My dad died last week : My dad died last... - My MSAA Community

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My dad died last week

Wizardsmom profile image
41 Replies

My dad died last week after a long battle with dementia. I know he was suffering and it was time for him to go, but I am really struggling! Both my parents are gone now and even though I have siblings, a spouse, and kids, I feel so alone. I know it will take time to heal but for right now I feel so sad.

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Wizardsmom profile image
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41 Replies
gracy225 profile image

Hi Wizardsmom, I am SO SORRY to hear of your loss! Never, ever is it easy losing a parent no matter how prepared we think we are. I too have lost both parents as well as my beloved older sis. I know the feeling you're experiencing. It will get better! Hugs and prayers to you. xgracy

lbenmaor profile image

Iam so sorry for your loss. I have also lost both parents and sister.It is so hard but G-D will take care of us.


Amore55 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how very painful it is to lose one’s parents. Mine passed away 18 days apart. It is very much a feeling of being alone. I am sending you warm, loving thoughts and hugs. Kelly 🤗🤗

DM0329 profile image


Kenu profile image

Sorry for your loss 🙏🙏😉🐾🐾

twooldcrows profile image

i am so sorry ,it is hard to loose a parent but loosing my father was so much harder...take care of your self and remember all of the great fun you had and happiness

Sandydemop profile image

sending condolences. it's a shock even when it isn't. stay close to people who love you and please continue to share here.

jimeka profile image

You are never alone, your parents are in your heart, and good memories remain, I have lost mine but it doesn’t stop me from missing them. I still look up at heaven and talk to them, particularly when I want to share some good or bad news with them. Having ms does not help because it makes you more emotional. Please take time to grieve, cry but also smile, sending hugs, blessings Jimeka 🤗

JMTS profile image

Deepest Sympathy to you, your husband and children and your extended family I only know how you feel - I have never got over my Mum's and Dad's passing I often think of them and they are always in my prayers when I say them. Mum passed away peacefully in her sleep when she was 67 and Dad was 97 when he passed away They lived with my husband and I and our two boys - Mum for four years and Dad for 30 years it so sad when they go.

goatgal profile image

Your feelings seem truly very universal. When our parents are gone, even when we ourselves long ago became adults, we often feel orphaned at the conclusions of our active role as "child". Neither our siblings or any one in the family we create in our own maturity shares the exact memories we have of the voices we knew, the feel of the celebrations, the familiar scents and sounds. With the coming of spring, I hope your heart finds ease from this pain.

JSSimp profile image

So sorry to hear of your loss. During this time I pray God provide you comfort, peace, and strength. My prayers are with you🙏🏾

Elizt3 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 15 years ago and my dad 11 years ago and I still think about them all the time. It gets easier over time. Sometimes it waxes and wanes. But the memories will always be special and be there.

hairbrain4 profile image

I am sorry for your loss. I too have lost both of my parents. I can remember being afraid to lose them when I was young. But after it happened I just felt like I had a hole inside me. That hole gradually filled in with the love of Jesus as I was comforted with His words I read in my Bible & felt when I prayed.

nexttothesalt profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. I haven't lost either of my parents, but I worry about it all the time. We know that we are supposed to go through it in the natural order of things, but it seems like one of the hardest things. I wish you comfort and peace.

Brindisi1 profile image

Prayers for your dad, you & family. Hoping your faith sustains you in this difficult time.

hopeandgrace profile image

So sorry to hear. I pray that you would know God’s presence, love and peace. Even surrounded by others, when I feel alone, God reminds me that He is there. Take care. Continue to grieve. We’re all here for you.

bavery207 profile image

I am sorry for your loss. It will leave an ache that will fade with time, but I don't think it will ever go away.

positiveness profile image

First of all, you have my condolences. Secondly, it is perfectly all right for you to feel sad in this stage of a grievance.He must have been a great person. And grieving is different for everyone.

StacyHayward profile image

De ding you a hug! Death can be hard. Take time to grieve. Hug you family!

falalalala profile image

I'm sorry for your loss.

