Oh soooo slow the weight goes off, but... - Weight Loss Support

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Oh soooo slow the weight goes off, but I don't care as long as its not there lol

Aussieblues profile image
2 Replies

Well restrictive diet eat as much but mainly protein didn't work as was too few foodie choices and when you go out and about v few places are low carb friendly lol now I know via planning and taking stuff with me i could get around this but, hey you get lazy look for excuses and even with weight loss couldn't see how long term this diet would work for me ( great for loss for a holiday I thought lol) so then switched back to calorie counting, tracking online etc etc omg I got so fed up, even though I know for many it works :-( so re-reading info on this site decided to pick ideas, so guys its thanks to all your diff ideas and weight loss tools that I seem ( early days ) to have found a v slow but doable eating plan. Not calorie counting, but as some do more portion controlling, going for mainly protein but not having meltdown if on occasions its a bit more carbs than I'd like ( but taking care to get vitamins,minerals etc from carbs in veg etc rather than too much bloating bread). I am weighing myself most days, I know some are daily, some are weekly, some not at all but use feel of their clothes,others use measurements, see what I mean plenty of diff ways well daily again made me paranoid if slight gain ( even if knew it could be late meal, excess water etc) couldn't bare seeing gain, but couldn't wait weekly lol. Managed at BBQ to eat loads chicken etc, salad and tiny amount potato salad, skipped bread :-) and had tiny ( for me ) portion of nieces cheesecake ( and turned down seconds without even thinking! ) felt full but not over full felt I'd actually eaten what I'd wanted ( getting those good habits ) and happy as don't feel like need to pig out today as I couldn't eat what I wanted y'day, so looking forward to this v slow but hopefully continuing weight loss, so moral of this ramble is don't give up, we are all different but we can all get there :-)

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Aussieblues profile image
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2 Replies
LadyJazz profile image

I agree! Everyone is different, gained weight for different reasons, lose weight at different rates so steady and slow is the way to go and just keep on going.!

Aussieblues profile image

Thanks first time in while I've got to starting week three without thinking I can't do it and giving up! Lost 3 lbs in two weeks I know some would say ' only' 3 but I'll be v happy to see next week any loss to get past my two and a bit week give up mentality. Feel diff this time as made allowances for what I will allow extra to my main meals and when out etc hence no wow weight loss but hey I didn't wake up overweight so I'll be patient :-)

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