I thought I was mostly prepared ahead of time this year. I’ve learned over the years what needs to be done the night before so that I don’t overdo it in the morning. Still happens.
The last two weeks have been very stressful and have had a whirlwind of unplanned events. I accomplished pretty much everything I needed to get done other than showing up for Thanksgiving. I’m just happy that I got the food prepared I said I would bring to send with my family.
Dan doesn’t understand… But that’s not uncommon…especially when they didn’t get home from the bowling tournament last night or actually this morning until 4 AM. He helped a tiny bit last night and again at 4 AM, but slept in until like 10 AM. I was on my feet way too much for like the 100th day in a row…actually 14th day🤗 Our eight month old grandson, Luca, has been at our house since about 9:45 AM and I only held him for about five minutes. That should give you perspective.❤️
I just now made it into the shower but still haven’t laid down. It’s all good I promise now that I’ve showered, I’m finally sitting down and relaxing in my brand new birthday recliner that was delivered yesterday… with puppy Addy. -Kris