Hello, is anyone even active on this forum yet? I have neuropathy that is painful at night. I used to get around the pain quite easily by taking the following . 5mg oxycodone, (sometimes 10mg), lidocaine 5% cream, Lyrica ( 400mg) I could
escape the pain entirely or go from a 9 down to a 2 in a couple hours. I slept
at night. Then I built up a tolerance to oxycodone and was using closer to 10mg
during a 24 hour period at night. My family hated it. They feared that I would
stop breathing on it. So I went through a painful withdrawal and now I suffer
quite a bit. I do get some pain medicine but it's not nearly what I was getting.
Some doctors think that I need more, some think none. I just want to feel no
pain. I am looking at bottles of booze and wondering if it might be my next
pain relief unless we come to an agreement to use the oxycodone at night again.
I just can't do without it. I'd rather be addicted and die that way than live a life
of no sleep, suffering and hurting non stop beyond what I can take. Why am I
made to feel so guilty because I have this much pain? Why is society looking at
me as "the drug problem" when I have several conditions that are calling for pain
relief? I have active RA, CIDP, (that's neuropathy plus extreme weakness) I have
joint replacements and am in need of joint replacements. It's ridiculous how I
have become the criminal.