I am Celebrating a 3 Year Annaversary T... - My MSAA Community

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I am Celebrating a 3 Year Annaversary Today!

CrazyCatWom profile image
26 Replies

Happy New Year Everybody!

I am celebrating that it has been 3 years since I've lit up a cigarrett!

I can't say quitting smokibng was a New Year's Resolution, January 1 2018. I don't do resolutions. I stopped smoking because I had awakened New Year's Day after having done an old fart's NY's Eve--going to bed early, but experiencing an excrutiating head ache sometime during the night. When I got up that morning, I was so nauseeous, I couldn't even hold down water!


I wish! I would've at least gotten my last good snootful, then.

Nah, I finally looked at myself in the mirror after washing my mouth out, and saw the entire right side of my face drooping!

That was scary, thinking I'd had a stroke!

However, as the day wore on, the drooping went away. I was still puking up my coffee, my water. I laid down on the couch for a nap, putting my cigarrette pack and lighter on the coffee table.

After sleeping for about an hour, I got up and went into the kitchen to finish the pork roast I'd put in the crock pot. And at a certain point, it dawned on me, I hadn't picked up my cigarrettes and lighter and gone out onto the back porch to light up!

Nor did I want to!

And I have not smoked a single cigarrette, since!

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CrazyCatWom profile image
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26 Replies
RoyceNewton profile image


carolek572 profile image

Congratulations on your third anniversary of not lighting one up, CrazyCatWom I have never smoked however my parents smoked! Happy New Year! :-D

jimeka profile image

Good on you. Well done 👍 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

mm1527mm profile image

Congratulations! Happy new year!

kdali profile image


hairbrain4 profile image

That is awesome! I know what it's like to stop smoking. I smoked for 35+ years and finally quit. 10 years ago on 11-18, one breath at a time.

2littletime profile image

Congratulations & Happy Anniversary! I, too am proud to say I am an ex-smoker! It's not an easy thing to do. I lit my last one on 10/31/1998 & have never regretted that decision. Now...3 years down & a lifetime of better health for you! 👍🎉😁

Kenu profile image

Good for you 👍 almost sounds like you’re higher power had a play in it🙏. Self intervention 😉🤞🤗 Ken 🐾🐾

twooldcrows profile image

fantastic ....it is hard to do ...i did also back in 2000..tooks me several tries for i really didn't want to ...i know it is for the good ..

So proud of you!!! Keep on keepin' on, you're doing great! 👍

mynewname profile image

Good job!

pamgarner profile image

nature has a way of knowing what is best for us,i quit 10 years ago,i discovered i was really cheap!i didn't quit for my health, i quit when my cancer sticks when they went to $5>00 pack

2littletime profile image
2littletime in reply to pamgarner

I'm with you on the $$ end of smoking. When I started they were only 35 cents a pack! I can't imagine what they cost now..how does anyone afford them?!?!?!

pamgarner profile image
pamgarner in reply to 2littletime

that I don't know I just know i couldn't afford to smoke,i saw in a checkout line "kools" were $7.00 a pack and in ny i hear the rumor they are around $11.00 a pack.yikes!

CrazyCatWom profile image
CrazyCatWom in reply to pamgarner

I always bought my smokes at Native American Reservations' smoke shops. They were considerably cheaper than any non-rez retailer. However, because I shopped that way, I couldn't tell you what a pack cost at a Circle K. All in all, I probably would've been better off just rolling up a $20 bill every week and setting fire to it rather than inhaling that carton every week.

leking1 profile image

Congratulations! That is a big accomplishment! I think about it, but I honestly don't know if I will ever even try to quit. This past year has driven me to smoke more than I have in years, so I will try to go back to

maybe 1 cigarette a day, 7 every week, instead if the half a pack( 10) that I am lighting up and sticking in my face every day now. I don't drink, I don't cuss (much) I don't go out and party, or at all. I've smoked for probably 50 years, and my Oxygen level is still 99, and I enjoy it. I know how hard it is for those who accomplish their goal to be a non-smoker, and I celebrate their achievement!

CrazyCatWom profile image
CrazyCatWom in reply to leking1

Thank you. It wasn't anything I intended to do. I'd smoked almost 40 years, usually as a chain smoker--3 packs a day. I smoked because I liked it and it was how I dealt with stress. I tried quitting once, but it only lasted a day because I quit the job instead and went straight to the Reservation smoke shop and bought a cartonaybea! I'd been weening off of the amount I was smoking in 2017. Again, not because I wanted to quit, but because I smoked because I liked the taste of the brand I smoked. That band was discontinued so I moved on to another, but didn't like it as much. Then it, too, went away. Happened repeatedly so I was down to a brand of cigars that looked like cigarrettes because they were cheaper. But there again, what I liked would cease production. So I was smoking one I really didn't like, so I'd smoke about half of one at a time. Maby that helped me give it up all together.

leking1 profile image
leking1 in reply to CrazyCatWom

The same thing may happen to me. I find one I like, and then they stop making it....cutting back has been fairly easy, but I do love to watch the sunrise with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I quit once for over a year, went to visit my sister, and when she lit up, I wanted it so bad, I asked for one, she gave it to me, and I was a smoker again, just like that. She was a chain smoker too, but she died at 64 years , due to heart disease.

CrazyCatWom profile image
CrazyCatWom in reply to leking1

Oh! I would do a test to insure I'd quit: Every time I went to the University Hospital to get a blood test, an MRI or an appointment with my neurologist, I'd have to wait for my return trip home transport in a spot just outside the doors to get into the hospital. Someone was always out there smoking, so I'd strike up a conversation and position myself right in their smoke so I cfould smell it, which is what several friends said would get them craving a cigarrette. But, nope! Wouldn't get me wanting one.

leking1 profile image
leking1 in reply to CrazyCatWom

Now that's a real test! Your body was done with the smoking! I have to ask....how/why did you choose your name, Crazy Cat Woman? I love it, and it fits me perfectly, but I'd have to throw 3 dogs in there too! When my sister died, I found her body, lying on her floor, and she had 2 little dogs and 8 or 9 cats, and every one of them was right there around her body. Poor little confused fur babies, you know what I did, I brought every one of them up to my house, to join my 2 little dogs and 6 cats! I told you I was a Crazy Cat woman! It's been almost 5 years and every one of them is still with me, except for little Buddy.He was a little fat Silky Terrier who had diabetes, which I discovered shortly after he came to live with me. I gave him his insulin shots for 3+ years, until he died in September 2019, just 2 weeks after I lost my sweet mini Schnauzer, Layla to cancer. It's a zoo, but everybody gets along well! That is when I got involved with our Humane Society.....I thought they could help me find good homes for some of them! Silly Me!

CrazyCatWom profile image
CrazyCatWom in reply to leking1

I got my name Crazy Cat Woman because I'm the only one in the neighborhood who has cats rather than dogs, and all the stray cats feel safe coming to my backyard to hunt lizards or give birth to kitten--which resulted in a Kittenpalooza in my backyard in 2016. I stopped naming all the kittens when I reached 15 and they just kept coming!

leking1 profile image
leking1 in reply to CrazyCatWom

That sounds like my house! My vet is on speed dial! In 2015, 2 neighborhood

cats gifted me with a total of 13 kittens! I had a litter of 6, the other one had 2 litters, one of 3, and then a second of 4 kittens! I returned the favor by having them both spayed!

pamgarner profile image
pamgarner in reply to CrazyCatWom

they say,(whoever they are) it takes around 7 times of quitting before you are successful.don't giveup.

CrazyCatWom profile image
CrazyCatWom in reply to leking1

I don't drink because I'm on too many meds. I don't party. I cuss, though, in 3 languages.

IFwczs profile image

Congratulations! My husband says quitting smoking has been the hardest thing he has done. Yesterday was his 30th anniversary (after 20 years of smoking). He says he still wants a cigarette. Smoking killed my dad (and certainly many others), so this is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. Congratulations again, and don't give up!

bavery207 profile image

CrazyCatWom congratulations! I know it is not easy.

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