Dear friends, would like some feedback. I always (never a good idea) said at least i don't have pain from MS. I have other stuff. Well that was then. Now i ache. today i had a new pain in my calves which made it more difficult than usual to stand and walk. It was a nice day out but i just couldn't imagine putting myself through that extra pain to be more healthy. Usually it's my hip joints that hurt. I'm not looking for solutions like CBD or anything. I just want to ask if you have pain what do you tell yourself? thanks in advance, San
Pain?: Dear friends, would like some... - My MSAA Community

Persistent Annoying Intolerable Nuisance Blue pain, purple pain, screaming pain
Who cares what kind of pain
It’s there, it hurts, nothing to gain,
Pop the pills and hope relief will come,
Seeing red, tempers rise,
How do you think of a disguise.
Family, friends see your discomfort,
How do they help? They can’t,
But they can. Just being there,
A distraction, anything knowing you are not alone,
Can lower the tone, even for a short while.
CBD oil, heat pads, oxycodone too,
Will have you bouncing around,
As you have to run to the loo.
Ms knows which buttons to press,
The ones which will cause you more distress.
The government decide which drugs you can take,
It makes it expensive for the ones that work
There should be someone in power who experiences pain,
Then maybe, just maybe, someone would listen.
It’s that time of year, when the cold makes it worse,
Nothing prepares you for something so diverse.
So all we can do is keep plodding along,
And hope the morning brings a new song.
thanks @jimeka did you write that poem? it's very good!
So sorry you are in pain 🙁 I guess, first I’d ask myself why I have pain? Is it MS or something else? If I’m all over achey, I might take a Motrin. Often I will work though my pain but at a lesser intensity. Mostly, I try to be kind to myself, forgive self, rest if needed. Hope you feel better soon
That’s my usual insomnia 😜😴
oops. sorry. i hope you got back to sleep and rested well eventually.
No, it’s truly my usual wake-up time
omg. that's incredible. I hope you enjoyed your awake time and were productive.
Ugh, I get more done before 10am than seems humanly possible (always been that way) and it’s why my battery runs out by 7p. Don’t invite me to an evening party 🥱
I like how productive you are, even if it is before dawn. today i was very productive but then felt like I overdid it. Hard to find the right balance.
I'm in the same camp. Some of it is lifelong (as a child I was out the door as soon as it was light, as a young woman I could fall asleep on an evening date) and some of it was conditioning from my career. Now, my neighbor texts to see if I'm okay if my kitchen lights aren't on when she leaves at 6:20 on her morning school bus run. And then, of course, there are intermittent bouts of insomnia.
I've always said I rarely have pain, but I do get aches and discomfort. For me, I'm able to think about whether it equals childbirth or a toothache or another pain-causing issue that I've experienced and put it in perspective. Then I go from there at deciding how to treat it. Will an aspirin help? Do I need to smear parts of my body with Icy-Hot? Do I just go about my day and wait for it to go away, or do I crawl back in bed in misery and eat chocolate while watching favorite chick flicks?
Rather than focusing on "Is this MS?", I lean more towards how my actions or age contributed to the discomfort. That said, preventing aches and pains has become my primary goal over the last few years, much more so than "getting exercise" and being "healthy". I did that in my younger years. The old joke about "Doctor, it hurts when I do this" has become my mantra. "Well, if it hurts when you do that, then stop doing it!"
I get what you're saying NorasMom It's not that i need to know why. I agree with you. I need to know how. So when i got this pain in my legs I have to think how do i cope with this?
I had this same issue earlier this week. I think It’s in our nature to want to know why. I’m continually beating myself up with it. I made a comment like “my legs seem really sore right now. I don’t know why!?” My husband said, do you have a neurological condition like say, MS? That’s why!!
Working on letting go & accepting this is what it is. 🧡
Stretching, icy hot, magnesium.
thanks kdali I got a magnesium spray and i take magnesium at night. do you use the citrate or glycinate?
