Hard or what day 5 : So starting the day... - Weight Loss Support

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Hard or what day 5

10 Replies

So starting the day all good


Lunch ( god dam it forgot to take my whole meal pitta ) so had pasta with chicken breast and bolognaise sauce .

Snack when I got home I munched out on that pitta bread with salad .

Dinner lovely chicken breast with hot sauce and vegetables .

Family is over .. And you no know what they brought around .. Chinese !

Everyone is eating it and smells lovely ... But

I've come into the bedroom writing this so I don't get tempted . I will succeed ..

Joking gym tomorrow .. Really want to go swimming on the days that I'm not doing the CT5K . Which reminds me 3 session tomorrow after work . Which will be hard ..

10 Replies
Elissy profile image

Awww, well done on resisting that Chinese 👍, it's hard but getting out of the way is the best thing to do 😊

Claire2stone profile image

Well done you !! I bet your family think your mad but well done you for moving away from the temptation. I am so pleased for you 😀 not sure many people would have had the willpower. Claire x

in reply to Claire2stone

Yeah trust me it was hard still now .. Cause going from eating food like that nearly every night to cooked meals oh yeah tuff .

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to

Bet you feel chuffed with yourself. Give yourself a big pat on your back 😀 and now ... stay away from the left overs !!!

in reply to Claire2stone

Lol I've already binned them away . Did you have a good jog I see your status . How you feeling with your fitness ?

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to

Well done on binning left overs 👍my run/dragging sniffing dog around went OK considering 😀 run 3 on my own though as I think it's something I will like doing - quite liberating 🏃 how about you?

in reply to Claire2stone

Yeah it's going good .. I feel that I need to do other stuff inbetween the days I do the runs as I feel a bit couchy if that make sense so tomorrow I'm joining the gym so I can go swimming and do some strength work outs .

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to

Great idea 👍 I do a work out dvd aswell that incorporates weights as I need to tone up now I'm losing the weight. Good luck and let us know how you get on?

in reply to Claire2stone

you too . Your see my daily post hopefully .


Alex H

Venusflytrap profile image

I must be on day 1,800 but not sure I would have managed to walk past that Chinese in those circumstances. Do you think it was having your extra snack between getting home and having your good dinner that gave you the impetus? I want to learn at the feet of the guru!

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