#WLC Week 3 - Monday weigh-in - Weight Loss Support

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#WLC Week 3 - Monday weigh-in

TheEditor profile image
36 Replies

Morning weight loss club members!

Welcome to #WLC W3 weigh-in. Week 3 already! How was last week? What exercise are you doing? Any of you following Couch to 5K or Strength and Flex?

Use this blog to share:

-your up-to-date weight status

-any weight loss achievements

-stories of resilience and self-determination

-any food and/or activity slip ups

-your goals for the coming week

For more information on the NHS Weight Loss Club click here:


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TheEditor profile image
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36 Replies
Loobyloulou profile image

#wlc w3 Am very very pleasantly surprised! Lost another 4 pounds this week, which makes a total of 8 pounds lost since I started!

Am very motivated to keep going now!

Good luck to everyone else this week xx

Legion profile image

Disappointed this week. I weighed myself yesterday and weighed exactly the same as at the start of the week. Today, on my 'proper' weigh in I've gained 1 lb. :-( I've been keeping to a strict calorie count using mfp (except for last night!) but haven't been running so much as I'm still on the mend. I wasn't eating much at all the previous week (lost 3 lbs). Maybe my weight this week is down to my body having adjusted to the smaller intake and now I'm trying to eat 'properly' again. Hopefully things will have evened out by next week's weigh-in.

Jellymum profile image
Jellymum in reply to Legion

Sorry to see you were disappointed this week Legion, but still a 2lb loss overall from the two weeks - hopefully you'll be back to your usual running pattern soon too which I'm sure will help - good luck for this week.

ali-may profile image

#WLC week3

Oh dear 2 -1/2lbs ON this week. Not really surprised felt a bit out of sorts last week so nibbled -a lot- then felt guilty and couldn't get out of the spiral.

Good luck everyone hope you did better than me!!

mum1955 profile image
mum1955 in reply to ali-may

Don't beat yourself up about that or feel guilty. Enjoy the slip up and continue with the plan.

motivated profile image

#wlc w3 I have lost 2.7 pounds this week and total 4.1 pounds in 2 weeks :-) I am happy this is working!!!I am not following running program as I really do not enjoy it but I love zumba and aqua classes :-) I hope it goes like this for the rest of the program!!!

lilliput profile image

Gained 2 pounds but cheated on 1 day. Think I may stick to the1200 cals and exercise combo but combine with the 5:2 idea as I really don't want to gain any more weight.

bubbles654 profile image

#wlc week 3

Am very pleased with myself 3lb loss this week and my measurements are going down well too. Am still doing the couch to 5k but added a bit of strength in last week fingers crossed for a good week this week too :-)

Jellymum profile image

Pleased with a 1kg loss. Lots of exercise last week - 3x runs, zumba, aerobics and circuit training - just hoping I can keep it up.

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI

Not good news this week - put on 2lbs. Knee still not good (keeps buckling!) so haven't done any exercise. Also went all out on Anniversary meal on the weekend. I am determined to get back on the road this week!

Finnpog profile image

2 kg ON,!! Had a weekend away and relaxed a bit too much...drank too much wine on Friday, weakened the will power!

Back on it today-just done 30mins walking

mld78 profile image

#WLC W3 I have lost 0.2 Kg this week, still about 1/2 Lb though. So far I have lost 1.8 Kg, so overall quite happy. I would like to lose more next week though. We went out, hubby and I, for fish and chips on Friday 1258 cals later we returned home!! But I have tried to have about 1400 cals per day otherwise. This week is another week to start again.

Hi, lost 1lb this week, 3.5lbs in total. Very pleased with progress so far. Best of luck everyone

Wow - lost 1lb despite thinking my diet motivation had been completely squashed by my lingering virus. Starting to feel better & ready to keep going. Really been thinking about what I'm eating & am learning the need to be organised about my meals!

cornishjancey profile image

#wlc week3 Managed to lose one and a half lbs even though I went out for my birthday meals X2. Weight now 15.2.5. That 5 .5 in two weeks, got to keep going this time. My youngest daughter told me not to worry I can join her at her slimming club when I eventually fail. That comment has made me feel more motivated!!!! Good luck everyone and remember, keep on just doing it.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to cornishjancey

Maybe she could join you!!!! put your slimming club money in a jar and treat yourself to something nice when you reach a milestone under???? st e.g

Sedw profile image

0.8 of a lb off - not sure if that counts??? Week 2 has been harder for me, more cravings and couple of meals where I had to "guesstimate" calories. Think this result is evidence that I'm not very good at it :-). Still, almost 4lbs off and got v close to a sub 30 min 5k on Saturday so it's all good. Good luck this week everyone!!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Sedw

Well done of course it counts ! well done on your run too

bispers profile image

1lb on from last week - I know exactly why. This is my third time of the 12 week plan and I know it works. Had a virus and feeling sorry for myself, so not sticking to 1400 calories and doing no exercise - and it shows.

Getting back on track this week. Well done to all those who have lost weight - to those of us that haven't, I find it useful to understand why I haven't lost anything.

