So my assistant was hired in September 2022 to do my cleaning so I could focus on office duties. Upon hire she was told her job was at least 80% cleaning. She got hired and was late her first 2 days, than her wrists hurt, than she had to have an abortion during work apparently. Now 7 mths in and she claims she can't do anything but office work sometimes as she hurt her back vacuuming leaving me to do all her cleaning and the office work because she doesn't fully know it. Problem is not even a day after this "injury" she is on camera carrying bags and a 30lbs labstiff puppy but than telling me to pick items up for her while smiling. Yes she knows I have spms and a cyst in my C4 needing surgery. Now because we live in Ontario she is using the issues with our health care system to sit and be on her phone all day while I do all the work. How do I not get upset at this time?
My Assistant Sucks: So my assistant was... - My MSAA Community
My Assistant Sucks

you should get upset with her! An abortion is her personal decision, it’s not a problem! Fire her
If she is not doing her job (which is sounds like), then fire her and find someone else to hire that can do the job. Good luck. keep us updated.
She is taking advantage of your kindness. Fire her!
Whoever hired her should immediately unhire her!
I agree with everyone else it’s time to let her go. Take pictures and document everything that she does. If she claims she’s on light duty, then load, her down with light duty tasks. Then fire her for not performing her job.
Yikes!! That is a terrible situation! Did you hire her? I’m pretty sure there are proceedings you have to follow to get somebody fired. But I would definitely start the proceedings.
Unfortunately, you get what was voted for. Had a similar worker many years ago, she worked for a week and claimed that soldering damaged her lungs. Fortunately the court saw it differently when they found she worked in a (smoking back then) bar at night and was a 2 pack a day smoker. She found the US curb very quickly thereafter.
Are there any specific rules in Canada so you can terminate her. By not working she is stealing whomever money is paying for this
Good luck in finding replacement also
Get rid of her.
She was hired to clean. It was spelled out at the interview. If she is not doing what she was hired to do, and remind her of the position she interviewed for. When she claims she "cannot" do what she was hired to do, let her know that since she is "unable" to do what she was hired to do, she is to be replaced with someone who can. End of story.
Seems HR should be able to say she cannot fulfill her job functions and either find her a different job that is in her abilities or terminate her employment. I would be very vocal with both your boss and HR about the issues.
I think doing her job for her is a mistake, and feeling angry all day won't serve you well.
I agree with all the other comments. She was hired to "clean." If she cannot do the job, she needs to find another job.
that is insane! i just don't understand people who refuse to do their actual jobs. i've had some really bad jobs, but i took pride in my work and did my absolute best. can you document all this and fire her? b/c no way should you pay her to do her work.🤬