Before it became a meaning for anything else, this was Gods promise to His beloved children that He knows our frame, He remembers our weakness, He will have mercy on us, and will love those who love Him. My daughter was so excited when she saw this rainbow and kept saying, God is so good, God is so good (and you wouldn’t believe the storms this poor girl RT specialist has been through, buying a house, moving, becoming engaged, taking on 2 more boys, fighting Covid). “Mom, this is the first time I have seen a full rainbow touch the ground on both ends!” With tears in her voice, she stopped her car, and took a photo, and said she was so blessed. And said she was so thankful she got to share the moment with her Mompom 300 miles away. A blessed moment I cherish, so I share with my favorite group. Yes, God is good. He doesn’t give us what we ask; He gives us what we need for our souls to have peace. (This is not the full image. It wouldn’t post 😢)
Gods great phenomena: Before it became a... - My MSAA Community
Gods great phenomena

Thanks, is enoughly nice!!
Again beautiful 🌈
Yes, God is good! No matter what the circumstances, good, bad, or in between, He is there with us!
I should have commented sooner, but I just wanted to say thank you for that photograph and post it is amazing, inspiring and beautiful
I have a special affinity with rainbows because I saw a triple rainbow the morning after my mother died .
They always reminds me of her, she always said that they represented both hope and consolation
Which Is what y’all represent to me
I know right?!
Ive got a photo of it on my very old defunct phone ..I’m gonna find it ..!
... Maybe I imagined it in my grief? Like I say I am going to look for it
Either way, it was a great comfort to me; So I made a sequinned one for my daughter and a jelly bean one for my son (He had an obsession with jelly bellies for a while)
Oh and I even got a rainbow carpet - that’s how much they mean to me lol madness, but whatever gets you thro eh?!
I’ll post separately.... ✨♥️🌈💙✨