Slave to Slimmingworld : This is my... - Weight Loss Support

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Slave to Slimmingworld

charlmac profile image
41 Replies

This is my first post, so bare with! I’m interested to know if anyone else feels like me. I’ve done SW on and off for the last 10 years, never got to target but have lost almost 2 stone in my most successful phase (but then put almost all of it back on). I like the plan most of the time but find group painfully boring and tedious, and really dislike the indoctrination of pushing certain foodstuffs like Frylight, muller lights etc etc etc. I feel a bit brainwashed! I love avacados but they are really high in syns which is crazy as we know how nutritious they are. It does encourage cooking from scratch however, which I’m totally on board with. I’d like to try and breakaway and have a go at good old fashioned calorie counting - I do a lot of exercise now (which isn’t really a big part of the SW philosophy) but I’m not seeing the results I’d like. Does anyone have any suggestions? MyFitnessPal for example? Thanks in advance from a rather frustrated SW zombie 🧟‍♀️

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charlmac profile image
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41 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, charlmac :)

Maybe you'd like to consider something completely different? and

Follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins and Daily Diary.

To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link

Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.

We ask that you also read this important information about internet privacy and security.

Wishing you all the best :)

charlmac profile image
charlmac in reply to moreless

Thanks! I’ll check them out 🙋🏻‍♀️

Slimforsummer profile image

Nhs 12 week diet plan available online very good. No food groups forbidden, simple home cooking with real foods including wholemeal carb, healthy natural fats in small amounts, lean meats, fish beans and eggs and making small changes each week to incorporate lots of vegetables . Very similar to Mediterranean and DASH diets which British Heart Foundation recommends. I have now lost 2 and half stone since last Feb and never felt hungry (greedy once or twice but not hungry) Good luck whatever dietary plan you follow.

Bluemustang profile image
Bluemustang in reply to Slimforsummer

Where can I get the NHS 12 week diet plan from? Thank you.

Slimforsummer profile image
SlimforsummerVisitor in reply to Bluemustang

Just put nhs 12 week diet plan into google. There is loads of info, tracker to tell u a range of calories to consume to use weight, meal planner ideas which you can adapt to your own needs, charts to record weekly weight loss and suggestions to help weight loss each week. Loads of people on health unlocked are successful with the nhs approach which is healthy, sustainable and cheap. Win, win. Try also searching for tips using the search facility above. I also visited my dr who said I could go on the gym referral scheme to support my weight loss and a nhs diet course which most areas run. The nhs diet course was the 12 week diet plan plus weekly exercise and talks on each food group and how they affect our health. Mainly by drinking less alcohol, cutting out added salt, moving more, reducing not entirely eliminating saturated fat, changing to wholemeal carbs, lean proteins and oily fish, upping veg, portion control (plates have got bigger and bigger) and changing to frozen berry desserts and lower fat yogurts - i reduced my blood pressure, normalised my cholesterol levels, normalised liver enzymes and blood sugars and very importantly lost weight easily in a sustainable manner of my choice. Good luck on your weight loss and healthy eating journey.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Bluemustang

Hello, Bluemustang, and welcome to the forum :)

Some members follow the 12 week plan, which involves counting calories, some focus on lowering carbs which doesn't involve counting anything, once you have the hang of which foods are high in carbs, others do various plans of their own. I would suggest having a browse around the forum and do some reading to decide what might suit you.

This is a busy forum so we've put all you need, including information about the 12 week plan, into this Welcome Newbie post

You might also be interested in finding out more about the low carb approach

I recommend joining a weekly weigh in on the day of your choice, and using the Daily Diary for meal planning and sharing ideas - all very sociable, just ask questions, join in chats, encourage others and you're away :)

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

You've said it yourself: you've been "doing" SW on and off for 10 years and you're not at a weight you're happy with and can sustain. I'd say it's goodbye to SW and it's negative words like "syns" and hello to eating real food, home cooked, avoiding processed stuff which includes anything labelled low fat or light or diet - all heavily processed.

Moreless has given you some very useful links. This time, you can turn the corner so take your time reading them and come back with any questions :)

charlmac profile image
charlmac in reply to BridgeGirl

Thanks for those words! I kind of know SW isn’t right for me but it’s become a habit - I’ll read all the info and hopefully it’ll lead me to a better alternative. Lovely! Thank you 😊

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to charlmac

Why not put the money you'd use on SW into a piggy bank and treat yourself (non-food treats, obviously :D ) as you reach your targets? You could add £1 for every 1 lb lost (or 1/2 kilo, if that's what you count).

Pick your day to join a weigh in: it's a great way of getting team support throughout your journey. And have a look at the Daily Diary where members post their meal plans: maybe have a browse and join in when you're ready.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hi, I was a slave to Weight Watchers, so much so that I counted in points and never really learnt calories. I lost five stone twice over the years but yes, you guessed it, got sick of being hungry and doing without so ended up putting it all back on !

