since I broke my left foot I have been dragging my right leg behind me with a walker.getting out of the shower I cannot pick up me rt.leg.This is new for me so is this a relapse,I guess I see dr.visit in my future. I don't think I ever had one in all these years. is this it??
is this a relapse??: since I broke my left... - My MSAA Community
is this a relapse??

I think you need steroids. I , would talk to your DR. about this. MS sucks!
Not neccassarily.If you can't use one leg very much if at all the other is trying to compensate or do all the work which it is unable to. So it's really just showing that what you thought was your strong leg isn't as strong as you may have thought.
Happened to me when I fell and broke my hip.
Report it to your doctor! That's why they get paid the big bucks! He/she can advise you and treat it if necessary.
Yes it would be best to contact both your Orthopedics Dr and your Nuerologist. They can work together if it's MS or physical therapy issue. I hope it is the 2nd not the first.
Call your neurologist you might need steroids good luck
Hopefully it just needs physical therapy. There’s a possibility the a brace is needed.
i think you are correct,i have much other stuff going on catarac surgery ,been at physical therapy before, not the worse thing........
good luck with your cataract surgery. had the 2 eyes done 5 and 7 years ago (I was not even 50 when I had them done). this is the best thing that happened to me. The surgery is easy, no pain.
I was wearing contact lenses / glasses all my life. no longer!
I'm getting ready for hip replacement right now. It's always unclear whether my difficulty/pain walking is the hip or from MS. MS is tricky....
Take care of yourself, avoid stress, eat healthy, this will help keep your body not getting too inflamed.
Best wishes for all dealings with cataract surgery. Try your best to stay stress free. Hopefully no brace is needed. These new norms can sometimes be difficult to accept, at least for me. I recently found out from my physical therapist and doctor that physical therapy may not improve the situation but “hopefully prolong the progression of body functions from getting worse”. Wondering why and crying to my husband that I was not getting better and I didn’t understand why because I was putting my best effort towards it. Awww, ms……
I hear you sister! At times it is so difficult to do anything and time consuming, at least twice as long to do anything.and they wonder why people with ms are depressed.i hang on to that everyday is different ,thank goodness,hopefully tomorrow these troubles will be gone.😁