Hello: Hi everyone...After failing to... - Weight Loss Support

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Blackratal profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone...After failing to lose weight last year after returning from a holiday that I wasn't comfortable with myself on Ive just done it again....;-( well this time I found this site and hope its going to do the trick...I need inspiration ...Ive downloaded the c25k app and start that tomorrow...oh dear now Ive done it...

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Blackratal profile image
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17 Replies
EllaMidlands profile image

Now you have said it... you have to do it!! There are secret cameras which will know if you don't start it tomorrow. I wish you luck. Welcome to our forum!

Blackratal profile image
Blackratal in reply to EllaMidlands

Thank you...it all looks really complicated I've never calorie counted before...the cameras...lol

EllaMidlands profile image
EllaMidlands in reply to Blackratal

Do you need to calorie count? I am losing weight by cutting out processed food and all bread, pasta, rice, potato. Because I replaced them with veg I know I am eating less calories so I don't need to count them. Different things work for different people but if someone hadn't suggested it to me I would never have done it. 🤞

Blackratal profile image
Blackratal in reply to EllaMidlands

I like the idea of that!! I don't really go for snacking or crisps, biscuits etc...any advice on where to look for more on what your doing please..thank you :o

EllaMidlands profile image
EllaMidlands in reply to Blackratal

Hi. I started in October weighing 22 stone. I had already lost a stone by cutting back generally in September but then put weight on on a cruise.

Someone suggested I tried paleo for a week. In fact I have done it since then because I love it. Basically I don't eat processed food. Strictly on paleo this includes dairy. I did give up dairy for a month but think women need calcium and my doctor said it was hard to get enough calcium without eating dairy. I cook all meals from scratch but eat simple food as I don't cook very well. I eat fruit or eggs for breakfast, I eat salad with chicken or tuna or homemade soup for lunch. For tea I eat meat or fish cooked with some spices and served with veg. It is easy, bit dull but stops me thinking about it. We eat out a couple of times a week but I still keep it simple and plain with no sauces. I drink tea or water. I only drink alcohol for special occasions such as prosecco on New Year's Eve. I eat natural yogurt in its own as a treat which is so weird as I used to have flavoured yogurt. Because the only sweet stuff I have is fruit if I try anything sweet like choc or ketchup it tastes far too sweet which shows how I have changed my taste buds. Before I started my re lifestyle I would eat a big bowl of cereal for breakfast, sandwich and crisps for lunch, ready meal or take away for tea plus toast or crumpets for snacks. I also used to like cheese and lots of Diet Coke. I gave up Diet Coke in October and tried one in December but it tasted horrible. I believe now I have changed forever, I am never hungry and I have a new lifestyle. It isn't a diet as it won't be over. I am now just under 18 stone. I have lost 4 since October and 5 since September. I still want to lose about 5 more. Hope this long reply helps. I am not saying it is for everyone! Good luck!

Blackratal profile image
Blackratal in reply to EllaMidlands

Will look into it...you have done really well!! 👀 well done....hope I do half as well...Cheese is my only downfall...I drink water already...rare for me to drink pop...thanks for the info...😊

akamam profile image
akamam in reply to EllaMidlands

I've probably replied to you before EllaMidlands but I continue to be impressed and inspired by your posts. If you can do it so can I - I also think that 'dull' is fine because if you can get into a routine with the right food choices and don't feel like a martyr then you get the desired result. Good luck for next week and however long it takes to lose that 5 stone!...xx

EllaMidlands profile image
EllaMidlands in reply to akamam

Thank you akamam I share what's working for me, everyone is different so I never say mine is the best way. It is great to support each other. I like to hear from successful slimmers and also from people who are struggling as I have been there so many times!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Blackratal :)

Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread, then move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you .

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news.

Take a look at the 12 week plan, as a lot of people have been successful with it, making sure to enter your details into the BMI calculator, to get a calorie allowance tailored to your personal requirements. Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate.

We run daily weigh-in's and you'd be very welcome to join us. The threads can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the home page, bottom on a mobile.

We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too.

Blackratal profile image
Blackratal in reply to moreless

Thank you I have read the guide but still can't locate the weigh in section...I'm sure I will find it though...I don't go a bundle on social media...but in this case I think the forum will help...looking forward to getting on with it...thanks again 🙈😥

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Blackratal

Click on home at the top of the page

Events is beneath Pinned Posts, on the right of your screen, if using a computer, or tablet, or scroll right down to the bottom, if using a mobile.

Have a practice now :)

Blackratal profile image
Blackratal in reply to moreless

nope its not there...will have a look again tomorrow and will post a picture of what it shows for me...thanks again...oh can I have a newbie badge please...just to keep moral up..thanks..

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome to the forum 😊

Claz profile image

hi Blackratal and welcome to the forum... like EllaMidlands im a similar weight to her and dont calorie count either and i eat low carb. This means im not on a diet anymore and dont calorie count either which makes choices much easier and has become the normal way of eating for me now... i do also eat cheese / butter / cream etc and at the moment i am losing about 5-6lbs per month which im very happy with as i dont feel like i deprive myself from anything. i dont really have a sweet tooth but i used to drink a couple of cans of diet coke per day but now have had none since February.. i tasted some the other day and it was horrible and is amazing how quickly our tastebuds change !

Good luck with starting today and look forward to following your progress x

EllaMidlands profile image

Claz fails to mention that she also exercises like Jessica Ennis-Hill and has buns of steel!

Claz profile image
Claz in reply to EllaMidlands

haha EllaMidlands ... yes i do exercise now at least 5 days a week which is something i never thought i would be saying !

SukiV profile image

Hi Blackratal. I felt like you did last year whenever I put on weight I was so annoyed with myself because it seemingly took an age to just loose a lb! But this site helped massively. If you haven't done it already print of the weekly planner from the 12 week plan. I fill it in everyday and stick it on my fridge so I can see just how much exercise I'm doing each day. Even if it's just a short walk with the dog I log it. I don't put a goal because I know I will kick myself if I don't achieve it. But seeing what I've done spurs me on to do more.

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