Ideas? Not going out these daÿs.
Double vision: Ideas? Not going out... - My MSAA Community
Double vision
Double vision started with my first exacerbation. Solumedrol helped. I have prisms in my reading glasses now, which also helps. Good luck
That was my first symptom that send my to an ophthalmologist who send me for an mri which sent me to a neuro for further testing. If not better by tomorrow, contact your neuro, you may need to get solumedrol to help.
I have that too. tell your doc immediately. now it comes and goes moreso when I'm tired or late in the day. i was told to wear a patch on my "good" eye.
I can never tell which eye is my bad eye, and the one I think is the bad, my neuros have always said it was the what do I know lol
I cover up or close the one the neuro said is the bad one. That one doesn't "track" with the other one because the muscle is weakened. even though the vision in that side is slightly better. I don't want to end up cross-eyed or with a "lazy eye."
wow ...
I am sorry that you are experiencing double vision and wish that I had a better answer. My very first symptom of MS was Optic Neuritis. I lost 100% vision in my left eye. I was taken to the Emergency Room late that night. The doctor there had no clue what caused it. Sent me home and said schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist. She diagnosed it as ON, scheduled an MRI, and referred me to a neurologist. Like everyone else has said: Solumedrol is currently your only solution. It definitely speeds up recovery time.
Like bxrmom said: it doesn't always seem that the affected eye is the eye causing the problem. It can be very confusing.
Like Sandydemop said: covering one eye helps. I never wear an eye patch now, but very often catch my self closing one eye. It is also worse for me when I am tired, late in the day, and when I have tried to do to much.
I rarely drive anywhere these days, but when the double vision flares, I don't go anywhere either, even if someone else is driving. It makes makes my difficulty walking even worse. It also makes me nauseous looking at or watching something to long. If you get that feeling; sit down, close your eyes, and rest for a while. Avoid steps at all costs, even with handrails. It affects depth perception and increases the chances of falling. Just be safe and not cause any injuries that could have been prevented.
If your Neuro can't help, see a neuro-ophthalmologist My double vision is permanent, fortunately not as extreme as it might be, but I wear glasses every single day for all purposes. The prisms in the glasses need adjusting (i.e. next grade) about every year as my struggle to focus increases. Without glasses, I cannot read or do fine work at any distance.
Definitely mention the diplopia to your MS specialist so that they can refer you to a neuro optometrist or neuro ophthalmologist. I have both horizontal and vertical permanent double vision (mine was caused by a benign brain tumor and stayed permanent even after surgery to remove it) and my neuro optometrist is brilliant. I did vision therapy to try to strengthen the muscles in my eyes and they outfitted me with 2 pairs of prism glasses (one for near vision and one for distance vision) which allow me to get around and even drive. I know how extremely disorienting double vision can be, please take care and stay safe
Great ideas. Thanks!
Talk to all your doctors just call them no reason to go in
yeah, i found steroids helped. but my right eye hurts really badly sometimes and wearing an eyepatch helps. plus, i can go out and keep saying, 'ARRRRR.'🤣