as I sit here today in a puddle of tears ,i have just got to reach out to someone ones who gets this.I am so very frustrated with this disease,and angry! I would not wish ms. on my worse enemy.I really just want to go back to the days before ms.of course we have to do everything different,lots of planning,planning for the day, what will my legs allow me to do?go out, clean something i am behind on,try to take an exhausting shower,try a new med? I try very hard to be in charge of my health but this monster many new meds and it is coming along but I am afraid I won't see a cure in my lifetime.I am going to my neuro on wed.with my new symptoms and my broken foot from falling.Don't get me wrong,i am grateful i am still standing and driving!walking is ????.there are so many people out there that are off worse than me from ms to any chronic disease.Ms is individual so truly we are alone in our fight,no one is exactly like us, and everyone has challenges daily.sorry I am such a whiney cry baby today,i do know, this too shall pass.This screaming did my soul good.thanks my friends
Relapse?!?: as I sit here today in a... - My MSAA Community

You be as big a baby as you want, if it does you good, do it. I cry most mornings in the shower, the shower washes away my tears, so you are not alone. As you say, this time will pass, blessings Jimeka 🤗 💐
Sometimes it just helps to vent so we can press on. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day hugs
I have many sad, lonely whiney days, but like you said...we each need to be grateful for what we have, not what we've lost. Thoughts & prayers coming your way. 🙏💖 we will keep going...😉
You can moan and groan all you want, we are all here to listen. If anyone understands, we do! Keep your chin're doing fine
we all can agree about missing what and how easy it was before MS...and you can cry ,holler , cuss at it or what ever will help you to deal with this monster that likes to interfere with our lives ...have you discussed maybe changing your main meds for MS ...i truly love being on Ocrevus and i really do feel it has helped me with slowing everything MS down to the doctor about all that is going on and maybe you both can come up with a solution that will help your life to be better is hard to deal with and you have to stand up to it and tell it will not win...remember you control your life and you get to make changes for a better life to live and it can be better by standing up for what you want to try to help yourself with this monster ...take care and really discuss with your doctor about what is going on and if can maybe change the meds around and much happiness ...laugh and giggle tell a joke ....have some fun ...
My heart aches for you and my prayers are with you. Pls remember God is comforting and strengthening you through it all. I have some days I feel a lil defeated in the event I refer to God’s many promises and cling on to his word daily🙏🏾
Please cry and moan all you want, this is a soft place to do it. We all do it too. May tomorrow be better.
It is so scary when our MS changes! We adapt b/c we have no choice and then MS throws us a curve and we have to adapt again (&so do our families). Best of luck!🙏

Hello pamgarner , I certainly feel your pain but if I can offer you one thing is don’t ever ever give in to this ‘ms’, ever! I know that it is tough, but remember that we are all here for you...
thank you soooooooo
I am sorry to hear your pain and sadness. Please know that we hear you and I know God does as well. Sometimes He seems far away, but He always has you in His arms. Cry, be angry and scream. You are right, if will pass and you are stronger than MS. With God in control, which He is, you will make it🙏Hang in there.
You're no crybaby. I think we can all relate to your sadness and frustration. I hope that venting here will help some. You're in my prayers, dear.
I am so glad you are seeing your neuro tomorrow. Spill it all! Tell all that you are experiencing including your sadness and frustration. There are meds that can help you with that as well. (I am speaking from experience.) Let us know how you are doing and what happens at the appointment. (HUGS)
Cry all you want. We are here with you. I’m sitting at my desk at work and my heart is racing! Pretty sure it’s from Aubagio. Debating on calling dr. I read up on all the other meds and they look terrifying. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself some grace. Hugs 🤗
Better to let it out than fester. I hope your visit goes well tomorrow 🙏
Cry & scream all you need to. We get it. I've had a couple of bad days the past couple of weeks. It always feels like a setback, especially when things are going along ok but it's just MS.