Can a relapse be 100% emotional? - My MSAA Community

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Can a relapse be 100% emotional?

anaishunter profile image
11 Replies

Luckily, I don't have much experience with relapses. The first significant one is when I got diagnosed in 2018.

Last month, I was very emotional, a bit paranoiac, crying quite a bit. It lasted 2-3 weeks. It's now all gone. But I wonder if it was related to MS.

Other common causes are ruled out - depression, PMS,...

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anaishunter profile image
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11 Replies
kdali profile image

Why not? There’s more unknown than known when it comes to MS, IMO. I have to really watch myself for the emotional and behavioral deviations from my norm because often they are my first clue that something is about to bloom.

But, like most of my issues and symptoms: it’s not MS! 😑 Just add it to the list with pain and tinnitus 😂

agapepilgrim profile image

Maybe that’s the cause of my angry outbursts!

rjoneslaw profile image

thats a good question

erash profile image

Relapses can be cognitive. So sure, why can’t they be emotional?

By the way, Kinda like PBA or more appropriate emotionality?

goatgal profile image

Damage to the central nervous system by MS affects movement, feeling, vision, and emotions. Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a condition in which you suddenly start to laugh or cry (or have other emotional outbursts) without being triggered by anything. It is also referred to as pathological laughing and crying. From Healthline, underlining mine. I don't know if your neuro would consider this a relapse, but it sure sounds MS related to m.

palomino27 profile image

Hell yes! In hindsight, my soon to be crazy, judgemental, critical, emotionally unstable ex-wife caused a few for me! I'm actually much more hopeful than ever I can put this into permanent remission now and I have PPMS probably cause I couldn't handle being with her.

Atlproctor profile image

anaishunter, how are you? I truly believe relapses come in many forms.

Emotional is one of them.

I wish someone would do a study on it.

Newlyfe profile image

I wouldn’t be surprise I’m having a lil emotional issues my self

MarkUpnorth profile image

Optic Neuritis was the first, this isn't right. What is it? Who do I see. My optometrist sent me to a neurologist, I also saw an ophthalmologist.... After a bunch of odd small things, then when Optic Neuritis came again, lots of tests, my neurologist gave me the news, on my birthday, in the hospital trying to do help the Optic Neuritis with heavy duty steroids. Well anyway, all of it was a big thing. Then more and more. Some got bigger and better over the years. They came, they went, but each was a big thing. So... you start walking into things, like buildings..., one arm becomes useless. The best was, "The Broken TV Vertical Hold Event". If you can remember to the days of old TV's, before digital, the screen would roll upwards, unless you adjusted the vertical hold to keep it still. Well, if you can vision it, you vision turns the whole world into a non-stop upward rolling movement, over and over, never ending. Try and work with that? Did, but had to be chauffeured to my half dozen estimates and jobs / day. That was the best/worst? But after a while, no big deal, just deal with it? Just wait, something really horrible is going to come. But till then, yeah, it's horrible. You live with it. Try hard to ignore it. NO, actually with enough time, you try and perfect living with it. Now, all my long list of live with items never go away. Then,... you get lots of time to perfect living with them. I can find any bathroom within 29.5 seconds, the time I get from the first urge to pee, till execution. That's a GPS that I don't get lost forgetting why I was going there. Okay, now I'm rambling. Yes, you get emotional at first. But, like anything, you get used to it? Nah, you just deal with it! It takes practice.

Or you can just forget about it? I've had many decades of M.S.? I forget!?!?

anaishunter profile image

thank you for all the great comments. One trick with emotions is that you slowly slip in a bad state and it's hard to see how bad it gets until you're in a better place. Anyway, not sure what was going on with me last month.

Doing good, waiting for new insurance to approve Ocrevus. (it seems like I spend my life on this topic).

stripybutterfly profile image

It's possible?

I know I've had episodes of euphoria, problems regulating my emotions and mood swings, major anxiety and personality changes. Constantly jumping out of my skin over the tiniest thing.

I've also had the emotional lability- uncontrollable laughing and crying.

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