I have been through a physical whirlwind over the past month. A month ago I felt like my heart was going to pop out of my chest it was beating so hard. I took my BP and it was very high. My BP monitor was flashing red which means go to the ER. I didn't of course. I told my husband about it instead. 15 minutes later I took my BP again. It was still high. My heart was still pounding & started to go into Atrilfibulation. So I took one of my pills for that, Propafenone. The Dr gave me that when I ended up in the hospital 2 years ago with thyroid toxicity. After 30 minutes the heart-pounding started to settle down. My BP came down some. That was on a Sunday evening. First thing Monday morning I called my Dr. I got in the next day. I had told him that I felt like my thyroid was too low again as I didn't have any energy. Low thyroid energy is different from MS low energy so I knew it wasn't MS. So he drew blood. I was correct. my thyroid decided to take a leap off the bridge. It was lower than it has ever been before, all three thyroid tests T3, T4 & TSH. When T3 & T4 are low the TSH is usually high since it's the one that tells the other two to step up. I have had a sonogram on my thyroid & it was ok, praise God. So now I have to go see an endocrinologist. One more specialist to add to the list! The Dr did raise my thyroid meds a little but he was hesitant to do that and my BP was still in the high range so he put me on a low dose of lisinopril. That has helped my BP but the A-Fib is still going on, my heart feels like it wants to pop out whenever I try to do anything that requires walking. I have an appointment with my Cardiologist next Wednesday. He will be happy that I decided to take the Propafenone 2x's a day. I was taking it PRN (as needed), he calls it a "pill in a pocket." I'm supposed to carry them with me at all times. So then 2 weeks ago my legs decided to have a hissy fit and start cramping. I've always had trouble with my calves cramping up but never the backs of my thighs. Sitting at the computer one evening my right leg started cramping up. I tried to push my chair back to straighten out my leg & the other one started cramping. I couldn't move and I couldn't get them to stop. I haven't felt that much pain at one time in over 46 years when I gave birth to my daughter! My husband had to dump me on the floor so I could straighten them out & put ice on them. He's disabled and can't lift me. I can look back and laugh at it now but I sure wasn't laughing that night. It took 3 days for my legs to stop hurting after that. There's even a blessing through all that, MS didn't flair up (other than my legs). Ocrevus is doing its job. Looking back I think the leg problem was due to not drinking enough water. But it happened right after the snowstorm that shut us down for a week & we were without running water. Before Ocrevus the MS would have taken advantage and caused whatever problem it could. Thank you Ocrevus! Now to get my thyroid fixed and get my heart to stop trying to pop out of my chest.
Whirlwind: I have been through a physical... - My MSAA Community

My prayers are with you. So sorry that you are having so much going with you body not working right. Take care
That is a blessing 😱 I would have been tempted to feel hopeless and terrified had I gone though what you have. Perhaps it was a perfect storm 🤔 I hope your next post has some feeling better in it 🙏
Oh, dear! I'm so sorry you've been going through so much. I'll be praying that you get the thyroid sorted out quickly, and that you don't have any more of those terrible cramps!
I'm sorry to hear this.
How frightening for you. Are any of these problems ms related. Does ms cause the thyroid to play up? You are a very strong lady and your faith will pull you through, blessings Jimeka 🤗
MS & thyroid don't directly have anything to do with each other. The thyroid will mess up a lot of things in your body when it's out of whack, especially heart-related. I guess it would start a flair if I wasn't on Ocrevus. You know MS will take any and every chance it gets to attack! I've had thyroid problems since I was a teen. Looking back it seems a lot of things that are wrong with me now started when I was in my teens! LOL
Oh sweetheart that’s awful, you are so strong thank god you were on the ocrevus and got through it you must have been petrified. I’m glad they’ve got you on the meds. Xx prayer are with you
Do you take supplemental magnesium? It can be very helpful with leg cramps.
Yes, I do. I'm sure my problem that day was lack of water. Without running water & running out of bottled water I just didn't drink enough. Our city water here tastes & smells horrible. We are on well water here on our property. Our neighbors have city water & they didn't freeze as we did so I could get water from them but it's barely drinkable. I was just being lazy & didn't want to boil it.
My love and prayers are with you.
Thank you!
Oh my goodness! You really have had a time of it! I'm glad you know what's going on so you can get to the bottom of it.
Wow, so much to go through. Your such a trooper dealing with all that. I really hope you can get that thyroid problem taken care of and glad to hear the MS hasn't flared.