Family, as we all know, I am not any sort of doctor, nor do I play one on television. Be careful what "YOU" may see or read. Not everybody speaks with your best interest at heart. I do, BUT I most certainly can be WRONG. Do not take my words for the absolute, be-all, end-all truth and Facts. In the other vein, not everybody cares about "YOU". Get a second, third opinion. Treat your life as something that "YOU" care deeply about. Take your time, research your information. Be comfortable with your decisions.
ms will be a very long journey for "YOU", not a two-week aspirin regime. The rest of your very long life. Read that again and make your decisions based on that fact. There is no cure, only treatments some stronger and safer than others.
Good luck, choose well and I hope to meet "YOU" one day along our journey.