When will I be happy? : I lost 6stone in... - Weight Loss Support

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When will I be happy?

Jessie92 profile image
21 Replies

I lost 6stone in 18 months but for the last 6 months have really struggled to lose any weight. People say I should be happy with myself. But i have less confidence now then I ever had! Its really getting me down! I will lose those last few pounds! I hope! Needed to vent, having 'one of those days'! Happy nearly weekend :) 

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Jessie92 profile image
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21 Replies
csharman81 profile image

You look amazing well done, I'm sort of in the same boat have 19 pounds left to lose and seems to be taking for ever x

Jessie92 profile image
Jessie92 in reply to csharman81

Thank you, i wish I felt it. I have 10lb to reach my target weight but its just taking so long! Well done you :)

csharman81 profile image
csharman81 in reply to Jessie92

Slow and steady, I found lowering my calories not snacking and exersiseing x5 a week has helped xx

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to Jessie92

Hi Jessie 😀 well done on achieving your weight loss you look amazing ! Maybe those stubborn 10lbs needs a bit of a shake up. Maybe some different exercise to work other areas. Don't feel down youve done so well to get to where you are x

Jessie92 profile image
Jessie92 in reply to Claire2stone

Thank you, I try to change my exercising regularly. I go to the gym 4 times a week for 2 hours a time. I enjoy going and look forward to it! :)

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to Jessie92

Sounds like your already doing all the right things. I'm sure that the last few pounds take a while as your body adjusts. Take your time and look after yourself a bit of self confidence goes a long way 😀

muffintop67 profile image

Oh my you look fabulous! To lose 6st in 18 months is brilliant. It must be frustrating that the last bit is taking so long. But glad you posted and got it off your chest. With the lighter nights now and hopefully warmer weather coming I am sure you will be motivated and lose those last few pounds. Hope you have good weekend too :)

Anon-E-Mouse profile image

Jessie you look gorgeous and WTG you, losing all that weight. The last few pounds are (I understand) more difficult to shift but if you keep a check of your calorie intake and make sure it's less that the calorific energy you use, then they will go. I still have weight to lose and anticipate a struggle with the last few pounds, also don't expect to find maintaining easy either, time will tell 😄

Sometimes it can help to change the food you eat, I cut right down on bananas and found I was losing a pound every week (when there was no cheating going on). Just a thought...

Good luck 🍀🍀

Prin profile image

Firstly massive congratulations, secondly stop worrying about it. you need to start living life to the full in that fantastic body of yours, 

there is no end to this - you need to manage and maintain-it's harder to lose 6lb than 6st! Concentrate on toning up what's left (not that you need to mind)

Look at all your friends are they doing the right things? Like you eating well and exercising? 

If not the boot will be on the other foot before long, just carry on with your new life and glamorous look you will do great!

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

Wow, you look great!  Those last few pounds are not compulsory - but if you feel you want to lose them, then continue counting those calories, and increase the exercise.  Use your slim new body to start something new - learn to play tennis perhaps, or take up martial arts in some form.  The excitement of a new sport or hobby will lift your spirits and make it easier to stay on track for these last few lbs - and then you will have to work out how much to eat to maintain that weight.  Once there, give yourself a 3lb (increase) limit after which you go back to calorie counting until you find a balance.

susan666 profile image

Well done you look great 

suffolkwomble profile image

Well Jessie,  I think you look amazing! Well done!

nhs2015 profile image

You look fabulous. Well done! 👍 you may have reached a plateau. It happened to me also.  I did not worry. A few months down the track, I changed my breakfast to feel fuller longer, increased my veg intake, meat and fish, reduced carbs just a little and I am back on a roll. 

stecal profile image

Well done you look amazing.

muffintop67 profile image

Will those last few pounds really make a difference to your confidence after losing 6 stone. (You do look fab to me) Maybe you could work on your confidence in other areas such as doing an evening course or joining a club and then maybe if you are feeling happier/more confident the weight will come off easier anyway. Just a thought!

Venusflytrap profile image

Hi Jessie92

I'm a bit task and finish myself - I had to get to goal.  But only made it for all of one week about a year ago.  And it took me ages.  One of my slimming chums said that she often felt that those final lbs thought they were our old friends because they had been with us for so long and they cling.  Half in fun, wholly in earnest!  I am now nearly there again.  But did miss my exact anniversary which nags a little.  What I have learned over the years, is if I hit a plateau, I have to change my diet.  Mixing it up a little seems to challenge the body or the mind.  I'm not sure which or maybe it's both.  The first time to goal, I was really strict with my kcal control.  I weighed and measured obsessively, but I also changed my food choices to all the old faithfuls that had been friends throughout the journey by giving most filling power for the kcals and I deliberately cut out anything sugary, that I could.  That worked and I got there.  I then hovered about 10lbs above goal for the rest of the year.  I wasn't frantic because I was still under the 11st mark and I was still under the top of the BMI range for my height.  But I was beginning to get a bit fed up with the take off a lb, take off a half, put on two pattern of my weeks.  Rescue came in the person of Mr Flytrap who wanted to try a very low carb diet to manage his type 2 diabetes.  He cooked all the meals, and I ate them.  My original plan was that I would top up with some extra carbs because I didn't need to cut back so drastically.  But I haven't on the whole, because his meals are so filling, I am just not hungry for the carbs.  So I cut my fruit down to 1 portion or half portion of berries per day (80:40g).   Haven't had any flour, potatoes, pasta, rice etc.  And I have steadily lost up to 2lbs per week, which is so unlike me.  I am now very close to my goal again.  And this time I intend to go below so that I have some lbs to play with while I learn to maintain.  So my advice:  if what you're doing isn't working try something different.  Albert Einstein said

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." 

Seems to apply to losing weight as well as physics!

You can do it,


Loz2304 profile image

You have done so well to achieve that amount of weight loss, it says such a lot about you that you can do what a lot of people put off until tomorrow.  The final few lbs will disappear, maybe have a week where you eat things that you normally  wouldn't to give it all a good shake up.  But I would say having been at my goal weight (and at the minute within shouting distance of it) that you need to pay as much attention to how you mentally view yourself as you do your diet, it's a huge adjustment to make and it can be hard to stop being self critical and be happy with how you look. It's hard to stop thinking of yourself as a bigger person. The magic number on the scale may leave you not looking quite as you imagined,  allow yourself to be happy with where you are even as you work towards your target.

Good luck and be proud of yourself xx

kris999 profile image

Woww... What a difference!! Keep it going!!! :D

Chrispod56 profile image

Look in the mirror. You look lovely. That should make you happy!

You look fantastic!

The last bit of weight is always the hardest and slowest to shift, but you will do it no doubt.

Hettybell profile image

You look wonderful. What a difference. Just think of all you have achieved

Not what you're looking for?

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