I read a blog post which explained the need to plan for relapses and thought I'd pass on some of the ideas. Most of us try to plan for "expected unexpecteds," such as car repairs, a new roof, etc., but don't think about how we'll manage during a relapse filled with cog fog and weakness. When I had my first relapse, my cognitive fog was so bad, I had trouble doing any task, but especially things like paying bills. Now I have a list of bills, how they are paid, when they are due, etc., so I can feel more sure they will get done without paying the mortgage twice (disaster!) either by me or someone helping me. The blogger, Matt Alan G. realized he needed instruction for even the simplest of tasks like taking out the trash or cooking a simple meal, so he wrote down the steps for each task he had to accomplish each day. Great idea!
I hope none of us ever has another relapse, but it's wise to plan. "It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark."