!
Yeah,my ex isn't going anywhere for now but soon enough my 9 year old boy will see his dad for what he really is and I hope he will not bother with him. He has a great stepdad who's million times better.
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Likewise. Great step dad here!
Thank you for the kind words about how I look now!
Can you live without pasta & potatoes? Well. I didn’t think I could live without spelt & rye bread or quinoa - I was a whole food nut. But here we are. I am not cutting out carbs for the rest of my life, I just don’t eat them today, and then I don’t eat them tomorrow. Apart from actually feeling much better in myself on this diet (and that may not work out for everyone), I find like being thinner more than I liked carbs.
There are lots of things I don’t now, but I find I do not WANT to eat them now. My taste has changed. I am as attracted to the cake counter as a display of power drills - just has no interest for me anymore. We got rice with an Indian take away as a rare carb treat, but in the end I did not eat it because I did not want it.
I get where you're coming from but having given up so much during my time with sw I just don't think I am ready (mentally and physically) to give up more at the moment. I am very picky if it comes to my food however, I always cook healthy and from scratch with a once month takeaway treat. I don't drink alcohol, I hate cheese but I love chocolate so there's always an enemy in my diet. I am always tired and always hungry. I always have big breakfast and big dinner and within half hour I can eat more. I don't but I can.
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Well. You have to be ready for a change. Maybe you aren’t in the place right now. My own healthy eating has definitely been a staircase of making a few changes when I was ready, & consolidating on them, then tackling the next thing when I was ready.
However, you won’t ever know if it’s the chocolate, pasta & potatoes making you tired, until you try a few weeks without them 🤔
Best wishes - so much for you to think about here!
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