Day 1: Well I have managed day 1 with no... - Weight Loss Support

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Day 1

Charley65 profile image
31 Replies

Well I have managed day 1 with no problem I have a Longgggg road to go down so must stay focussed, I don't know if it's me but I'm finding it difficult to get around this site but I'm sure I will learn eventually. Can I ask where doe's everyone get the smileys from x x

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Charley65 profile image
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31 Replies

Hi Bettyboop they should be on your email facility. 😀

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to

Ok thank you, you can tell I'm not good at this computer milarky, Just tried pasting a smiley but its not working back to the drawing board lol x 

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone

me too on both counts. My first day and slowly working out how to use the site without spending hours trolling through posts! How much weight have you got to loose. I have about 8 stone altogether but going to just start with 3! How's your second day going?

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to catlady78

Same here I don't want to spend hours either on the computer. In reality I have about 8 stone to lose but only thinking 7 stone I want to bury my head with the other stone lol, I'm just going to plod along a week at a time but I want to be at some sort of goal by this time nxt year. Second day good going so far but busy doing not a lot really lol well I have made a huge pan of Minestrone soup ready to freeze, once I have lost some pounds I want to start some exercise being careful at the moment as I have a bad knee and ankles (osteoarthritis) which should ease with weight loss. How are you doing on your first day..

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone in reply to Charley65

I think if you have lost 7 stone you are allowed to bury the other stone!!! I think plodding is good. Up to now I've sprinted and I've always piled on the weight as soon as I stop! I will plod with you! I made it my goal to be able to ice skate with my daughter in febuary as she loves it but my weight just hurts too much. Like you I have bad knees too and need to be careful. I am however trying the couch to 5k app starting today and it wasn't too bad. My doctor said to take a painkiller before I run as loosing the weight out weighs any damage. I guess she has a point! If I put more weight on then I won't be able to walk at all! It's my second day today like you and I'm actually starting to feel more positive. It's the weekend that I am bracing myself for! What is your weakness?

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to catlady78

Sorry Cat I should have worded the reply better I do have 8 stone to lose but silly me only wants to see the 7 stone not that one stone is going to make much of a difference when we have a lot to lose to start ( hope I have worded this right lol). The sad thing is 2 years ago I had to lose 11 stone to get an operation I needed then the Dr told me to increase my calories a little unfortunately telling someone like me to eat more is not a good idea lol when I should have kept an eye on my weight to keep it down I didn't which is why I'm back to the beginning lol but yes we will do this and this time next year we will be celebrating.

shogg profile image

Good luck to you both I have 11 stone to loose x

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone in reply to shogg

It's so hard to get motivated when you have a lot to loose isn't it. Let's all just have 1/2 a stone to loose and then we'll see how we feel when we get there!

shogg profile image
shogg in reply to catlady78

yep it is so hard thats why i only stand on the sad step once a mth now to see how much i have lost

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to shogg

Hi Shogg How long have you been here?? Please don't look at it as standing on the sad step but weighting once a month is good unfortunately I'm not as good as you and weigh every day lol more of a habit I'm afraid 2 years ago I had to lose 11 stone to get an operation after my recovery the Dr told me to increase my calories and now I'm on the weight loss battle again but we will do it lets stick together. Betty x

shogg profile image
shogg in reply to Charley65

i,ve been on here about 2 years but i deleted myself after about 6mths and then came back again under a diff name lol

steve x

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to shogg

Hi Steve The fact that you came back is telling you something like its taken me 6 mths before actually doing something. come on we can do this day 2 has been another good day, You Cat and me are going to be celebrating our goal this time nxt year. do you have an aim?? Mine is just being at goal nxt year. Betty x

shogg profile image
shogg in reply to Charley65

no weight goal this end bmi says i need to be 8stone 9 pounds up to 11 stone 8 pounds and theres no chance i,ll be that light i just want to loose enough so i can get my knew knees and hip then all i want is to be fit even if the sad step says 14 stone

