Big Horn Sheep. Heavy predator pressure from three strong wolf packs have pushed both these guys and a small elk herd off the mountain onto our fields.
Visitors to the ranch last week…. - My MSAA Community
Visitors to the ranch last week….

Pretty cool photo! 🤗
they are beautiful animals. thanks for sharing. can i ask what state you live in? do you live near a wolf preserve? how is it living so close to wolf packs? i'd be scared.
We are in the heart of the wolf controversy in NE Washington State. Over the winters, when cattle are in pens and not on range land, the wolves come down from the surrounding mountains (very close as we are in a narrow river bottom). Our Livestock Guardian Dogs bark nonstop all night. The wolves push other predators down also, black, grizzly, cougar, bobcat and coyotes, making it worse. So, wild game take advantage and hide out here. Currently, have Big Horn Sheep, Elk, Whitetail and Mule Deer, Canadian Geese and Wild Turkey, all within sight of the house at times. We call it "Gods Country"!
I know it's not a good thing, but those are beautiful!
The wolves have their place... unfortunately, we've lost all our Moose and the endangered Woodland Cariboo were decimated. Two years ago, we had a Blue Tongue epidemic. Wiped out one third of the Big Horn Sheep and hit the deer population hard also. Luckily, our sheep escaped the Blue Tongue (which is certain death).
magnificent animals
wow this is a great picture of them ,sorry for the major problem with the wolfs...can't you shoot them for they are a threat to you and your safe ...carry a small pistol for protection ...
Carry a rifle in the tractor. If you shoot one it needs to drop, preferably within 10 feet of where you shot. Both Washington and Oregon have special police units just to investigate human-wolf incidents. Most often, the wolf wins, or it’s ‘forgotten’ by media and LE. “SSS” or the 3 Ss are more common… shoot, shovel and shut up!
where our daughter use to live they carried a gun every time they went out for protection and protect their animals was terrible ...they even had a couger go threw their yard ...really scared me to be there safe ...
that is so cool!
Here in Colorado too