Starting again for the second time - Weight Loss Support

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Starting again for the second time

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024
21 Replies

Hello everyone

I have been reading this forum almost daily for much more than a year now and thought it about time I joined in properly as I've been so motivated by it. But I don't normally 'do' forums ;) so this feels strange :).

Mine's a long story, but last April I had had enough of being overweight, unhealthy, tired all the time (although some of that's down to a specific health issue), and one evening, buoyed by all the positivity on this site, resolved to 'sort it out'. I weighed the following Monday morning at 14st 11lb (highest I've ever weighed aside from a short spell just after I gave birth to my son), which has slowly crept up over the last 25 or so years. I found it tough but straightforward (and sometimes quite exciting!), and was full of motivation, and over about 15 weeks I lost 21 pounds. Then some time over last summer I completely lost the plot, fell right off the wagon, watched it fade into the distance, and put a stone back on. So this is my second attempt and I'm starting again at 14st 3 (so, still half a stone off overall, I keep reminding myself!).

Last time I loosely followed the guidance of the 12 week plan but mostly just stuck to 1500 calories (roughly the halfway mark between the lower and upper recommended limits according to the NHS BMI calculator). I'm going to do this again and see how it goes but with some healthier choices this time to try to make my allowance go further (I have an incredibly sweet tooth - especially in the evenings after small boy is in bed, and seriously struggling with creme eggs at the moment (same every year about this time!!))

Am very good at spending hours reading everyone's posts and then getting on with the next job in life, but I'm determined to try to be active here, whenever I can.

Best wishes everyone!

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vj0804 profile image
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21 Replies

Hi and welcome, glad you have finally decided to join us, hope you find the help and support on here that I have, try and keep active on the forum it really does make a difference.

Omg Cadbury creme eggs I need to avoid them 😱 they are so moreish. Good luck with the healthy choices, maybe try fruit instead of sweets 😆 and bulk up on veg. Enjoy

Kat xx

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to

Hi Kat

Thank you so much for the welcome and tips! Husband has just returned from the petrol station with an egg after failing to find one at our local shop yesterday! We must have a chat, it has to stop, lovely of him but...



in reply to vj0804

Husbands have a lot to answer for 😂😂 xx

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to

Ha! Indeed! I've put it in the freezer for a treat at some distant time but it would be better if I put it in the bin, hey!

YellowRose55 profile image

Hi vj0804

Welcome to the weight loss forum.

Lovely to have you join us after being in the background for the last year. Well done on your weight loss so far and as you have still kept 8lbs off would you like a 7lb badge as a reminder to yourself?

Take a look at the Welcome Newbie post in the Pinned post section at the right hand side or at the bottom if your on a mobile. Have a look at the nhs 12 week plan, many members have had success following this plan. Use the BMI checker to work out your daily calorie allowance.

Below the Pinned posts are the Topics where members share a range of weight related subjects.

Take your measurements at the start together with a photo so you can see the changes on the days the scales don't move.

We have daily weigh ins so why not come along and join us. You can find the weigh ins on the Home page in the Events section on the right. Just click on the post in Events and record your start weight and any loss/gain or maintain for the week.

To get the most of the forum be active, share tips, recipes and experiences. Read some of the posts they are very motivating.

Have a good first week.


vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to YellowRose55

Hi Rose

Thank you so much!

Yes please, I would love a badge :), think it will definitely give me a boost.


YellowRose55 profile image
YellowRose55 in reply to vj0804

Enjoy your new badge.

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to YellowRose55

Thank you very much :)

I have a similar lovely husband who buys me treats every week - very difficult to stop him!!! My downfall is the big Cadburys bars with Daim bits in - with a couple of glasses of red wine... Eek!

Well done for getting back on the wagon - I've done it many many times and am finally hopeful that this time will be the last time I get rid of the weight once and for all! There's so much fantastic support here I know we can all do this! It's just a case of doing it!!

Good luck - try having a glass of carrot and celery sticks around to munch on when the chocolate demon whispers in your ear!!!

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to wannabefitforever

Thank you for your reply! I did not know there was such a thing as the bar with Daim bits in!! That sounds awesome! But I had better not go looking for it :).

Well done you too for getting back on the wagon; I'm sure that as long as we never give up trying, we'll get there!

Thanks for the tip about the carrots! Ironically, I love raw carrots but never give them a chance outside of a regular meal - time for a new habit, methinks!

Have had a reasonably successful day although I didn't write everything down like I always did before so think I may have topped my upper limit. Will go and write a plan for tomorrow...

All the best, and keep going :)

WinWeight profile image

Welcome officially as a full time forum member. I like your badge! ☺ When a chocolate craving hit me, I make a cocoa, coffee, vanilla, milk drink and if I'm hungry I add coconut oil. It is my lifesaver!

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to WinWeight

Thank you, and also for the tip, that sounds rather lovely, do you just put it all together like a smoothie?

Your badge looks very cool too ;).


WinWeight profile image
WinWeight in reply to vj0804

Yes I make a choco-coffee drink. But I don't use the ready made packets. They have a very high sugar content. And isn't chocolate in extreme!

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

See what happens when you say "Hello"... looking forward to your next badge... Well done for the year you've had 🎉🎉🎉

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to Minniewinny

Indeed! And Thank you :) I was close to folding a little earlier this evening (how could I on my first day!!) until I read all these lovely replies! So settled for a Nakd Cocoa Crunch bar - pricey and processed but worlds better than a creme egg!!

It feels much harder this time for some reason but I'm now feeling determined.

Hope you're doing well :)

mrsdavis86 profile image
mrsdavis862st 7lbs

Welcome officially vj. My husband was the same, always buying sweet 'treats'. I had to tell him no more. Thankfully if he does buy anything it's only things that he'll eat, or I'll purposely buy his favourites when I'm shopping which he knows I won't touch. I too have a sweet tooth. I make my own shortbread, rocky road, etc. so that I know exactly what is in it but it stops me from buying chocolate and doughnuts for myself. Good thing too is it's such a pain washing pans of chocolate I don't make it all that often so when I do I make it last ages 😊 best of luck with your journey 💖

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to mrsdavis86

Thank you very much! How good of you to make your own goodies! Bet they taste infinitely better and cost far less too! I'm not much of a baker - probably a good thing at the moment :).

From your badge it looks as though you have done/are doing brilliantly! Best of luck with your journey too :)

Ginger-shell profile image

Hi vj0804!

Well done for joining the forum. I too was a slient onlooker for a few months and was impressed by the support and genuine help towards others.

When I have a sweet tooth usually when the 4 kiddies are in bed lol I have muller light yoghurt with chopped up fruit, completely free food on slimming world so eat my fill lol.

Good luck

vj0804 profile image
vj08045lbsRestart Feb 2024 in reply to Ginger-shell

Thanks Ginger-shell!

It is an amazing forum isn't it, exactly as you describe!

I do like yoghurt but have underestimated its value as a sweet treat, so will see how it feels to have one when the cravings hit.

Good luck to you too, from your badge you look to be doing very well already!

lucigret profile image

Hi vj0804 , I think you will find there are a few of us that 'don't do forums' but are glad we fell across this one:) my 'go to' when I fancy chocolate is a drink of Options mint chocolate, only 40 calories and very satisfying.

George56 profile image

I'm going to wish you luck to with best wishes.

George 56 🙂

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