Hi Group, I would like to ask you if you would share your experience with steroids. I know we are all different and will react differently but what i want to know is did it work? If your doc put you on steroids did it stop the relapse? My experience is mixed: 1st time, oral steroids worked great. 2nd time less and 3rd time not so much. Now my doc is putting me on IV steroids for 3 days then a 10 day oral taper. I'm hoping it helps with the double vision. Neuro-ophthalmology appt. March 30. Hoping for the best. thanks very much
Steroids for a relapse: Hi Group, I would... - My MSAA Community
Steroids for a relapse
My very 1st relapse I had the iv for a day before I started my 1st MS med
Then the 2nd time I did the pills for 3 days
The 3rd time I was in the hospital and received it for 7 day for 24hrs by iv
Each time I received it it did work
Steroids helped me iv the first time and recently I took tablets 2 a day for five days for asthma. I had to wear an eye patch for a week per eye and normal vision returned. Blessings
Thank you all for sharing your experiences with steroids. When I first went numb and docs weren't sure what was going on, I was on Oral steroids for a few weeks. I know now, I was fortunate to get a definite diagnosis within the first 6 months. Best to you.
It will help, but becareful after as it lowers your immune system and fatigue hits a whole new level
I have had steroid infusions 3 times. Each time it worked. At one point i was having trouble walking. It worked. One time i had double vision. It worked. Other time i had 30 more active lesions and in hospital. It worked. I am a fan of iv steroids. Ivenever done oral steroids. Good luck to you
Hi Sandy, I have never had steroids so I can’t help, but I hope and pray that it helps your vision and all goes ok, blessings Jimeka 🤗
I will feel amazing on any steroid and always wish I could live this way. I’ve had IV once but it was preventative after childbirth, so I was “high” and running around the unit 8hrs after surgery 🤣 I’m on my 4th time with oral now. Did it stop the relapse? I still had a lesion that was glowing with contrast after one of them, but we did not advance to IV since I was improving...and I had to do another round of oral steroids after a dental procedure 2 weeks later anyway. My next MRIs for this one will be done soon. I hope this helps!
I had 3 days of IV steroids when first diagnosed. My doctor did warn me it might not help since my main symptoms were sensory and not motor (unless my body temp went up). I had no change in symptoms and felt bad for those 3 days. However, I had the spinal tap a couple days before the first steroid so that potentially could have contributed to how I feel. I wasn't given an oral taper but also felt ok starting the day after I finished the IVs. I don't have any issues with the steroid before my Ocrevus though 😁My muscle weakness has been gradual so I haven't had any more steroids. MRIs have been stable for years too.
Hi Sandy...now that I am in SPMS I don't take steroids, but my years living/working in the Florida heat had me living with my own IV pole for 3 day IV's 2 -4 times a year. Lots of new lesions, but the steroid iv's worked every time. Home health nurses would come to my house to give the IV's, and by the second day, I would be cleaning the ceilings or something like that! Gave me lots of energy and fixed those crazy legs right up!
When I have had relapses, my neuro ordered 3 days of iv steroids than a taper. It worked for me. Good luck to you. Keep us updated on how it goes for you.
Hi Sandy😊Yes, I had complete dbl vision for 3& 1/2 wks. The ONLY thing that worked for me was IV steroids.( with tapering prednisone afterwards.)
I received a 5 day course of IV.
💘 Lisa🙏💕
they've fine in the very beginning but i think they stop working. dg. at 23 and i'm 42 now and have osteo which i think was advanced by genetics and liberal use of steroids. oh and i'm pretty small and weight 110 so that probably doesn't help.
Years ago I was put on liquid steroids for relapses First few times it worked then my body built up a tolerance to them ! good luck
Hi Sandy! Years ago when I had my first exacerbation I took oral steroids. It worked a little. My second dose did not work at all or the third. I was put on Iv steroids after that. In the mid 90s I was given IV steroids as my DMT. This caused osteopenia. If you can, try to take a calcium supplement. I stopped using it monthly after a couple of years. Since then I have used IV steroids after or during an exacerbation. Sometimes for 3 days sometimes for 5 days sometimes with a taper and sometimes not. It has worked for me every time over the last thirty years. I have never had any vision problems, so I cannot speak to that.
MS came into my life when I was 20 years old, about 37 years ago. At that time, if you had a lot of seemingly unrelated health problems and they couldn't figure out what was going on, they'd call it "MS". These days, they can do an MRI and usually will immediately know that you have MS. When I first was diagnosed, they prescribed oral steroids, which did NOTHING for me. Then, my next Exacerbation was about 18 years later. I was put on IV Steroids for 10 days. It didn't cure anything, but it put me into REMISSION! That was about the time when Betaseron, the first Disease-Modifying Therapy was passed. I've been on Betaseron for 29 years now and haven't had any relapses! As you said, everybody is different. What works for one person may not work for another. Find a doctor who will work with you to find what works for you! GOD BLESS YOU!
I had them for a relapse once. It worked but I was left with an awful metal taste in my mouth for a very long time. Yuck!
I neglected to say what kind and for how long! IV steriods for 5 days.
The IV steroids is a more effective way to go. Yes it is different for everyone. I have very few side effects from it other than hunger.It definitely lessons my primary issues over the course of the week.
What you need to remember that it won't cure the damage that has already been caused by the exacerbation but slows it done preventing further damage.
You will