I now do lchf and getting to enjoy foods I've been missing out on for years but more importantly, I'm no longer spending every day hungry. I hope you find something that works for you and that you're happy with :-) x

Fatgirlslim19 profile image

Hi! I did SW too so know what you mean! I lost motivation with it, but did bring some key points from it - remembering to eat at least a third of a plate of veg each meal, and cooking from scratch with real ingredients for example. But the push for low fat and sweeteners was not for me. I got fed up with cooking something for me that used too many fake things that I didn't want to feed my (then 2 and 7 year old) boys. Obviously once I felt like that it all fell apart!

I now use my fitness Pal to count calories which is working very well. On the flip side of that though, I don't like cooking with oil and MUCH prefer full fat yoghurt for example, which doesn't go down well with MFP 😣 soooo, Lytham-the-Persuader is gradually convincing me that Low Carb High Fat is the way forward. Currently, I'm doing a bit of both, and when I actually make some kind of plan, it works. I started with one carb free meal a day and then a carb free meal and a low carb one... But if you're looking to calorie count for now, then I heartily recommend MFP.

I hope my ramblings made sense and has helped a little bit!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Fatgirlslim19

That's what I did. Focused on the 'big' carbs (bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals) and cut them from one meal a day, then two, then three. It made me more imaginative and creative, and gave me the drive to try different foods and recipes

Bow666 profile image
Bow666 in reply to Fatgirlslim19

You said you don't like to cook with oil...vegetable and sunflower oil, i completely agree, and although sunflower oil is the better of the two...both are not good for you. Have you tried cooking with Lard, real butter or coconut oil? if not, i highly recommend giving it at least a try.

Fatgirlslim19 profile image
Fatgirlslim19 in reply to Bow666

Definitely, I love cooking with butter! One of my boys is vegetarian so I don't cook with lard, but I agree things do taste good that way!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Fatgirlslim19

Even cabbage tastes lush cooked in butter, yummm!

Lytham-The-Persuader ! :-) lol x

Fatgirlslim19 profile image
Fatgirlslim19 in reply to Lytham

Even cabbage?! 😆 Yes, that's your new name!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Fatgirlslim19

Ha ha ! Love it! Yes, try it ! :-) x

Jollywobblefluff profile image

I did slimming world for years just the same as you, I think aspects of what they preach is good but I think it breeds unhealthy habits. I think counting calories for a while after sw is really helpful, it helps you to just be able to eat what you want but stay in control, and learn how much you can eat of the things you like. The problem with calories is that it’s easy to get obsessed, so personally I couldn’t do it long term. I think the most important thing to losing weight long term, is figuring out what you can live with and changing really slowly, building habits and being really gentle and careful with how you think about food.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Jollywobblefluff

Good morning, Jollywobblefluff, and welcome to the forum :)

For me, tackling those 'big' carbohydrates was the game changer, as I said in my reply to Fatgirlslim, above. And realising that "a calorie is a calorie" is very misleading, as calories from different sources have very different effects on our bodies. You might find this interesting

This is a busy forum and we've put all you need to know to find your way around in this Welcome Newbies post I recommend joining a weekly weigh in - why not today? - and using the Daily Diary for meal planning and pinching ideas.

Take your time exploring, ask questions, join in chats (as you are doing :) ) and encourage others - it will all pay off for you :)

Hesel profile image

I have tried Sw on and off for years with mixed results. It works if you can stick to it and they do promote cooking from scratch and lots of veg. My main problem was the fact that I lost my sense of what a portion size looks like. When on the plan I ate a lot, both during meals and l also snacked a lot. when I got fed up and ate what I really liked, the weight went back on plus more. I wasn’t keen to count calories but have been using MFP for the last couple of weeks and I’m feeling really positive. I was shocked when I weighed out the recommended portions as i has been eating double the amount. I now feel that I have total choice of what I eat and fat is no longer the enemy.

I’ve done SW over the years and felt exactly the same! How are avocados a syn count / they need to revise the plan more towards LCHF - low carb high fat - it’s more effective and if I stick to that way I can lose weight far easier than on SW. Our indoctrination to Low Fat has screwed our health up and Muller must ADORE SW. I’ve been there but never succeeded with them. Carbs are what load the muffin top / aptly named as a muffin is full of sugar 😂. I completely agree with your thinking so google LCHF and have a change / eat what you like and no more cringe making meetings. Hi my name is Sally and I’ve eaten too much this week but I’ll sit and listen to you guys and I’ll be CURED! Don’t think so .. 😂 x

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to

Hello, Loopylinda, and welcome to the forum :)

Please look at all the information that moreless has given charlmac in the first reply; that will help you find your way around and get the most out of the forum.

I recommend joining a weekly weigh in and using the Daily Diary. All directions in the links moreless has provided :)

EdithEsther profile image

I have followed WW for years and have been like a yo yo re weight. Gave it up and did a course with Noom which is online and calorie based. You receive articles each day to help the way you think about food and exercise. It has worked for me and I now feel far more motivated to keep off the weight I’ve lost.

