Has anyone here, with MS, had the Covid-19 jab yet? How do you feel? Better or worse? Ta.
Covid-19 vaccine & MS: Has anyone here... - My MSAA Community
Covid-19 vaccine & MS

VERY nervous about this.
I haven't yet. I am going to check with my neurologist to be sure it is safe.
Yup, thanks, checking with neuro first too.
Is it available to the general public where you are? I haven't heard anything from my neurologist nor my PCP. My PCP stays very current on anything I might need, but so far only front line healthcare workers and nursing home residents can get it here.
No, I'm just panicking, getting texts from hospitals saying we'll let you know when we have it, to make an appt.
It’s not available to the public yet in my area, only first responders. I doubt there will be any useful directions for those on biologics anytime soon.
Covid-19 vaccines are not available for the general public anywhere yet and they won't be until probably March. At this point your neurologists cannot know how safe they will be, no one knows. One of the vaccines has caused transverse myelitis in three people, two of whom were subsequently diagnosed with MS. Another vaccine caused a 104.9 degree fever in a healthy nurse. The shot given this week (Pfizer) has caused anaphylactic reactions in at least 3 people.
The health care people I know who have received the vaccine (not pwMS) have not had significant side effects. One said he had more arm soreness with the flu vaccine. Supposedly booster 2nd COVID shot causes more symptoms 🤷♀️
In my state, Virginia, the Pfizer vaccine is available only to health care, front line workers and nursing home residents, but it's a slow process so even this limited option will take a while. From what I've heard, it may be late spring before a vaccine (and there will probably be several) is available to the general public. At this point there is no national protocol/plan, so this may vary by state.
Same here in SC. But really concerned for my Husband who has MS. We had our Wellness appointment and labs with Internist and we inquired about if safe for him and she said probably would not be available (as you said) March or even April and they did not know. Have messaged his neurologist and he has not answered, yet?
My neurologist told me that, as we all know ,MS makes our immune systems work overtime. Depending on what medication you are taking (if any), your overactive immune system drops but not “so much” that it is a significant difference from a person without MS. I’m on Copaxone 40 MG/3X per week. I’m in LA. Stay safe everyone and Happy Holidays.
I’m wondering about this too. I am a nurse and the hospital I work for did trials for Pfizer. It’s actually available for us now and some of my coworkers got it, but I’m very hesitant. I haven’t spoken to my neuro yet, but plan to do so before I even attempt. I may hold off for awhile until we know more. My sister participated in the Moderna trials and had a bad reaction (doesn’t have MS) that she’s still dealing with, so that concerns me too. I’ve been exposed to COVID at the hospital since the beginning and have stayed well so far, so I’m not rushing to get it.
I asked my neuro. He asked which med I was on. Of course my mind went blank so I said, "it starts with an A." He asked if it was a pill or a stick. Pill. He said Aubagio. Yes. So I wonder if different meds make a difference on whether to get it or not. I plan to get it as soon as allowed to the public. I will get it on a Friday in case it makes me feel sick so I have the weekend to recover.
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts, fears, ideas. It's calmed me down considerably. I was looking forward to taking the vax when available until I read about the reaction a study participant had during the AstraZenca trials, the reason they halted the trial a while back. She had a bad spinal neuro thing, sorry, I forget the words, turned out she did have MS. -- Wish they could study people with MS, lupus, all kinds of diseases so they could learn more.
Someone involved with the study told me last week that the Astra Zeneca vaccine will be given in 3rd world countries since it does not require refrigeration. 3 cases of transverse myelitis (TM) were reported with that one. I think it’s weird that her having MS is a reason for everyone to dismiss their concern, but I feel there’s a growing trend to immediately shame anyone who has a concern about it.
Here's that study, from The Lancet, thelancet.com/journals/lanc...
It does say all 3 recovered who experienced TM recovered.
Yes, probably there is a desperate desire for everyone to be vaccinated so shaming people with qualms may be a way to do that.
Never did update this. Had the vaccines in April, the Dolly Parton one, Moderna. Second shot gave me back some temporary MS symptoms, balance atrocious again, left leg dead. But this was a phantom remission. It was all better by the next day. Just like everyone else, side effects disappear after 24 hours.