623 calories today 😣: I know I should... - Weight Loss Support

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623 calories today 😣

β€’14 Replies

I know I should be eating more and I am trying but it's been so long since I did eat properly that I'm having to retrain myself. I don't want to just eat chocolate to make up the calories as if I do that, apart from the fact that it's no good for me - I know I will just go back to old habits. I honestly don't feel hungry but I know I don't eat enough. Add the the fact that calories are being added on for exercise and I'm drowning in calories. help!

14 Replies
PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023

You don't have to eat things that are bad for you to have more calories. There are many healthy foods that are high in calories - avocado, olives, peanut butter, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, a bit of dark chocolate, homemade granola, olive oil/salad dressing, banana ... and many more.

Have 15 almonds to snack on right now and that is an extra 100 calories right there.

in reply to PippiRuns

Yes I see what you're saying. I've got some in the cupboard, I'll have them now tho I'm not hungry. What a odd problem to have. Xx

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023 in reply to

It is probably not the most common problem here :-) :-) But not feeling hungry can be a symptom of disease. Perhaps you need to consult a doctor about your lack of appetite just to rule out anything serious.

What are you having for breakfast tomorrow? Small changes could solve your problem. I'll be happy to help if I can :-)

in reply to PippiRuns

I have an appt with my Doctor, but there is a 4 week list and I only made the app Friday. I'll have hm wholemeal toast with either peanut butter or beans tomorrow. Which is a problem in itself because I cannot work out exactly how many calories are in a slice of my bread, so I just read the list and take an average. Before I started eating healthier it would have been fresh air with extra air! I used to go without food until lunchtime or even evening. So I am eating better in that respect. X

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023 in reply to

If you add an apple, a handful of grapes or a banana to that, you will get 70-90 extra calories.

in reply to PippiRuns

I will add that to my breakfast or maybe have it for elevenses. Thank you x

MW50 profile image

With such a low calorie intake it is likely you are not getting enough vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy. You might want to look at taking a multi supplement until you get your appitite back.

in reply to MW50

Think I have some beroca in the cupboard. I'll give them a go thank you x

Pamed profile image

Goodness me I don't know how you can just at 600 calories a day wish I could might loose the weight a bit quicker , let me in on your secret please

Hope you have a good week x

in reply to Pamed

Thanks but you wouldn't want to believe me. I think my body is in starvation mode as people on here have suggested. I can't wait to eat normally.

Claire2stone profile image

Hi Hidden πŸ˜† PippiRuns has given you some great advice. I'm so happy you have made your appointment for the doctors as they will, if nothing else put your mind at ease and/or help you πŸ‘

Are you following the nhs12wk plan as this has lots of helpful information and advice about eating and amounts etc.

Your body needs enough calories to survive and like you have mentioned it has probably gone into starvation mode to save as many calories it can.

While your not feeling hungry make sure you drink plenty or maybe try homemade smoothies using fruit and veg. To maybe cheat your body/mind in thinking it's not eating but drinking. A light Soup with thin noodles, meat and veg will also give you calories without the feeling of a heavy lunch/dinner.

I hope this helps and good luck. Keep us informed with your intake as i know alot of us including myself will be concerned and thinking of you πŸ˜†

Claire x

in reply to Claire2stone

Thank you. I will do x

If you are really eating just 600-odd calories a day and not feeling hungry (not to say tired and unwell also), then I think there is going to be a problem - probably psychological - and you must get it sorted out before it makes you really ill.

No one can survive for any length of time on 600 cals a day.

I'd suggest that you simply double the volume of food at each meal, by simply having 2 of everything you currently eat one of - that'll take you up to 1200 cals a day. If you really can't eat that much food, either because you feel too full up, or because your mind is not letting you, then you must get to the doctor as soon as you can, and explain that you just can't eat, as this is not a healthy state of affairs.

I hope you get the problem sorted out soon. All the best..

You've got me really nervous now! Only joking but I will keep the doctors app in 4 weeks. Thank you x

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