Sad week: Hi all, It's been an awful... - Weight Loss Support

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Sad week

โ€ข39 Replies

Hi all,

It's been an awful week, my best boy(dog) ย Calvin passed away.

Weigh in today and I've stayed the same.


39 Replies
Candystripe profile image

Oh Flossie, so sad to hear that. Take those beautiful memories and cherish them.

To have stayed the same is amazing. Well done & thinking of you XXX

in reply to Candystripe

Thanks Candystripe,

Lovely to hear from you. Hope all is good with you and your husband has come through his surgery ok.ย 


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

Thank you Flossie. He is fine & back in Saudi. He will be home for a couple of weeks the middle of May, although I might go and meet him in Bahrain to get some sun & heat. Hate the cold & miserable weather here.

Still working at the weight loss, although despite doing everything possible, this last stone and a half is going so slowly hence not posting until there's something significant to tell.

Hope your week has been good. XXX

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

That is sad and you will have to allow yourself to grieve for him.ย  But hopefully you can comfort yourself with the thought that you gave him a good life, and that he will always be there in your memories.

in reply to DartmoorDumpling

Thanks DD,

He did love your bran muffinsย 


dish70 profile image

Oh that's awful , I have been there myself I few times , don't worry about food for a day or too just grieve . Sending hugs x

in reply to dish70

Thanks dish70


Jenever profile image

Flossie I'm so sorry to read about Calvin, we grow so close to our pets they really are part of our family. ย Under the circumstances to maintain your weight was a good result, try not to find comfort in food in the coming days, I know from personal experience that's easier said than done. Best wishes Flossie.ย 

in reply to Jenever

Thanks Jenever,

Struggling a bit, missing the daily walks but not comfort eating .


maiziepops profile image

Aww sweetie, I'm so sorry for your loss. xxxxxย 

in reply to maiziepops

Thanks maiziepops.


Jesterpuss1 profile image

Hi Flossie, I know just how you feel! ๐Ÿ˜ข We lost our lovely girl, Gilly just over a month ago! There's a big gaping hole in my life! Take care of yourself! I know how much it hurts ๐Ÿ˜˜ xx

in reply to Jesterpuss1

Thanks Jesterpuss,

You are so right about the gaping hole, it's awful xx


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Flossie,

I am so sorry to hear that sad news that Calvin passed away, and just wanted to send you a virtual hug. ย 

Maintaining your weight is good, especially in the circumstances.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal,

Can feel the hug


Claire2stone profile image

Hi flossie.

ย I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's so sad when you loose a close bond with anyone, human, animal doesn't matter ๐Ÿ˜” last week our chocolate labrador, cody, was really poorly and it was touch and go for a little while but after 2 major stomach and intestine operations he is thankfully on the mend and is now home. (Cone firmly attached!)

I have to admit I had a bad night last week after taking a phone call from vet lots of chocolate and crisps. Felt so rubbish after.ย 

I'm so pleased you haven't gained. Stay strong, as everyone says onwards and downwards.

Claire x

in reply to Claire2stone

Thanks Claire,

Hope Cody is on the mend, give a big cuddle from me.


Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to

Thank you flossie. Cody is fine now finally taken his cone (of shame) off yesterday and no more meds. He now has a muzzle (which he hates) to stop him eating anything he shouldn't when out x

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Thinking of you ๐Ÿ˜• Our pets are a part of the family and much lovedย 

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thanks Anna


Diana profile image

Well done for staying the same, very sorry you lost your beloved dog, treasure the memories, happy times and love you gave him.

in reply to Diana

Thanks Diana


merrymanda profile image

Oh, so sorry to hear you news Flossie.

in reply to merrymanda

Thanks merrymanda,


I'm so sorry that Calvin has passed away - he sounds like he was a super trouper dog that loved you to the moon and back.


in reply to

Thanks FizzyLiz,


sueper profile image

Sorry for your loss Flossie. Pets really are part of the family. x

in reply to sueper

Thanks sueper,

I haven't forgotten about the challange but not in the right head space. I'm going on last minute holiday with Mr F so will catch up on my return if that's ok.


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Flossie, I've just seen your thread! I'm so sorry to hear about Calvin, you must be absolutely devastated!

I know just how much your beloved boy meant to you and my heart goes out to you.

I'm glad to see that you and Mr F have decided to go on a last minute holiday. I hope it will give you the time to grieve properly, comfort each other and reflect on the wonderful times you had with Calvin.ย 

One day, you'll be able to smile when you remember him, but for now, those memories will be accompanied by tears. It's my heartfelt wish that the tears pass quickly and are replaced, just as quickly, with smiles.

Love and hugs to you Flossie. xxx

in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless,

Your lovely words did me cry.ย 

I'm taking my pedometer so will still be trying to rack up those kms for 'the team'

๐Ÿ˜‡ xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Clock up those K's in Calvin's name Flossie and we'll be proud to take them :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

A break will do you good :)

The challenge will be around for a while so plenty of time to find your mojo again!

in reply to sueper


๐Ÿ˜‡ xx

Fran182716 profile image

I'm so sorry for your loss Flossie, it's so hard to lose a much loved pet. I lost one of my dogs 18 months ago and I grieved for her as a member of my family, we all did. I can tell you though that as time goes on the memories are still there but you start to enjoy remembering again, you don't forget but the pain fades. Hope you have a really good holiday xx

in reply to Fran182716

Thanks Fran,

๐Ÿ˜‡ xx

Aww Flossie358 I'm so sorry about your dog. It's heartbreaking. Sending hugs x

in reply to

Thanks Blue9

๐Ÿ˜‡ x

hudson95 profile image

I'm so sorry; dogs will always reserve a special place in your heart with their unconditional love and affection. I'm sure Calvin had an absolutely blissful life with you and adored you wholly x

in reply to hudson95

Thanks hudson 95

๐Ÿ˜‡ x

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