Good luck to all this week.


BrideToBe51213 profile image

One pound off. Seems to be slow and steady but wishing it was a bit more. ...

madma profile image

2 weeks down and 10 to go. Lost another 3 lbs, making 5 altogether. Only another 2 to go to achieve goal one which is to be under 11 stones. Stepping up the activity too with walking and pilates. I hope everyone is feeling as good as I am.

BigSuitcase profile image

Can I join you? How does it work? I haven't even got as far as reading the 12-week plan that I've just printed off. Doc tells me to lose at least 3 stone. Ooof. How do you start? Booze is my weakness. I like it. I like pubs. I like reckless overindulgence. How do I start reigning it in? Help!

Beckipeg profile image
Beckipeg6lbs in reply to BigSuitcase

Of course you can join in - just take one day at a time, read part one of the plan and make a start. Lots of us here use the MyFitnessPal app to count calories. I've been experimenting with Striiv to log exercise (as it links with MyFitnessPal). Someone on here made an impact on me when they said that what we eat (or drink) is our decision - it's our responsibility to make the decision a good one - choose healthy food and drink options in preference to ones that will move us inch by inch, pound by pound further from our real goal. It won't affect your doctor if you don't take care of your health - it will definitely make a difference to you. At 50 I'm feeling the effects of poor diet and lack of exercise - wish I'd made the commitment to do this years ago and made it a habit.

Hope you've made a start and find the support here helpful. Find friends who can encourage you. There's lots of fun alternatives to overindulgence!

BigSuitcase profile image
BigSuitcase in reply to Beckipeg

Thank you for the encouragement. Your posts do inspire. :-)

Beckipeg profile image
Beckipeg6lbs in reply to BigSuitcase

Hey - just read your progress 3 weeks in and you've done amazingly well! I'm stuck on the plateau I usually get to - got the kids to eat up a box of chocs looking at me from the shelf so there's another temptation gone - just need to make sure they run around to burn off the energy (shouldn't be a problem for them!). Need to get my afternoon snacking habit sorted. Would really like to see the scales go down this week. Celery anyone? x

BigSuitcase profile image
BigSuitcase in reply to Beckipeg

That's great, getting rid of temptations. Hang in there on the plateau and don't give up. The scales WILL budge eventually. If you're feeling peckish, down a pint of water and the feeling goes away in a while. I'll look out for your post next week and keep my fingers crossed for that little scale nudge.

chrishart63 profile image

End of week 2 coming been a funny week regarding my weight. Weighed my self mid week and looked like I was going to loose 2ibs. I have been to the gym twice this week and did a 10 mile bike ride yesterday weighed my self yesterday and now I have no weight loss. I do not understand this I count my calories using fittness pal and log everything, I am yet to exceed my 1600 calorie goal. This is something I have struggled with for years I am active in the summer and still find it hard to loose a lot of weight p, I change shape though. Thinking of having a blood test to see if I have a problem. Plan to finish the 12 week plan and if I need to take my diary to the docs.

Beckipeg profile image

#wlc w3

No weight difference this week but maybe an inch off my waist? Have had a rotten cough and balanced meals didn't feature in my diet, neither did much exercise and I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself. Good news is that today is the start of another week and I managed to cycle to work - not far, but better than driving. Getting to love hummous and carrots for afternoon snacks and have to remember to keep the fruit bowl topped up. Munching through raw baby sweetcorn, sugarsnap peas and broccoli feels much better than biscuits and keeps the calorie count down and vitamins and fibre up. Would love to see the scales take a dip this week.

BigSuitcase profile image

Week 3 weigh-in: no weight loss but another cm off the waist, jeans slightly less overstuffed, running every day, feeling much fitter and better, not boozing. It's hard to imagine actually getting down to target weight at this rate. Like others on here, I would like the see the scales shift too but I think that will come if we just stick to it and don't fall off the wagon.

baerbel profile image

hi everybody, lost 1kg this week, I am pleased, but I found it hard to stay on 1200 cal a day, Saturday we went out to eat and I had a 'proper' meal, did not feel like being the odd one out. Anyway so far, so good.

westonmill profile image

Yea just started it today,it was now or never,as I have been thinking about it for months,was difficult because of my weight and age 64 f,but I done it ,dead pleased.going to carry on,I am under the nhs weight management program,one of my goals was to be able to run smile,I thought that may not be realistic but here goes,thanks nhs

pipy4 profile image

i weigh 13,5 i will be getting on the scales friday morning.

skinnylizzie profile image

I am weighing in today at 12.st 9.75lb

last week was away and on mon 7/12 was 12.st 12 lb so a loss of 2.25 lb

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to skinnylizzie

Lizzie, this thread is 2 years old! This is where you want to be :)


See you there :)

dramagroup profile image

Can I join you Tomorrow?

Anon-E-Mouse profile image
Anon-E-Mouse in reply to dramagroup

Hi dramagroup

This post is 3 years old! This is where you want to be:


You are more than welcome to join in and reply to the post. You can reply anytime up to Wednesday lunchtime. 😃

Mouse 🐭

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