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to shogg

Hi Steve The reason I had to lose 11 stone was to have a hip replacement which is brilliant but now I have osteoarthritis in my knee and ankles ( poor old girl I am) lol. You get to what you feel comfortable with any loss is good If I had to get down to my BMI I think I would have to be about 8 and half stone I was born heavier than that lol, Look at that step as a happy step because each pound you lose will be a smile lol Betty x

shogg profile image
shogg in reply to Charley65

i,ve been waiting 15 years this xmas for my hip they say i,m to young lol so unless it snaps they wont replace it

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to shogg

Oooooo 15yrs is a long time, unfortunately I ended up in a wheelchair when they did the op they found that it had worn through the socket and had to do a bone graft lol I don't do things by half lol but as I said its brilliant now but I'm in no hurry to have it done again so I need to lose the weight. 9lbs in four weeks is brilliant keep up what your doing. Here's to all of us. Betty x

wa2un7 profile image
wa2un7Maintainer in reply to shogg

I do so agree with your personal goal. Everyone knows their own body and like you I'm just aiming for the point where I'm content with my weight, not what is considered ideal.. that would be mission impossible for me.

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to wa2un7

Good Morning WA. How much have you got to lose have you been on here long sorry for all the questions lol. I have only been on here well this is day 2 and everyone seems so helpful and positive. Betty x x

wa2un7 profile image
wa2un7Maintainer in reply to Charley65

I joined in May and have found the forum a boon. I set out to lose 7lb and it came off so slowly I don't know how I stuck with it but am now just a couple, of pounds off a stone and a half. To be anywhere near the "ideal" weight I should lose another stone but I will be happy with that next few pounds. My clothes fit me, some too big, but on the whole OK and at my age I don't need to be a dedicated follower of fashion. I know what you are going through as my daughter is very overweight. She has twice lost 7 stone and twice regained it. I'm hoping she will try again using the forum for extra support. I will certainly stay with the forum as I imagine maintaining will be hard. Good luck with your "journey" and don't give up. Any time you feel low or discouraged visit the forum. There will always be a listening ear.💐😀

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone in reply to shogg

I like the name sad step! I only weigh monthly too. It's much more fun knowing the scales will at least go down and I can imagine I am being really successful in the meantime and it doesn't put me off! then I just work out an average.

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to catlady78

Hi Cat That's a good way of thinking and if it works for you brilliant. I'm just so used to daily weighing yes I know its bad but it's habit I'm afraid. I think we will be a good team. Betty x

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone in reply to Charley65

me too Betty! Maybe try to reduce it to once a week or if too difficult every few days as your weight fluctuates everyday and isn't a real indication of how well you're doing. I have often given up too early on diets because of a weight gain over a day where as I lost 5 stone for my wedding not even looking at the scales for months!

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone in reply to shogg

How have you done so far? Have you been going long?

shogg profile image
shogg in reply to catlady78

i dont diet i have been eating clean fresh food for 5 weeks and lost 9lbs in the first 4 weeks

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone in reply to shogg

that sounds like a good healthy approach and I'm sure you will loose the weight in no time

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to catlady78

Good Morning Cat, Let the day begin and it be a good day for all Betty x x

catlady78 profile image
catlady781 stone in reply to Charley65

Good morning-onwards and upwards! Having a rest day and planning my meals for the rest of the week. We tried marinated bean curd last night, was actually pretty yummy! Feeling very motivated. You?

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to shogg

Good Morning Shogg Like the approach you will get where you want to be with that attitude keep it up. Betty x x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi Bettyboop,

If you always start your searches in the Pinned post section, or the Topics section, you'll find that a lot of the information you seek, has been beautifully filed by our members :)

As a newbie, I suggest you start with the newbie topic, as it will contain most things you need to get started, including a whole thread that RobLandsdown91 wrote, explaining how to construct smileys :)

I hope this helps you and catlady78 :)

Just so that you both don't think that your journeys will be insurmountable, I've lost over 7st, so far, RobLandsdown has lost 9st, LessToLose has lost 8.5st and if you're interested, ours and other stories, can be found in the Road to Success Topic :)

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask :)

Wishing you all the best :)

Charley65 profile image
Charley65 in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless Thank you very much for your help and guidance will go and look. Cheers Bettyx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Charley65

My pleasure, Betty. I hope you find everything you're looking for :)

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