I'm surprised at myself to be pointing people to a Daily Mail health article but Dr Phil Hammond's piece in last week's Mail is really something people who regularly need to use the NHS should read. It's all common sense but then common sense seems to desert the most headstrong of us when confronted with a doctor's surgery!
I particularly the questions he recommends asking any person treating you for a serious, life-threatening or life-limiting disease. It's not about being a 'cocky' patient, it's about putting ourselves on an equal footing to those who hold our health and wellbeing in their hands.
Are you a specialist for this particular condition?
What are the pros and cons of each option for me?
What are your personal (or your team's) outcome figures for each of these options, and how do they compare with the NHS average?
Do you know of any other specialist team in the NHS with more expertise than you, or who can offer me options you're not able to?
Have a read here dailymail.co.uk/health/arti...
I'm not going to advertise Dr Phil's book on an NHS forum but you can guess what it's called in the clip below - apparently it's what doctors hum to keep timing as they are giving CPR!