COVID 19 vaccine questions: I belong to... - My MSAA Community

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COVID 19 vaccine questions

DogMamma profile image
22 Replies

I belong to this group because my Husband has MS (diagnosed 2004). With COVID19 I have been extremely careful with his health. My question (and there are many) has anyone heard or read anything about how these "vaccines" will affect the MS(autoimmune disease) community? Safe or not safe. Frankly I am scared to death of COVID19 and equally scared of the vaccine.

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DogMamma profile image
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22 Replies
jimeka profile image

I too have the same reservations about the vaccines. I don’t want to have one until I know that people with ms are safe and which vaccine do you have? At the moment there around 48 being developed, and truly understand your fear. Maybe Frances_B can help? 😊

DogMamma profile image
DogMamma in reply to jimeka

We are in US. Pfizer and Moderna have announced. Reading how both attacks the virus really concerns me for MS or any who have any autoimmune disease.

Frances_B profile image
Frances_B in reply to jimeka

This is the Barts site I keep posting links to. It would usually have some of the most up to date info for PwMS.

However, Prof G, who set it up and has a lot to do with uploading and maintaining the site's info etc was quite seriously injured in an accident a week ago, so I'm not sure what will happen with others people keeping it up to date, but even so the normal Barts site will have quite a bit of info on it as well.




A personal opinion here: this COVID pandemic is NOT the time to join or maintain an anti-vaxxer viewpoint (especially if you are using a "vaccines contain mercury and will give me heavy metal poisoning" excuse - which is not justified or supported by any known scientific evidence). It's fine by me someone wants to die or take the risk of dying, but don't inflict the risk or actuality of death on others by infecting them with the virus. Wear masks, maintain appropriate distances, get tested, self-isolate as necessary, wash your hands etc etc etc etc etc. If someone is poncing around bleating about their individual rights and civil liberties being infringed because they have been asked to follow measures which protect other people then they are forgetting that they are infringing upon those other people's rights.

BettysMom profile image
BettysMom in reply to Frances_B

You are way off base. People with MS are not crazy anti-vaxxers. We are concerned because it is very possible that a vaccine could trigger a devastating exacerbation of MS. The AstraZeneca vaccine trial has resulted in two cases of transverse myelitis. At least one of these individuals was subsequently diagnosed with MS. There are real risks to messing around with the immune system. History lesson: For years people with MS were told not to get flu shots. Eventually, the flu vaccines proved to be very safe and since then people with MS are urged to get flu shots. Please stop shooting off your mouth here and trying to vilify the very good people who share their stories and thoughts on this site.

IFwczs profile image
IFwczs in reply to BettysMom

I absolutely agree with you and will not have this vaccine unless I am forced to. (If I am not allowed on the plane or a cruise ship without it, I will have to, I guess.) I am someone who has had all the vaccines on the planet and got a flu shot every year until a couple of years ago. A few doctors told me not to get a flu shot, and one of them openly laughed. Now they are saying flu shots are only 40-60% efficient.

DogMamma profile image
DogMamma in reply to BettysMom

Thank you for your reply to the Frances_B. And here is my answer. I and my husband ARE NOT against vaccines. I have already had my over 65 Flu shot and he will have is (wish he already had his). We get our Flu shot yearly. As well as the Pneumonia vaccine. The reason Flu shots were not recommend early on for autoimmune diseases like MS was because they were LIVE VIRUS. Now they are made with DEAD VIRUS and are safer for MS people. Please do research before you open your mouth Frances_B. I have Fibro and have to be careful as well, but I do not have as bad a reaction to Flu shots as Hubby does(I used too), but he knows he MUST take it and does. I am still very concerned about the COVID 19 vaccine/vaccines and it effects on MS people.

DogMamma profile image
DogMamma in reply to Frances_B

Frankly I am appalled that you wrote in the manner you did. I would sincerely suggest you do your research about people with MS and autoimmune diseases before you make the comments that you made above. I can only write off your response to your ignorance about MS and autoimmune diseases.

mm1527mm profile image

I agree! Im scared to try them until more info

erash profile image

In general, the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) are not live vaccines and should be relatively safe for MS.

Whether someone on a DMT that suppresses immune response (I.e. rituxan or Ocrevus) can mount enough of a response to the vaccine to make it effective is an unknown.

I think the 4th link provided by frances_b addresses this

@iona had previously posted something about Genentech looking at Ocrevus vs. COVID vaccines.

Then again, any vaccines can cause mild fevers etc. and that can certainly trigger MS symptoms but likely risk benefit of vaccine vs COVID favors vaccine

All above my opinions...

mrsmike9 profile image
mrsmike9 in reply to erash

I knew if they were not live vaccines we would be okay. I just hadn't heard yet if they were. Thanks for answering that. I've heard someone say it should affect you similarly to the shingles shot. Knowing that I will make sure to get them on a Friday as the shingles shot made me really sick all night! I will take the next day to recover!!

Midsomer1 profile image
Midsomer1 in reply to erash

Thank you for that information.

DogMamma profile image
DogMamma in reply to erash

Thank you, you have given me more information than I have been able to obtain, in plain words. While I appreciated Frances_B offering the research links which I will review, as I told her I was appalled at her reply assuming we (myself and my husband) were against vaccines of any kind. I simply was looking for direction and to be educated so that I could assist my husband not hurt him. We wear mask, and as people over 65 (Hubby) and me (74) we stay home as much as possible, wash hands with wipes when I HAVE to go out. Our mask have filters and after every wearing washed in the hottest water with Dawn. We have been basically isolated since early February except for necessary doctors appointments and his necessary dental surgery in October and necessary follow ups (surgery had been cancelled in March). Thank you for telling me that these are not live virus in these vaccines, that was the information I was seeking. I will continue to do research.

goatgal profile image

At this point there are (as a US politician once said) known knowns, known unknowns, unknown unknowns. Which is to say there are things we both know and know we don't know, but there are also facts about the virus and the vaccines we don't know (yet) we don't know. Think about those long lists of possible side effects that come with every single prescription we take; those are generated as millions and millions of people report them to drug companies. The vaccine questions fall into this category. They are promising and will be released soon. When millions of doses have been administered across all age groups and human types, scientists will know more, but even then the vaccines may not be as widely available as the common flu vaccines are. Furthermore, until 60% or so of the world population has been vaccinated we won't really know how effective these are in preventing another outbreak of this virus. And since there are millions of viruses out there this is only good news for COVID 19. It will be a while before I will be offered vaccination against this virus, so in the meantime, I will wash my hands frequently, wear one of my many masks, and avoid crowds and close contact with people I do not know (and avoid all unmasked people).

Elizt3 profile image

I haven’t gotten the sense there are people who are opposed to vaccinations in this discussion. Rather, I think we’re just being careful.

My neurologist told me in June that he wants to review the data and information on the various COVID vaccines so he can then recommend which one I should get.

sashaming1 profile image

I haven't seen any news yet - but I haven't looked too hard yet either.

pamgarner profile image

i know it is dangerous to take a live vaccine,i don't think we have heard what the covid shot is yet.just talk yo your dr and see if the vaccine you are trying to get is live.they are now giving shingles shot and pnumonia shot at the pharmacy.I would trust dr. office 1st until someone told me different

kdali profile image

I believe that there are many of us with you feeling the same concerns about the unknown.

Taylorcoleman profile image

Autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes mellitus, affect about 5% of the worldwide population. In the last decade, reports have accumulated on various autoimmune disorders, such as idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, myopericarditis, primary ovarian failure, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), following vaccination.

DogMamma profile image
DogMamma in reply to Taylorcoleman

Definitely, their community will have a bit more or a bit less reaction to any vaccination as each individual is different. This is known with tried and true vaccines. My question has to do with the NEWER ADVANCE vaccine for COVID19. My research of this vaccine is it has been developed with a more advanced process of delivering the antibody that will attack the COVID19 in virus. My Concern comes from this delivery and how this may affect the TCells in an MS person. Will this delivery process active a relapse of MS due to overactivated TCells. My husband, who has MS, as well as myself have our yearly over 65 flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine as prescribed by our doctor. I have autoimmune problems as well, but am more concerned for my husband.

ekelks profile image

same question here

ekelks profile image

I take a flu vax every year, a pneumovax every 5, shingles, etc. I am not anti-vax. But I read the covid-19 vax, even though not a live virus vax, can elevate temperature, resulting in fever. I have spent the last 35 years trying to avoid getting feverish again. I go mad, literally, get locked away, when I get a fever, plus my legs won't work at all with even a very low fever. I am lucky enough to sometimes be able to walk with some aid for a short distance. So I have the same question. There are now 2 vaccines available, a month after this question was first posted. Has anyone here with MS had the vaccine yet? And how do you feel?

DogMamma profile image
DogMamma in reply to ekelks

Still researching to protect my husband. Last week he had his yearly flu injection and they also did the pneumovax injection at same time. I should have protested his having both at same time, but didn't. He was wiped out for the rest of the week, naturally. Hardly able to move/walk. He had trouble walking even at the best of the time. Only good thing is at least has this protection. When I went back doctor's to go over my labs, husband was suppose to go, but he just was not able. I had my pneumovax injection even though it was before times as my allergist / asthma doctor recommended (primary doctor's husband LOL). She said that it would be some time before the COVID19 vaccine would be available for a while and hopefully we would have more input and experience to know about husband. So wait and see. Primary Doctor felt that because I had been tolerating the over 65 yrs Flu and Penumovax injections for some years, I should be find. I only want to make sure my husband is not harmed by the COVID19 vaccine; after doing all to protect him and myself from COVID19. Wishing all on here Merry Christmas. Please all stay as safe and well as possible.

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