G'day beloved ms family. I survived the Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) session yesterday. Took several hours and my Valium relaxed me but did not pet knonk me out. Learned a few new things yesterday. Who would have thought that after 20+ years ab old dog can learn new tricks.
1. YOU can get a wider tube, not open but wider.
2. There are 3T (Tesla, the strength of the machine) machines that can do your whole body with out YOU having to move. I thought they all did but to get some images they need to change the bed. I did not understand but I was half drugged out so ask about it yourself.
3. It never hurts to be early and extra polite, admit your fears to them and be over honest. I do not knowI am claustrophobic, but I always say I am. I feel it gets me a little assistance and understanding, wether I need it or not. Gives me some strength in a very weak and vulnerable position. Every little bit helps.
4. I feel that knowing the machine, knowing what they are doing gives me some confidence. So I am not a scared child being moved from one machine to another, I know what is going on and why, again, strength.
YOU have to live with this illness for years and years, always put yourself in the strongest position that YOU can. It is allabout YOU and only YOU, learn what YOU can about ms and remember YOU are your best advocate. Even when YOU do not care about yourself, YOU care about YOU more than anybody else.
Have a great day and remember YOU matter.