Memory and Gabapentinoids: I take 100 mg... - My MSAA Community

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Memory and Gabapentinoids

BrotherStein profile image
27 Replies

I take 100 mg pregabalin about an hour before bed for neuropathic pain. My memory is terrible, and I wonder if it's from the pregabalin. I honestly can't remember.😆

Has anyone noticed memory problems getting worse after taking pregabalin (Lyrica) or gabapentin (Neurontin)?

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BrotherStein profile image
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27 Replies
twooldcrows profile image

don't know anything about what you are talking about ...have never heard of it ..sorry others may have just have to wait till some read this ...sorry hope you get your and much happiness..

CV97 profile image

I stopped taking gabapentin (lowest dose) rather quickly. My head felt disconnected, focus was off. I'd rather tingle some than have my brain working poorly.

BrotherStein profile image
BrotherStein in reply to CV97

I wish my legs would just tingle. I take it because I'd wake up in the middle of the night, and my legs would be burning so much, I couldn't get back to sleep, and then the following day, I'd be useless. I take a minimal dose to prevent the cognitive problems as much as I can.

green244 profile image
green244 in reply to BrotherStein

My husband has the same symptoms. He takes gabapentin because otherwise the pain is intense enough that he has to remain sitting and he cannot sleep well sitting up. It does leave him with brain fog in the morning which seems to dissipate somewhat by the afternoon.

Frances_B profile image

I haven't taken either of those drugs, but have a friend who has taken Lyrica and her marbles start to disconnect and roll around quite loosely in her head while on it, so she had to try and wean off it and find something else to take its place. Cognitive problems are a commonly reported side effect of it. Depression can be a side effect for some people as well as the usual grab bag of fatigue etc that so many of these meds can cause.

BrotherStein profile image
BrotherStein in reply to Frances_B

That's why I only take it before bed. I put up with the burning the rest of the time, as unpleasant as it is.

Violonchelo profile image

No. Sorry.

palomino27 profile image

I currently am taking 75mg Lyrica 2x a day. Have been as high as 200mg 2x a day. Been on it for 5 years. Been slowly tapering down for about a year. It's like having teeth pulled without numbing. I hate this drug. Makes me feel not myself. Not sure about memory but I wouldn't doubt it....ill probably be able to tell in like six months or so. I think I remember gabapentin affecting cognition even more but I got up to 3200mg a day.

Sophie66666 profile image
Sophie66666 in reply to palomino27

I've been on Pregabalin 150 for 10 days and it's horrendous I can't think my memory isn't right Im emotional.... Can I just stop taking it?



palomino27 profile image
palomino27 in reply to Sophie66666

Usually one would start at a lesser dose and work your way up to 150mg. It's easier to avoid side effects that way and let your body get used to it first. I sorta can't imagine going straight to 150mg....I'd contact your doctor at this point

Caramia64 profile image
Caramia64 in reply to Sophie66666

Hi can I ask in what increments did you reduce it and did you have any withdrawals?

ahrogers profile image

I take 400mg of Gabapentin every night to prevent vertigo and I haven't had any worsening of my memory. It does make me sleepy which is why I take it in the evening. If I am having trouble sleeping I will take a second one.

MarkUpnorth profile image

Been on Gabapentin, Lyrica,.....and many more for the evening burning feet, & restless legs. None worked. I hadn't gotten to bed promptly for years, with any of the drugs. After years, and advice from one of several neurologists, I finally got relief down perfectly. At 7pm the timer on my phone goes off every nite. I take 1 magnesium citrate off the shelf suppliment which seams to do the trick for the restless legs. For the burning feet at nite, at bedtime a few hours later, I vape dry CBD flower. That's it! Works like a charm. No drugs needed except the CBD flower heated minimally, not burned. Been doing this successfully for many years now. But if I don't, it all comes back the night I don't. CBD gummies help when traveling and I cannot vape, but not nearly as well. THC flower, not as good, it's the high CBD that seems to do the trick. Has been since day 1 when medical cannabis became legal here, and I was Euphoric off a high CBD strain. 2 puffs and the evening pain that kept me up most the night for years was gone, like magic. No high from the cannabis. Just the pain finally gone!

Try skipping the drugs. Vaping dry flower, not any liquid who knows what's in it, or how it was made. Magnesium citrate for the RLS, and vaped CBD flower when the pain starts. Vaping is the most efficient means of delivery. Edibles, take time, and not as effective for my type pain.

wolfmom21fl profile image
wolfmom21fl in reply to MarkUpnorth

I LOVE this! The CBD flower,... is this something you can get without a "green card" or does this fall under the medical marijuana category? I live in FL and they are total jerks about all of it here. The voters approved Medical MJ in 2016 and we are still fighting them to get it easily. But right now it costs close to $500 every 6-7 months depending where in the state you are and the doctor you are even able to get in to see for the card and script. that's out of pocket of course and being on disability I cannot afford this even every 6 months..

