Shingrix is not a live vaccine and should be safer in MS
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Shingrix is not a live vaccine and should be safer in MS
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erash thanks Erash. Are you going to use it when it becomes available? Have you had your flu jab yet? Blessings Jimeka 🦋 🌈
jimeka I want to look at Shingrx literature more closely but based on what I had read previously, yes, I'm likely to get it. PHN (post herpetic neuralgia) the pain that can potentially follow a bout of shingles can be horrible. And this would also be of benefit if I should ever consider an immunocompromising MS DMT
Got the flu shot 2 weeks ago 💉
Do you do flu vaccines?
I’m so glad you’ve brought this up, as well as the flu vaccine. I keep debating about the flu vaccine, and haven’t read anything about the new shingles vaccine yet.
@erash, yes I do. Please keep me posted re shingles vaccine. Thanks, blessings Jimeka 🌈
I don't do flu vaccines. Every year my husband gets the flu shot and gets the flu. I don't and never get it. This year right after he got the shot he had flu-like symptoms for a couple of days and I got a URI which the MS made so much worse. Don't know if I caught it from him or the kids who visited us right after they got over some URI. I used to fight these things off, no problem. Now the MS makes it much worse and so hard to fight off. It should've been gone 2 weeks ago.
When your husband gets the flu shot, he is probably experiencing "flu like symptoms"
Here is the difference between Flu-like symptoms and influenza infection (THE flu):
Flu like symptoms is not an infection, but rather a reaction to the vaccine. Some people might even say that it is a sign of the vaccine is working. The flu like symptoms last a day or two and acetaminophen (Tylenol) provides excellent relief.
THE flu comes on within a few hours with a very high fever with chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches and fatigue. Most people are can hardly get out of bed for at 5-7 days. Any one who has had the real flu, can tell you that they NEVER want to go through that again. Imagine how much worse it would feel for someone the MS.
The flu is highly contagious and is very likely to spread to everyone in the household.
Please do yourself a favor, and the people you live with and get a flu shot. If you get flu-like symptoms, take a few tylenol and know that you did the right thing.
How old are you supposed to be erash ? And I haven't gotten my flu vaccine yet either greaterexp although I really need to! Want to go together?😊
J 🌠👻
Current zostavax is approved > 50y recommended 60+
However I would recommend it for anybody who's thinking about going on one of the DMT is that our immunosuppressive. You cannot start the vaccines after you begin that type of DMT
So I couldn't get it now that I'm on Tysabri?
I had the "old" shingles vaccine several years ago. I've had shingles and it was excruciating! Fortunately it was not a huge patch but it was bad. I had no reaction at all to the shot.
This year I've already had my flu shot, too. Anything to keep other bugs away!
My mom was telling me about a new and better vaccine, is this it?
is this a "new" shingles vaccine? I had one about two years ago and had no side affects
erash after I visited the link in your post, I got my answer. I will have to look into it. I believe that one can have the "new" vaccine if they had the previous vaccine for 5 or more years. Thanks for the post, as usual, your posts are very informative, thank you for that.
erash ,, I can't thank you enough for this news! I am one of those 50s kids and all of us went through chicken pox. I have been terrified of getting shingles. I know some people who have had it and it was miserable. My neuro would not let me take the live vaccine. Maybe he will let me take this one! Sukie427