While shopping earlier today,I picked up some chicken legs.Just before the young lady rang them up, I asked if she knew whether they were front or back legs. She paused for.a moment,read everything she could on the package and not finding the answer said; "I don't know. Let me go ask my manager". She came back a few minutes later ,looked at me.and said, NOT FUNNY!! I said, I'm sorry but I thought it was. The guy behind me laughing hysterically blurted out.....NOT FUNNY, IT WAS HILARIOUS.
Our educational system : While shopping... - My MSAA Community
Our educational system

That was really funny! 😉
No that wasn't funny. It was FRIGGIN HILARIOUS!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
That was a good one had me laughing so hard I was crying
Yes, hilarious!!
Now, had I been the cashier, I would've said they were the hind legs, of course. Now, you can make Buffalo front legs . . .
Too funny 😂🤣😂🤣
Good one ☝️ 🤪😂🤣 Ken 🐾🐾

Yep, hilarious, TexasLawman
Hahahahaha...still laughing...😄

I would have died laughing!😂🤣😂🤗💕🌠
That's not Our Educational System she is just a young city girl. At least she wanted to be helpful. That actually puts her above most cashiers these days. But very funny indeed.
That was as good as the time my husband sent one of our cosmetology students across the street to the gas station to get some blinker fluid.
I don't blame all law agencies for the actions of individuals. Don't blame educational systems for someone caught unawares by a joke.
i disagree with her,it is funny
Thank you, lovely!
Have to admit I might have done the same thing due to the spontaneous question. Of course I know the answer, but get flustered when put on the spot. I would have laughed at myself in the end though! It was funny!
Oh my!
Did you really do that to the poor girl?! Did you tell her they only have two legs afterwards?