PandQs profile image
PandQsMaintainer3st 7lbs

Hi charimac, if you’ve been low fat, calorie or anything counting, and yo yo weight sounds like you’re ready to try something different. As others have said, lower the carbs right down, start enjoying real full flavoured full fat food (no sugar) and see the difference it can make. Plenty of info here about LCHF. Stop counting and start enjoying what you eat. Come on in, the water’s lovely :) Get your body working properly again with real unprocessed food (especially avocados!) and the weight loss will follow naturally.

Dogpal profile image
Dogpal2 stone

Hello charlmac. If you like avocados maybe try lchf way of eating. I have lost nearly two stone since March. You can eat butter and cream too! The weight comes off slowly which is fine by me as I want it to stay off. I hardly eat any carbs now and don't snack very often as I am full from my meals, of which I have two a day. Good luck! X

Jacqui33peel profile image

I feel the same with sw hard going now stuck my self I go the gym 5 times a week doing calorie counting see how I go on with that

SMITHYC profile image
SMITHYC1 stone

Dont know if this will help but i bought a portion plate from Matalan. It certainly showed me what size portions i should be having xxx

Slimforsummer profile image

Worried about all the advice on fats on this forum. Everyone should check with their doctor before starting a high saturated fat and low carb diet This forum is for peer support and people here generally are not dietary experts. I am concerned about the possibility that anyone with heart disease would blindly follow high fat advice without consulting their doctor and their health would be adversely affected.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Slimforsummer

The reality is that many people here have spent a lifetime following the low fat, high carb approach and watched the pounds pile on. I think we all advise anyone with a health concern to have a conversation with their medical team, while also remembering that nutrition plays a very small part in medical training. GPs like Dr David Unwin, who take a real interest in the subject, are few and far between.

"High fat" only sounds high in comparison to the low fat pattern of eating. The low carb high fat approach would be better named lower carb, healthy fat.

Slimforsummer profile image
SlimforsummerVisitor in reply to BridgeGirl

I would like to believe that the dietary advice from the British Heart Foundation on fats in our diets is accurate. They do address the issue of high saturated fat / low carb diets on their website. (I agree the name of the diet creates a wrong impression) Diet advice is different for diabetes. I would imagine nhs advice on diabetes is considered safe and effective

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Slimforsummer

Unfortunately, there isn't consistency across the NHS re diabetes. The Diabetes Prevention Programmes advocate a low carb approach but those programmes are only in certain areas and information elsewhere can be hit and miss.

Slimforsummer profile image
SlimforsummerVisitor in reply to BridgeGirl

Not correct. The nhs prevention programmes approach is high fibre and wholemeal carbs preferably as unrefined as possible as just part of a balanced diet.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Slimforsummer

I hope Hidden is around and can clarify the dietary advice offered on the Diabetes Prevention Prog and by training organisation, X-pert health

Slimforsummer profile image
SlimforsummerVisitor in reply to BridgeGirl

Try the NHS website rather than advice from an unqualified source. This is a support group than is part of a nhs forum.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Slimforsummer

Yes, it's a support group drawing on the experience and knowledge of all its members. There are people here who have participated in the Diabetes Prevention Programmes and I hope they would be able to share their knowledge of those programmes.

Slimforsummer profile image
SlimforsummerVisitor in reply to BridgeGirl

Check online. The DiabetesPrevention Program talks of “reducing salt, sugar and saturated fats in our diets” Indisputable evidence I would think.

MissisB profile image
MissisB4 stone in reply to Slimforsummer

I attended the NHS funded Diabetes Prevention Programme run by X-Pert Health with Mr B, and can confirm that the advice was to follow a low carbohydrate (130g or less per day) eating plan, with plenty of healthy fats - for example oily fish, nuts, seeds, whole fat milk, dairy products. The recommended eating plans were the Mediterranean diet or LCHF. Following this NHS advice resulted in a successful improvement in Mr B’s health, which was particularly important as he did not need to lose weight.

in reply to Slimforsummer

Tbh if anyone wants to understand it from that perspective visit Diet Doctir as loads of poor advice linked to worries indoctrinated into our minds from the past are exploded ..... specially Re heart issues and fats and LCHF 👍

Slimforsummer profile image
SlimforsummerVisitor in reply to

Type “British Heart Foundation Diet” in Google and you will find lots of well researched reading. There is the facility to ask the Foundation for further clarification on saturated fats in the diet and clarification on their stance on high fat, low carb diets.

Craftyperson profile image

Well strange as it may seem make sure your eating enough if calorie counting, you can check your allowance on BMI calculator and eat to top end of it. Check out daily diary for some recipe suggestions and join in on a weigh in. Good luck

I have done the same with slimming world , never got it right , lose weight , put it on lose again , put it on again . Looking at using my Fitbit more , and a new group in Leeds called One you very informative covers loads of topics.

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