Hi my mum lives in Malta for 9 months a year and has just been told she can no longer get her medication here from her gp. Could any one tell me if this is right she dose have a property in the uk. Thanks
Living in Malta 9 months and the uk ... - NHS England: A Ca...
NHS England: A Call to Action
Living in Malta 9 months and the uk for 3 months

Sadly I do not know the health agreements between Malta and the United Kingdom.
It may be that there is no agreement, or possibly you may need to pay for treatment and claim back the cost when you get home or pay for your treatments. Prescriptions may also need paying.
Also if you have a copy of your prescription it may be that you can take that to a chemist and pay for the medication.
British Nationals under 60 generally pay a fixed amount for each item on prescription. Over 60 the prescription is free.
The National Health Service is payed into by UK residents into their National Insurance Stamp and is not included in the general Taxation.
You can check on the the direct gov.com webpage, that may help you find out what the situation is.
Is your Mother a United Kingdom resident or Malta?
According to the NHS Choices website if she receives a UK state pension, then as Malta is an EEA country, she would be entitled to access NHS treatment.
The regulation is that if you stay abroad longer than 3 months the NHS is not required to supply medication . It will supply meds for as long as it takes to register with a local doctor. You should ensure you have the E111 Health Insurance Card.
Department of Health web site gives details on all NEW rules and regulations to be followed in all NHS trust.(Guidance on overseas visitors hospital charging regulations) and also on the NHS web site please go to the Overseas patients section. These are the new rules which I know is a lot to take in for a BRITISH citizen.
Thank you all will send m am email.