I had to go to the doctor Friday was given a steroid shot and started oral steroids on Saturday. Now I am having a problem with my blood pressure and blood sugar and just feeling strange. I has a problem with blood sugar last time I was on steroids but did feel like this. Any thoughts
Having a little problem : I had to go to... - My MSAA Community
Having a little problem

I googled and itβs say that steroids can do both, higher your blood sugar and increase your blood pressure. I would see your doctor and have your levels checked. Let us know how you get on, Blessings Jimeka π
Thank you. My blood pressure is back to normal blood sugar is still up but not as high. I have a tightness in my intier torso from my neck to my waist. I am light headed and dizzy. I plan on calling my doctor in the morning
Why did he put you n steroids?
I had 2 days of problems with my vision and we figured that it was caused from me getting over heated on Tuesday. And I have had some problems in the past where I lost my vision for over 3 hours and they feel that this is me showing a flare up
u need 2 call ur pcp
I am not doctor , neither at the moment I have experience about your circumstances.
Is the sport a solution?
Please let us know what you find out. I'm glad you are calling your doctor ASAP. Praying.

Please let your doctor know what is going on with you, Turtlepie
I am trying to
Stay Safe, Turtlepie
Thank you. I am doing my best. I haven't taken the steroids this morning and I don't think that I will take any more. I am now worried if they want to do iv steroids what will happen
Let them know what steroids are doing to you now. Perhaps they will re-think about giving you iv steroids, Turtlepie
I am tired of all these crazy side affects
Never a dull moment...
I know. I was feeling do good now I feel like yuck. I am sure this will pass as soon as the steroids get out of my system
How long for the steroids to get out of your system, Turtlepie ? Hopefully soon.
Just a day more I guess from what she said. I got the shot on Friday and just took 2 days of the five I was supposed to. And with hydrating like she wants me to it should be out of my system by this time tomorrow. I didn't take any today
You know you don't have to do the steroids. Just because the dr recomends it doesn't mean you have to do it. After my last round of steroids I told my dr that I don't ever want to do it again no matter how bad I feel because the side effects were worse than the relapse.
oh my did you let the doctor know this the last time ??/......need to talk to the doctor and tell them what is going on now ...do now...
i am so glad you talked to them for it didn't sound to good ...we have to remember because of the MS ,high blood pressure and high levels of your blood sugar even too low is something that you have to watch out for...take care and be safe...love and much happiness ...laugh now it is to get better ...relax...
i bet you do more than you think ,,you sound like an upbeat person...yes we all get down with we have to deal with with us having MS and of course it brings some other friends along to pester us ...but i look at it is that i have woke up and breathing ...so i hope they get to bottom with your health issues i know it is hard when so many things to deal with ..or i was wanting to ask do you have a specialist for the diabetic things they are just as important as your MS specialist is for it ...i know to many doctors but if you get the right one it sure makes your life more pleasant ...stay safe ...
I do not have a specialist for the diebetic stuff when they do the over blood test for that it's always fine but I am at risk because of it being in my family and I had gestational diebeties with my last 2 pregnancies. I do my best to keep a watch on it. I really hate that I forgot my place and let myself get over heated
ha we aren't perfect and we do things that can come back to bite us but that is part of life ...i am very guilty of getting over heated all the time for i start something and i want to get it done and some times it takes longer that i thought and the temp has gone up but at the time i think i feel fine but boy do i know later that it isn't fine but i go and cool off it might take a while and i does affect my eyes really bad but ha i love to see some thing come together or just getting something done that had been bugging me and well you probably can understand that ...well hope all works out and get to feeling better...love and happiness and have a big hug...