i was diagnosed with ms in 2012,and never had a problem with my eyes,well last night i was watching tv with hubby and my vision got so blurred and I got nervous.it did get my attention and only lasted a few moments but long enough.I have a physical this month,we'll see what he says since that dr. also has ms.i would love to hear of your experiences with your eyes and are you on meds,how long do they last,etc..any tricks out of your magic bag?he comes change,oh boy!
blurred vision: i was diagnosed with ms in... - My MSAA Community
blurred vision
That’s how I was diagnosed was lost vision in my right eye. Came back after six months. Still have problems with it off and on. Might go couple months or couple days and will go blurry for 2-5 minutes and returns. Never know when it will happen? At least it only lasts a few minutes and might do it several times a day and then gone for months. I do have ms lesions behind my eye 👁 and that was beginning of ms. Good luck 🍀👍 Ken 🐾 🐾
I have read of only longer term vision problems, but I, too, have had short periods of double or blurred vision lasting from a few seconds to a very few minutes. My neuro dismissed those episodes.
Thanks for bringing this up. It will be interesting to see what others have to say.
Do you have an eye dr? Trouble w my L eye in July 2017 led me to see my optometrist (who is GREAT). I was there all day!! She told me my peripheral vision was shot and I lost about 75% of my vision in that eye. Could not read the color blind test book. Could not see the big letters on the eye chart. She referred me to an ophthalmologist and had a conversation saying this could be a sign of optic neuritis and ultimately MS but she couldn’t see behind the eye however they could. Wait a week for that & not impressed w him at all! Says he doesn’t think optic neuritis and definitely not MS but orders bloodwork (like 4 or 5 vials worth) & an MRI of brain. Went for MRI and was chatty w the tech (same hospital my mom, husband & others I knew worked at the time). Told her I was supposed to be leaving in the am to go out of state for a long weekend. I also asked she make sure to get the results to my PCP as well as Ophthalmologist. Even longer story short-heard from my PCP within an hour to get my behind to the ER ASAP bc I needed to start 3 days of IV steroids bc I have optic neuritis and was not going to be leaving to go anywhere! She also said she had not seen the MRI herself but based on the report it was highly probable MS.
My advice is to not put this off. She said had I waited any longer I could have completely lost up to 100% of vision in that eye. I instead appear to be “recovered completely” from it by all testing standards.
Scared the bezeezers out of me and I am hyper aware of that eye every single day bc there is a chance it could flare up again at any point. My neuro asks about it every appt also.
Seeing as you already know you have MS, eye issues are a reality for us. I’d hate for this to develop into something bigger than it has to be 💞
I have abnormal reflexes in both eyes, central vision loss in one and altered color perception in the other one. What I can see varies every day, and if it’s bad I rest or try to limit things stressful on the eye, like screens and TV. I’ve been on medication since diagnosis, except when pregnant the second time, but my ON episodes began 15 years prior.
That is what led to my MS diagnosis. Sudden blurriness. Now, I get it every once in a while, usually if I am really tired. You may want to see an ophthalmologist.
Ever since my first attack of Optic Neuritis my vision has been plagued by episodes of double vision, large floaters, optical migraines, blurred vision, and pain. None of these episodes last long enough to be exacerbations, but my vision is becoming more and more worrying. I saw the neuro ophthalmologist in July and learned that next summer he wants to remove cataracts on both eyes at the same time because it will enable him to more successfully correct my prescription afterwards since I have fresnel lenses in my glasses. The fresnel correct for double vision caused by the optic neuritis...and who knows what comes after that.
wow,i also having cataracts removed 1st part of year,dr said i could do it anytime but i found them getting worse,things look darker and i can see them on my eyes,never heard of anyone doing both at same time,let us know how it goes
I have not had ON but have had a lot of black floaters recently and had what I think was an ocular migraine. I was at church and the lights were down low during the music part of the service. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, there were these zig zag shapes that made me think of waves going across my line of vision from left to right. They were red “waves” and the background was black. There was also flashes in my peripheral vision. It was WEIRD! I sat down and blinked my eyes and it kept happening for a few minutes and then it was gone. I was not in any pain.
yes i have had lots of problems with the sight in my left eye ...have injections in to for trying to keep me from loosing the sight in the eye ...swells has fluid behind the eye ...good luck make sure you good doctor ....
You should go to the eye dr you don't want anything to happen 2 them
i agree,ms. is not going to take driving from me!