Newbie: Hi all, So I've been reading... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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Kittyrose13 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all,

So I've been reading posts sinc just before Christmas and I've plucked up and he courage to post! I'm in my mid 40's and my weight has crept up by 2 stones over the past 2 years. I weighed myself just after Christmas and I tipped the scales at over 14 stone - the heaviest I've ever been. I've been overweight for most of my adult life and it is something that I think about ALOT.

I am really hoping that I can maintain my current motivation to change and that by using the forum here can keep me on track. Reading other people's stories has been really helpful and I'm so grateful to be able to read other's stories.

I am currently following the 12 week plan which I started last week (2 pounds lost yay!) and would be really interested in hearing about how other 40 something's are coping - I've lost and gained weight over the years and I have noticed that it has much harder as I've got older....

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Kittyrose13 profile image
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8 Replies
MotwCoop profile image
MotwCoop1 stone

I'm 52, so you're a mere youngster! I maintain that I'm now better equipped to deal with the rollercoaster of weight loss - I know I'm doing this for me and no one else, which is different for me! I'm hoping I'm more resilient, so when I don't lose anything, I'm not giving up, just chalking it up to experience and starting afresh. This forum is really helpful, one of the experts will post the welcome newbie message shortly - make use of it. If you're feeling tempted, get on here and post; you'll soon discover you're not on your own. Bad day - get on here and post; you'll soon discover it's not the end of the world!

Good luck! Onward and downward...

Kittyrose13 profile image
Kittyrose13 in reply to MotwCoop

Thanks MotwCoop!

Yes I like the idea that age helps with the ups and downs! I have 3 and a half stone to lose so am a bit worried about sustaining my efforts. I don't want to do things quickly as I know that doesn't work for me. I will definitely post when I'm struggling... good luck to you too

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Kittyrose :)

It may be that as you've been lurking for a while, you'll know all there is to know about the forum, but, just in case, I'll give you all the info anyway :)

Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread first and move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you :)

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news :)

Well done for already losing 2lbs, using the 12 week plan. Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate :)

We run daily weigh-in's and you would be very welcome to join today's. The threads can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the home page, bottom on a mobile.

We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too :)

It's only left for me to wish you well on your journey :)

Kittyrose13 profile image
Kittyrose13 in reply to moreless

Thanks for the info!

Decaff profile image
Decaff1 stone

Hi there. Well done for taking the plunge and starting the 12 week plan, 2lbs lost is a great start. I am in my 40's and have over 8 stone to lose so have a long way to go. I find this site incredibly supportive and as MotwCoop says if you are having a bad day just log on and post. Good luck with your journey, you are not on your own :)

Ottomummy profile image
OttomummyHealthy BMI

I agree with MotwCoop - and I'm even older (55 this year). I was told it was difficult to lose weight once you start to age - I suppose I lost weight to prove that this was a nonsense. I'd tried half-heatedly to lose weight by following a Joanna Hall "drop a dress size in 2 weeks" and don't get me wrong, it worked, it nearly did for me and I looked awful, but I dropped a dress size...... then put it all back on and more.

When I hit about 10st 6lb I decided enough was enough. I'm taking HRT and was concerned that would make me increase in weight even more, so I too started the 12 week programme - and it worked for me. That and just decreasing portion sizes, which I am a terror for. I did gain over Christmas and am still getting rid of Christmas "goodies" (biscuits and alcohol) in the house. These are nearly all gone and then that's it, back to normal, sensible, yes unfortunately calorie counted, eating. It can be done - you have to see the results yourself, however small, and just build on that. If you manage to lose even a couple of pounds, you know it can be done, just make a point of not gaining those couple of pounds back, or if you do, darn well lose them again!

I'm going to re-start and lose even more weight as I really want to be mid point on the BMI scales now..... so good luck to you, you can do it if you really want to. And do it for YOU!

Hello, I'm also new..... Today is my first day after spending a few weeks reading posts, printing off 12 week programme and hearing fantastic reviews of this helpful site.

Good luck with your journey, I look forward to reading your posts.

Hello I'm cherry 47 3 children 3 grand child nd a step daughter

I've yoyoed 30 years started at 8 stone wanted to get back to 7 and so the sad cycle began

In the last 10 years I've been 11 stone upto 17st 4

Last year I lost 4 & 1/2 stone most in vlcd I got ill regained 2 stone

Hey ho see it's not nice is it

So I'm with you my first goal is 11 stone 10 as last year I was 11 st 13 and a size 12 so I'm aiming at clothes sizes as I've found since hitting 45 weightloss is frantic on my face and ages me

So if you'd like company I'm here I stay tomorrow as I was low carbing but started feeling ill again and I know calorie c suit me

He's to a slower but method that works and no feeling deprived

I'm the same weight as you just over 14 stone so we are similar :)

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