Am I in the position to complain? - NHS England: A Ca...

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Am I in the position to complain?

HollieWalshx profile image
1 Reply

Hi everyone,

I have had many healthy problems. Gynecological, anxiety and I also suffer with migraine. I finally felt like I was on the up my anxiety has been at bay, I found a pill that wasn't setting off my problems and after a clear MRI scan (after an 18 month battle to get one) I had been given medication that worked for me.

It was only when I went for my pill check and the nurse didn't know what pill to give me as it wasn't on my notes (I am now on the mini pill - Cerazette) I told her how I was suffering with severe bleeding and was feeling a little panicked due to past issues, after going back and forth with the doctor she finally gave me my prescription and sent me on my way.

I was then left a voicemail 3 days later to call the doctor about the connections my recent medication could be having will the pill - when i tried to call back the following day, as I had been in an external meeting, I was told that the doctor wasn't there and I would have to call back Monday. I aired my concerns and said surely she must have left a note, to then be told, we have a new system and any notes would have been wiped.

I then called back on Monday and after numerous attempts was told the doctor I was trying to get hold of wasn't even based at my local surgery. I already had a feeling they were going to tell me my pill was not effective - so aired my concerns to the receptionist who asked if I was in a relationship, to which i replied yes and at 23 years old, living separately, we aren't currently in the position where we want a child.

After going back and forth many times I was finally contacted by a different doctor who had to re confirm all of my medication, which clearly isn't stated on my notes. He then told me that my mixture of Cerazette and Topirimate makes the pill less effective, but they are unable to find out by how much or if the dosage of Topirimate has an effect.

I was told I could come into the surgery for a pregnancy test, which wasn't convenient for me as I work in Central London and live in Essex, I cannot just leave. So I had to carry out a test myself. I was also told, I can change my contraceptive but would have to wait 2 weeks for a specific doctor to get back from holiday to give me advice, I cannot understand why another doctor is unable to prescribe something as a matter of urgency?

I am really unhappy and upset as I feel if I hadn't gone for my pill check this may not have been flagged and had it gone on, myself and my partner could have been in a situation that we do not want to be in just yet. You go to your GP thinking you can trust them and now my trust has completely gone.

It's peoples lives they are playing with!

I would really appreciate any advice as even the way they dealt with the matter I feel could have been handled a lot better.

Thanks in advance

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1 Reply

You are always in a position to complain whenever you feel you have received bad service from the NHS. But there is no point in using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut, so start small. Your first step is to make a complaint to your practice manager. You can write, or call and request an appointment so that you can state the nature of your dissatisfaction and see if you can reach agreement and a way forward. All practices are accountable and they will almost certainly try to reach a resolution with you.

If that's impossible you then go to the next level which is your local NHS Trust.

But ask yourself if this is an ongoing serious problem for you and also whether the service you are looking for from your GP surgery is indeed reasonable, given the strain the whole service is under at the moment. If you feel that complaining will help you to get better, more efficient treatment in future, then it's definitely worth doing. If it's only going to help you vent, and nothing can be changed, then it is probably a bit of a waste of time to be honest.

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