I use an extended release oxide and citrate combo sometimes during the day and threonate at night. There is some in my electrolyte drink and multi vitamin but not much I'm not sure what kind. Nothing that I take causes me to have diarrhea. For directly on legs, I use an oil body spray and a lotion on my feet and calves when I get out of the shower, but it doesn't relieve issues as well as Epsom salt baths. I try to visit a float tank once per week, which is also magnesium, and I highly recommend trying it if you continue to have leg pains....Epsom at home is much cheaper but you have to use more than the bag says to absorb much, and the bath temp can't be too hot, which isn't a problem for my heat issues.
How much magnesium do you take in the supplement? I’m thinking of starting it and just gathering information.
Hi Elizt3 I take two tabs of Magnesium glycenate which is different from Manesium citrate. I ran out recently so i don't know the dosage but it helps me sleep.
I believe it's 250mg. Not sure on threonate, but it's available on Amazon, Life Extension brands for both.
well i am still a live for i feel pain...ahhahahahahahahaahha..have a great day and hope it eases up for you ....yes at times it is hard to walk for the pain but after awhile it does ease up ...take care and happiness....
Sometimes I get random sharp pain. Usually in my feet.
It goes away when I put frankincense oil on it. While it's uncomfortable, I think others have it a lot worse so I don't know how well the oil would work for these people but it might be worth a try.
I used to be able to say the same, "At least I don't have MUCH pain....." but that has changed this past year...
I'm in the same camp. Do I have MS pain? I honestly don't know. Are the flickering pains I experience (as if the aurora is flowing over my body) from working in the garden, or age, or MS? What is the cause of the short stabbing pain on my back, in my jaw, behind my eyes, or in a limb? None of what I experience lasts for long but it's every day present, sometimes enough to stop me in my tracks for a minute or two before moving on. I learned long ago not to bother others by saying anything about it. But here, I feel safe, not crazy, not attention seeking, free.
Dear goatgal thank you for saying that. I appreciate this safe place and I'm really not looking for pity. As long as you offered to listen this morning i woke up so weak my legs barely carried me with the walker into the kitchen. I don't know why. Maybe i overdid it on Sunday. Anyway, thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day. I appreciate you.
I'm always so grateful when I come here. I try not to unload simply because my load is so much lighter than what others here are forced to carry. I sincerely hope your legs are slowly regaining strength as the day guess is that if you might have over done it on Sunday, you probably did! And consequently may have tapped into your energy reserve. Give me a nice spring day after a winter spent mostly indoors, and I will overextend myself in the garden...and find my legs have turned to lead when I try to come inside. I usually recover slowly the next day so I hope that this is true for you as well.
I was having hip pain and started sleeping with a pillow under my knee to lift my leg into a neutral position. I sleep on my side and before using the pillow my top leg would cross over my lower leg until my knee was resting on the bed. Now with the pillow holding it up higher my hip pain is gone. I used to get a lot of calf muscle cramps at night for about a year then they suddenly stopped without me doing anything different.
I hope your pain gets better!
I’ve had MS pain for the last 10+ years. The worst is from my knees on down. I also have it around my middle (MS hug, not sure?) I appreciate everyone sharing their ideas. I’m always looking for something new. For my calves and feet I use compression wear. There are compression sleeves for the shins and calves and they help quite a bit, especially if I need to walk any distance. I also use (live by) compression sleeves for my feet, where my pain is the worst.
thanks Elizt3 I have not tried compression attire yet.
I hate to use the pain scales because I find that pretty much every day I ache, so that is what I use for terminology. My previous physical therapist just had me do it is it better the same or worse than last time I saw you?
I have yet to have MS pain. I have a back issue, which covers that one. The other day it felt like a needle was pushing into my calf and all I could do is wonder if MS pain was starting. It did finally stop and (knock wood) has not come back.
Hi, Sandydemop! Your question is a good one. I have hip and back pain too. It's hard to stay positive when pain is present, so I hate to sound like a Pollyanna. I remind myself and thank God that I do not have a terminal illness, like a brain tumor, etc. My "go to" verse, written on a plaque by my bed is Isaiah 41:10. I repeat that a few times. "Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." That just blows my pea-brain, that the God who created the universe will strengthen "me" and help "me." When I am hurting, I do try to be kind to myself. I take a pain reliever, lay down somewhere and watch dog videos on Instagram or Youtube for a while. Hope you are better very soon.