Does anyone else have problems with nystagmus?
Nystagmus has been part of my MS since the time of diagnosis (1980) but it calmed down for many years. Sometimes it would be mild enough--I'd be going up and down the aisles of a supermarket and suddenly I couldn't read the labels on food packages. I'd nearly stand on my head just trying to read anything. But if I stood very still for a little while, it would get better.
The bad episodes happened when I'd be walking along and suddenly my eyes seemed to be whirling around in my head. There was no way I could do anything for as long as that lasted. I would grope my way to the nearest wall or pillar and just brace myself against it and stay perfectly still, propping my head against that vertical surface. I don't know how long it took to calm down, maybe half an hour, and then I'd be on my way.
I went to a wheelchair for distance travel a few years later and had no more bothersome nystagmus problems.
Then about a year ago I had had a flu shot but had travelled to the medical facility and back in my wheelchair, using a paratransit van as usual. I was back in my apartment building, heading toward my apartment in the wheelchair--and suddenly a very bad episode of the whirling eyes came on again. Luckily I was in a location that I knew my way around very well in and had only a short distance to get to my apartment. It took about an hour of staying absolutely still for this one to go away.
I'm still being careful but don't know what caused this or how to prevent it. It seems like a dangerous symptom to have as I am suddenly unable to see when this happens.
Does anyone here have any advice? I asked the eye doctor, and all he said, "Yes, it can be difficult to focus your eyes when that happens."