MarkUpnorth profile image

So sorry. I lost both mime a few 3 -4 back. It takes time. And will probably never go away. You tend to get used to it a bit. But no, it still hurts. Life goes on for the living. Grieve but don't stop living. You didn't die. Take a breather. We did, As it ended with horrible health of those who passed. So maybe it qas a blessing? But yes it hurts.

mrsmike9 profile image

Oh dear! This is so hard! The first year is so hard. My dad died in 2002 and my mom in 2020. She also had dementia. I told myself that she was now cured and not in a place where she didn't know where she was. But each first holiday without her was a trial. Once the first year of "firsts" was past it's now a bit easier. For the rest of my life, I will make her favorite cake on her birthday (same for my dad's). I have several things that were hers, so I remember her every time, for instance, I put sugar in my tea because that was her sugar bowl. You will always hold them close but that first's so hard. My sincere condolences and best wishes to you. (I also have a husband, kids and siblings but this is your own grief.)

CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to mrsmike9

Well said, I still have a vhs tape with my mom laughing on it, maybe I'll try to find someway to get it onto a dvd!

CalfeeChick profile image

Sending you special hugs of compassion, understanding. I also have lost my parents and mother in law. Both Moms to Alzheimer's. Years apart though and one of our first caregivers, so I could get a break once in a while taught us so much. I was able to spend years with each Mom at home and when convalescent became necessary, I became many patient's "special" person. I stayed with each Mom holding their hands when at the very last, when they knew they were passing was somehow able to tell them it was OK to go home to Our Lord. Just know your Dad knew you loved him very much and he wouldn't want you grieving too long...but finding comfort in all the good memories.. Blessings

After both of my parents passed, I had a feeling of being an orphan, then realized how much they had loved me and can cherish memories.

Sagesewer profile image

My sincere condolences to you and your family regarding your dad passing away.

Jer29-11 profile image

I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad. No matter the circumstances, it is never easy. I sincerely hope and pray you will be comforted during this difficult time ❤️🙏🏻

kdali profile image

I'm so sorry 💐

Tazmanian profile image

Sorry for your loss

BlanketTime1 profile image

i'm so sorry for your loss. my dad died a little over a year ago. he had parkinson's and dementia near the end. it is rough because you know how much they've suffered, but you want them with you... sending you🤗

Iona60 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss. My Mom died a few months ago after a short battle with dementia. The initial first few weeks were so hard as everything that reminded me of her made me cry. Now, I have progressed to smiling and warm memories.

Wizardsmom profile image
Wizardsmom in reply to Iona60

I hope to progress to that soon. I'm miserable.

Iona60 profile image
Iona60 in reply to Wizardsmom

We are in the process of packing up and moving cross country. I ended up combining everything I still had from my parents like cards and letters into a box to deal with in a year or two. Right now pictures make me smile, but it is too hard to read letters and cards from years gone by. My heart is with you in your grief, but my gut still aches.

wolfmom21fl profile image

so sorry for your loss. No matter how prepared we think we are for the passing of a loved one, it always seems so traumatic. Peaceful, healing energy being sent

InvestorwithMS profile image

So sorry for your loss— praying for healing for your family!!!

bxrmom profile image

So very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you during this time.

Mollyabigail profile image

Wizardsmom, I am so sorry for your loss. You have lost your safety net. My dad is gone, and my (almost) 91 year old mom is my safety net. It is totally understandable that you feel alone. I am placing you on my prayer list. Please be kind to yourself. And if you need an ear, I am here to listen. (((big hug))) from north Mississippi. Teresa

Wizardsmom profile image
Wizardsmom in reply to Mollyabigail

Thank you!

NorasMom profile image

I am so sorry. My dad and I hadn't been close for decades, but when he died unexpectedly last year I felt so lost for months. Allow yourself time to grieve, and know that it'll sometimes hit you when you're not expecting it. It helped me to immerse myself in one of his favorite hobbies for a while.

Alicesyn1105 profile image

Hello Wizardsmom, I am very sorry to read about your loss. I, too, have lost both my parents and an older sister. I was 20 when I lost my Dad and 29 when I lost my Mom. I am now 63 and I think about them every day. I still expect them to call or knock on my door. It does get better; however, I don't think those feelings will ever go completely away. I try and remember how lucky I was to have great parents and a wonderful sister. My prayers are with you. Marlene

Wizardsmom profile image
Wizardsmom in reply to Alicesyn1105

Thank you so much!

Ellmom profile image

I am so sorry for your loss may you find peace knowing that he is finally at peace

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