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to wolfmom21fl

I don't even pretend to know the legalesse in each state. Here it is now even recreational, but almost any CBD shop, legal just about everywhere, you can find it. Strains like AC/DC are essentially 100% CBD, and legal federally due to it's low THC content. If Florida has CBD shops, it's good to go? If not, maybe mail order? Check you state. Does not require a med C card. An 1/8th lasts me 6 months or more. About $50.

wolfmom21fl profile image
wolfmom21fl in reply to MarkUpnorth

TY for this info...

DogMamma profile image

YES, In myself and I have only ever been prescribed 100mg up to 4 a day during a really bad time. But my bestie friend and my husband both with MS take the maximum dose of gabapentin and I definitely see a problem with memory with both of them. I limited my intake of gabapentin when I discovered that it was making the right side of my head above my ear painful and my memory failing. Call it a headache or whatever, but it hurt. I remember back in 2005 when my husband started taking it due to Trigeminal Neuralgia related to his MS I was told my his neurologist that one could not overdose on gabapentin. My bestie was told the same. NOW she is being told a different. Husband neurologist (not the original neurologist) has not said anything yet. This said, my taking gabapentin did help when I needed it, but I am wary of making it a maintenance drug for myself due to pain in my head and the memory issue. As for Lyrica, I can not take. Prescribed by GP when I had shingles and my legs did not want to work. I felt very disconnected mentally. I immediately call GP and was advise NOT to take. Just relaying here my own personal experiences. I know others who have had not problem at all.

Peruzzot profile image

I've never taken pregabalin. But I have used gabapentin patches for back pain. The patches didn't help my pain at all. They did make my cognitive fog and memory issues a lot worse though. One doctor put in my record that I'm allergic to it, even though I'm not. He said that I had an adverse reaction to it and wanted to make sure that I wasn't prescribed it again.

MyMyelin profile image

Hey there. I take 300 mg of Gabapentin and 10 mg of Baclofen at bed time. One piece of advice I got when first diagnosed that has been a Godsend for me is this: everyone is different, so focus on what’s best for you. I tried a lot of things and this works best. But, that’s me. I hope you find what’s best for you and the memory issues improve! I don’t have any side effects from the meds I take. I don’t take anything during the day and the tingling, hug and burning can get super annoying. I did acupuncture which helped a bit, but wow was it strange for me. My little secret…I freeze water bottles and I roll them on my feet and arms after work or a long walk. I have an electric blanket I wrap around my torso for the hug. I look ridiculous!!! Haha. But hey, works for me.

wolfmom21fl profile image

at some point or another I have taken both of these... more than once. Gabapentin did not help my nerve pain at all, Lyrica, while it helped a tiny bit made me feel like i was walking sideways all the time. Like listing to the left constantly. If I ever got pulled over and asked to walk a straight line they would have arrested me for DUI I suspect. I have horrible cognitive issues now, but I havent taken either of those drugs for years.. It's probably been 10 years since I have been on either one. IDK if this is a side effect that comes and stays or one that can come later or what. I was on Lyrica the first time I started to had cognitive issues before I was even Dx'd with MS. I got lost on my way to the grocery I had been going to every week for the prior 5 years plus and I basically freaked out because I had no idea where I was. That was the beginning of finally getting a dx.. it would be another 2 years however, before I did get one because the Medicaid clinic I was at refused to do the paperwork to get an MRI done even after the CT scan showed numerous lesions in my brain. I had to wait for Medicare to kick in so i could see a real doctor and finally get the MRI and see a neuro for other testing and dx. But the I take ropinirole (Requip) for restless leg syndrome and the added "side effect" is that it helps the random nerve pain in my lower legs when I am trying to get to sleep.. It also makes me a little drowsy which good too as I take it about a half hour before I goo to bed

rjoneslaw profile image

i take 300mg of gabapentin 3x's a day since 2016 for the neuropathic itch and back pain i have had any issues

Cutefreckles72 profile image

Hi, I take a 300mg of gabapentin once a day and a 4mg tizanidine HCL at bedtime. Taking both of them at night helps me sleep. The pain is still there when I wake up. No side effect problems.

rgdickson10 profile image

I am in the process of weaning down or completely off 1200 mg of Gabapentin every night due to some of the side effects mentioned in this thread.I have been on it for about 5 years or so. Although, it does help some with my pain and helps me sleep, it takes me about 2 hours after I wake up to come out of the brain fog every morning. It is not helping much with my pain anymore, and it is also causing GI issues. I hope to be off in a few months. It would be a great Christmas gift 🎁.

DisMLEVal profile image

2700mg of Gaba,daba, dooooo (My pet name for gabapentin) daily. That along with my other meds (23 pills, including the 9-300mg gaba, every day) keep me functioning at a high level for a stress filled, high energy, full time job.

Unraveled profile image

Two Interesting reads about it...

Sophie66666 profile image

I've been on Pregabalin 150 for 10 days and it's horrendous I can't think my memory isn't right Im emotional.... Can I just stop taking it?

BrotherStein profile image

You need to taper carefully, Sophie. Stopping quickly could lead to a resurgence of symptoms worse than they were.

I take pregabalin for neuropathic pain in my lower legs. The pain can be pretty horrendous, but I don't want to go through what you're experiencing. So I only take it before bed to keep it from interfering with my sleep and put up with the pain the rest of the time.

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